The Ultimate Madonna Quiz

How well do you know her?

 Everett Collection

"Quiz is a mystery

Everyone must guess alone

I hear you call my name

And it feels like home"

Calling all diehard Madonna fans! Calling all casual Madonna fans! Calling all people who just know her a little bit from the radio!

We want to know how well you know the top-selling female pop artist of the '80s. So, give this quiz a try, and be sure to share your score and your favorite Madonna song in the comments section below!

  1. What is Madonna's full birth name?
  2. Madonna starred in this 1990 movie, directed by Warren Beatty:
  3. Which Madonna song tells listeners to "Strike a pose"?
  4. "Papa Don't _______"
  5. Madonna's character in the movie "Evita" is based on which real-life historical figure?
  6. Which of these is NOT the name of a Madonna album?
  7. Madonna has a daughter named Lourdes with which partner?
  8. Madonna's 2005 single "Hung Up" prominently samples "Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!" by which band?
  9. Madonna's 2012 Super Bowl halftime show performance featured guest appearances from which two artists?
  10. In 2008, Madonna was inducted into which Hall of Fame?

The Ultimate Madonna Quiz

Your Result...

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DaisyDuke67 1 month ago
7/10 pretty good since I never listened to one song from plastic woman. She looks worse than she did when she first came onto the scene.
DeannaT 1 month ago
I got the music in me! 9/10
I missed the half time show. Love Madonna Veronica Louise Ciccone ❤️
Ready2go 10 months ago
Coldnorth Ready2go 9 months ago
Same as me cept my arthritis fingers hit the wrong one accidentally
DeannaT 10 months ago
I've got the music in me! 9 out of 10. I'm a big Madonna fan but not really a football one and got that one wrong. 🤔
Herbert 10 months ago
I was stuck on the father question.
graceful1970 11 months ago
You got 9 out of 10
You've got the music in you!
MikefromJersey 11 months ago
"You got 8 out of 10. You've got the music in you!"

I admit she made some good records. But I find her as a person a rude bore, from an excerpt
I saw of some extended documentary she made. People/stars came backstage to tell her
how much they enjoyed her show, then when they left she mocks them as fools or somehow
not as hip as her, because, you know, she decides all that, her intellect and talent far up
on Mount Ego. I believe Harrison Ford was one of the people she back-stabbed as soon as he left,
her adoring butt kissers giggling, why didn't she have the honesty to insult him to his face?
That's the mark of someone so over the top rude - and a reflection on who raised her -
that she falls into gutless punk territory.
And this all falls into the category of you are better off not knowing too much about your
favorite stars/heroes.
As in Ty Cobb was almost certainly a murderer, Bob Hope would abandon
his family for up to a year for his latest chippy & then return like nothing happened,
and a drugged up and drunk Redd Fox was about to murder a unarmed co-worker with a knife
when gym rat Dick Van Dyke leaped on and over powered him, taking the blade away,
though Dick did say in his autobiography that when Redd wasn't high he was quite likable
and a nice guy.
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