Try to name every celebrity on the cover of TV Guide in 1979

See if you can get 13 out of 13!

A decade was coming to a close. Familiar faces were making comebacks, and fresh new talents were taking television by storm.

Below, you will see covers from TV Guide magazine that hit newsstands and grocery checkouts in 1979. There's one catch — all of them (minus one) is illustrated. Can you interpret the art and identify the celebrities?

Good luck!
  1. These two characters could be found driving which series?
  2. For the record, where you could find these three stars?
  3. This former Gunsmoke star was showing How the West Was Won in 1979.
  4. This actor is also known for playing which iconic Star Trek villain?
  5. What is the name of the character on the left?
  6. Recognize this trio?
  7. The actor on the left later starred in which crime series?
  8. This cover was promoting "The Next Generations," the sequel to which smash miniseries?
  9. These partners could be seen on which action show?
  10. The fine print tells you the actors' names — which show were they promoting?
  11. This is former Bonanza star Pernell Roberts. In 1979, he was playing a character first seen on M*A*S*H. Which actor played this same role on M*A*S*H?
  12. This cover illustration featured a collection of popular talk show hosts. The red arrow is pointing to…?
  13. Finally, these gentlemen could be seen hosting which program?

Try to name every celebrity on the cover of TV Guide in 1979

Your Result...

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Snickers 43 months ago
13 out of 13. Do they even print T.V Guide anymore?
Runeshaper 68 months ago
You got 12 out of 13
Aaaayyyyyyy! Thumbs up! You know your stuff.
Wayne2049 76 months ago
They could have made #5 more difficult by using Laverne as one of the distractors (Teacher lingo for the wrong answer choices).
Art1957 77 months ago
I loved TV Guide - I would usually read every article during the course of the week and looked forward to the next new issue to arrive. I can't imagine a home without it back then!
BrownieMom 77 months ago
You got 13 out of 13
Aaaayyyyyyy! Thumbs up! You know your stuff.
NoahBody 77 months ago
13/13 This wasted life is starting to pay off !!!! I miss TV Guide, especially the Fall Preview issue.
Geronimo 77 months ago
Ayyyyyyyyyyyyy, too easy.................13/13
RFF2 77 months ago
📺 13-0. This is the "reward" I get for spending my life in front of a TV screen.
Greg 77 months ago
13/13 Boy I hate caricatures like the Archie Bunker cover
CatMomWanda Greg 77 months ago
That one was bad.
AgingDisgracefully 77 months ago
___ for ___.
The art of conversation has never been livelier!
CarrieMcCourt 77 months ago
13/13 WOW That was horrible picture of Gary Sandy!
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