Which letter is NOT anywhere in the names of these classic TV kids?

Can you spell these youngsters' names well enough to know what letter doesn’t belong?


Some of the best characters in classic TV shows were kids. Toddlers, teens and every age in between told jokes on sitcoms, explored the far reaches of space in sci-fi shows and helped out on the frontier in Westerns.

Many are still so iconic, it’s easy to recall their names. But could you spell them down to the last letter?

Here are 15 kid characters from some of our favorite shows. Try to guess which letter is NOT in each kid’s name. Just to clarify, we mean the characters’ names, not the actors'. We’re also using each kids’ full first and last name. Good luck!

  1. Which letter is NOT in this beloved kid's name?
  2. Which letter is NOT in her name?
  3. Which letter is NOT in this Western kid's name?
  4. Which letter is NOT in this classic sitcom character's name?
  5. What letter is NOT in this futuristic boy's name?
  6. Which letter is NOT in her character's name?
  7. Which letter is NOT in this spooky girl's name?
  8. He's known by a nickname, but which letter is NOT in the character's actual name?
  9. This boy is also mostly known by a nickname. Do you know which letter is NOT in this character's actual name?
     Image: The Everett Collection
  10. Which letter is NOT in this cave girl's name?
  11. Which letter is NOT in this space boy's name?
  12. Which letter is NOT in this middle sister's name?
  13. Which letter is NOT in this sea-faring girl's name?
  14. Which letter is NOT in this sitcom son's name?
  15. In Hooterville he counts as a kid. Which letter is NOT in his full name?

Which letter is NOT anywhere in the names of these classic TV kids?

Your Result...

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Toddmick 11 months ago
I couldn't figure out it was Chip Douglas. I thought it was Dennis The Menace
Ready2go 11 months ago
10/15. Couldn't sniff out the right answers.
robyni23 35 months ago
You got 12 out of 15
You score stands out more than Steph Tanner's fashion choices! Great job!
Missed 1, 3 and 8. It took a minute to catch on.
Moverfan 35 months ago
Got all 15, although I don't know how. I forgot Mark McCain's last name and didn't recognize Chip Douglas at ALL!
ETristanBooth 35 months ago
14/15. Forgot Vicki Stubing's name. #3 & #12 were lucky guesses.
marmetv20 35 months ago
12/15 Did better than I thot I would.
RichLorn 35 months ago
All of a sudden I have a craving for a bowl of alphabet soup.
Jada 35 months ago
14/15. I didn't recognize such a young-looking photo of #9.
geatornez82 35 months ago
11/13. Not one of the easier ones for me.
Otis49 35 months ago
13/15. Didn't know the names of 12 & 13, but got all the others.
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