What is the ultimate classic Halloween costume?
Which sweaty ventilated plastic mask is for you?!

Back in the day, there was nothing better than searching through a department store's costume section. As soon as the leaves started turning, you could count on the Halloween section at your local shop. Woolworth's. Kresge's. Any five-and-dime worth your time had a Halloween section with tons of costumes to rummage through.
So, we want to know... Which one is the best? You've got an unlimited budget. Which are you picking?
Vote for the ultimate Halloween costume, and let us know why in the comments section below!
Which of these costumes are you picking?

What is the ultimate classic Halloween costume?
Your Result...
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The Goonies Playing Cards

Svengoolie® T-Shirt

Svengoolie® Squares T-Shirt

Women's Svengoolie® T-Shirt

I Love Lucy - Lucy Lines

Batman - Since 66

Gwengoolie™ Gaze T-Shirt

Caddyshack - Freeze Gopher

Svengoolie® Squares T-Shirt

Where are the rest of the comments, it says 117, but I only see about 65. Only allowed you to "load more" 1 time.
Does anyone see all 116 or more? Is it just something on my platform (cell phone).
Would someone from Metv please answer.
Does anyone see all 116 or more? Is it just something on my platform (cell phone).
Would someone from Metv please answer.
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Knew 2 brothers who would wear old man masks and would hand out candy to teen girls at Astro games. Funny guys.
Monsters are always number one
I voted for "other" - How about the Burger King king?
Man I remember that. Im thinking there was even a Ronald McDonald costume. The big franchises were main stream back then.
sure were - they were fun places to go for "fast food" (now it isn't and you need a gold card to buy "fast food")
I used to get those Ben Cooper brand costumes in the cardboard box. The only ones I remember are one year I was the Road Runner, and Wile E. Coyote in another. I do remember that the last time I ever went I was 12 (I think), and that year we had snow on Halloween. I remember putting on a long skirt over my winter coat, with a head scarf and big hoop earrings, going as a gypsy. The only time I didn't wear a store bought costume. BTW, my mother absolutely forbid using 'her good pillowcases!' for collecting candy; for me it was a well-used paper shopping bag, probably from the Boston Store - easier to manage anyway, 'cause it had handles. 😊
and back in the day - all candy was good ; tootsie rolls ; smarties ; even an apple (no sharpened steel) ; any kind of bubble gum; mini snickers ; mini mr. goodbar; jolly rancher tart candy (LOVED the watermelon); I pass on the nasty candy corn
Oh, yes. I liked the Sour Apple Jolly Ranchers, myself. Oh, and remember there seemed to always be at least one person (in my neighborhood, anyway) who would give out baggies with a few pennies in them instead of candy? Of course, back then we still had actual 'penny candy', so a bag of pennies was always a good get. 😊
70% Well this one is kinda dumb, Wouldn't have picked witch since im a guy. Soooo. I picked Dracula. Not your best quiz MeTv.
0% 🤣
I found an old photo the other day, from the early ‘60’s, of my little sister wearing the dime store version of a Tweety costume, complete with plastic mask. So cute.
I found an old photo the other day, from the early ‘60’s, of my little sister wearing the dime store version of a Tweety costume, complete with plastic mask. So cute.
70% Skeleton. Halloween when I was a kid was the greatest! I wish I could have those days again.
I would love to go back and go trick or treating as an 7 or 8 year old. It was so much fun. The anticipation was palpable. 🎃👻
20% Similar, I was Batman. My mom made me the entire suit by hand.
I was something different every year. One year she made me a fly costume, another time I'd watched "The Crawling Eye" movie, so she took a large box and turned it into the said creature. Great fun.
I was something different every year. One year she made me a fly costume, another time I'd watched "The Crawling Eye" movie, so she took a large box and turned it into the said creature. Great fun.
I was always a witch, which is why I chose "witch", which is of course the most popular. Halloween just isn't the same. Wish my children and grandchildren could experience it like I did.
I always dressed up as a bum using my dad's old suit coat 🧥
My brothers and sisters and I carried pillowcases to carry our candy.🍬🍭🍫🎃👻💀👹👺🤡🥸
My brothers and sisters and I carried pillowcases to carry our candy.🍬🍭🍫🎃👻💀👹👺🤡🥸