When did these M*A*S*H characters come and go?

When did they show up? When did they leave?

 The Everett Collection

Nothing lasts forever, especially during war! 

Let's see if you can remember the M*A*S*H timeline. Sometimes it felt like the cast was a revolving door! People came and people went, and we're here to see if you can tell when that all went down.

So, think you've got what it takes? Good luck, and be sure to leave your score in the comments section below!

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  1. Who shows up first?
  2. When does BJ Hunnicut first arrive?
  3. How about Corporal Klinger?
  4. Who was in more episodes?
  5. The two-part "Good Bye, Radar" takes place in Season...
  6. Lieutenant Kellye's first credited appearance is in...
  7. When does Igor Straminsky show up?
  8. When does Sergeant Luther Rizzo first appear
  9. Staff Sergeant Zelmo Zale appears for the final time in...
  10. When is Frank Burn's final appearance?

When did these M*A*S*H characters come and go?

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ElizabethBoop 9 hours ago
How about a few forgotten early cast members like Ho Jon, Captain [nickname deleted] Jones, or Captain Spaulding?

BTW, did we ever get to see Radar's contact "Sparky" or at least hear his voice (like we once heard Marge on Dick Van Dyke)?
No dice on seeing Sparky on MASH, but I did see Sparky Lyle and Sparky Anderson on
the baseball field.
We never got to see the fair Juanita of Mayberry either. I always imagined Rita Moreno
in the role, she was electric as a stripper in James Garner's film "Marlowe".
That's the flick where Bruce Lee first made an impression when he destroyed Marlowe's
office using his hands and feet, a memorable scene.
MrsPhilHarris 11 hours ago
6/10 I know it is airs on ME frequently but I stopped watching years ago.
Jacki 12 hours ago
3/10 👎 bad guesses. I never watched the show.
cperrynaples 13 hours ago
7/10! And technically 3 is WRONG! Klinger was in the first season but NOT in the pilot!
tnminnow 13 hours ago
7/10 missed 5,8,9. Mostly guesses 🪖⛑️
LeftToininAlbucoikey 14 hours ago
Best featuring Igor episode is "Officer of the Day". He shoots the bugle out of Radar's grasp with a small caliber cannon.
Big3Fan 14 hours ago
A S*C*O*R*E O*F F*O*U*R! Gould, Kellerman, Pflug and Sutherland were great.
CaptainDunsel 14 hours ago
How do they expect us to remember all this, when there's only 4 hours a day of MASH?!?
Sergeant Luther Rizzo was the worst written character of the series, a total misfire.
What was so fun about an ignorant mush mouthed slob, who in the last regular half hour
episode throws a dummy grenade at an officer! Terrible scripting, if he had done that in
real life he would have been arrested on the spot and be on his way to Fort Leavenworth
for 10 years at least. The MASH crew all agree the "Fred C. Dobbs" episode was the worst,
but any episode with Rizzo - and the awful acting choices his portrayer made - degrades
the episode automatically, he almost ruined the "last" episode all by himself.
The last seasons were past their sell by date anyway, the self satisfied smugness was too
much. There were gems here and there, such as when BJ has to cut a rope at the front
leaving a wounded soldier behind instead of hauling him into a copter.
Later he turns on Hawkeye and calls him out about assuming moral superiority over
the poor misguided slobs who have to fight the war, saying with the cutting of the rope
(doing what had to be done to save the already onboard wounded) "they made me a
soldier too". I have always thought an ex-serviceman must have wrote that.
It's only 2 hours, it just seems like 4...LOL!
I had to look up Rizzo. I couldn’t remember t he character. 🤭
Rob MikefromJersey 9 hours ago
No way, Fred C. Dobbs is nowhere near the worst episode. It’s way better than “Hawkeye” or Inga or Oh how we danced!
MikefromJersey Rob 7 hours ago
I don't claim "Fred C. Dobbs" is the worst, but the cast members are on record as saying
so. I like that many TV series sneak that name in - Dobie Gillis repeatedly - as it is
Bogie's name in Treasure of the Sierra Madre.
Snickers 15 hours ago
7/10 Not bad since I'm not a fan of the show.
teire 15 hours ago
6/10. Got my Igors and Zelmos mixed up.
WordsmithWorks 15 hours ago
10/10. Considering the decades (up to the present) that I've been watching M*A*S*H*, primetime, reruns and DVDs, anything less would be a failure for me.
CrumblyCrunchies 15 hours ago
8/10 Rizzo and Zale
Almost interchangeable characters
James9 15 hours ago
7/10. Missed numbers 5, 6 and 9.
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