We've hidden one character on these iconic movie posters behind an emoji — can you guess who's missing?

Who's hiding behind those emojis?

 Miramax Films

Emojis are a big part of our online world. They communicate how you feel without ever having to take a picture. In this quiz, we've taken iconic film posters and obstructed your view of one actor using an emoji. You've got to tell us which actor is missing from the picture!

  1. Which actor is the emoji covering?
     Paramount Pictures
  2. Which actor is the emoji covering?
     Warner Bros. Pictures
  3. Which actor is the emoji covering?
     Miramax Films
  4. Which actor is the emoji covering?
     New Line Cinema
  5. Which actor is the emoji covering?
     20th Century Fox
  6. Which actor is the emoji covering?
    Warner Bros.
  7. Which actor is the emoji covering?
     Warner Bros. Pictures
  8. Which actor is the emoji covering?
     Paramount Pictures
  9. Which actor is the emoji covering?
     Warner Bros.
  10. Which actor is the emoji covering?
     Paramount Pictures

We've hidden one character on these iconic movie posters behind an emoji — can you guess who's missing?

Your Result...

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grandpa5741 1 month ago
😎 this me behind the Emoji
I love you Janet Leigh 😍
Dajj 1 month ago
10/10 All great movies!!! Here’s looking at you, kids!!!
Zip 1 month ago
Didn't look carefully enough at the Psycho one.
Tanisha32 1 month ago
9/10 I still haven't watched Casablanca.
trogg888 1 month ago
Got em all.those were some of my favorite flicks
bukhrn 1 month ago
7/10, the three I missed is because I've never watched those movies
texasluva 1 month ago
9 out of 10 Missed #4 Viggo Mortensen.
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