Which of Richard Matheson's books is this movie based on?

How many books can you name?

 American International Pictures/Everett Collection

He wasn't just a cool guy in a top hat! Richard Matheson was known for an array of novels, many of which were adapted into feature films! In this quiz, we'll give you the name of a popular movie, and it's your job to guess which Richard Matheson novel it was based off of!

  1. The Last Man on Earth (1964)
  2. Cold Sweat (1970)
  3. Burn Witch Burn (1962)
  4. Somewhere in Time (1980)
  5. Loose Cannons (1990)
  6. The Incredible Shrinking Man (1957)
  7. The Legend of Hell House (1973)
  8. The Comedy of Terrors (1963)
  9. The Young Warriors (1967)
  10. The Raven (1963)

Which of Richard Matheson's books is this movie based on?

Your Result...

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BradBeall 3 months ago
Honestly, I never even heard of Richard Matheson. Sure, I've seen many of these movies, and heard the stories in one form or another, but I had no idea they were even related to a common writer.
cperrynaples BradBeall 3 months ago
Well, he WAS one of the 3 major writers of The Twilight Zone AND I Am Legend was made into 3 movies, the first starring Vincent Price!
Stoney 3 months ago
10 for 10, I'm definitely a Matheson fan
Bapa1 3 months ago
3/10, the only one I knew was I am Legend.
LabLove 3 months ago
5 of 10. All guesses 🤷‍♀️
gbell 3 months ago
5. Ive never heard of most of those books or movies. 😆
cperrynaples 3 months ago
A few comments: Ride The Nightmare was also done on The Alfred Hitchcock Hour and 10 was sort of a reworking Of Edgar Allen Poe!
Sway 3 months ago
9 correct guesses 🙂. Missed #5
Jacki 3 months ago
4/10 all guesses. One of my better scores lol 😄
JayBurd 3 months ago
6 of 10 and it was all a guessing game.
TheJackOfCups 3 months ago
I knew who wrote #10. Everything else was a guess
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