Which of these classic costumes would you wear?

Trick or Treat!


Lara Croft: 'Stume Rater

Your task is simple: With an unlimited budget, and the world's greatest costume store at your disposal, you must pick which 'stumes you'd don. Not everything suits everyone, and that's okay! There are plenty of costumes for scaredy cats, too.

Whether your Halloween is spooky or silly, let us know which of these costumes are your style and which you'd leave behind.

Got any classic costumes we missed out on? Let us know what you'd wear down in the comments section below! 

  1. Witch
  2. Clown
  3. Frankenstein
  4. Dracula
  5. Cat
  6. Barbie
  7. Ghost
  8. Pirate
  9. Police Officer
  10. Burglar
  11. Doctor
  12. Princess
  13. Chef
  14. Monster
  15. 13th US President Millard Fillmore

Which of these classic costumes would you wear?

Your Result...

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tootsieg 17 months ago
60%. My go to costumes were a ghost (very easy) and a beatnik.
AnnieM 17 months ago
I'm from the generation who had those cheesy firetrap Ben Cooper brand costumes to choose from - the plastic mask that made my breathing sound like Darth Vader (and steamed up your glasses, if you had them like me), and the rubber band that always got tangled in my long hair; plus the screen-printed 'jumpsuit' that somehow always got ripped somewhere by the time trick or treating was over. I'm pretty sure I *was* dressed as Barbie one year. I do remember that one year I was the Road Runner, and the year after that, Wile E Coyote.
KellyO AnnieM 17 months ago
My mom made all my costumes as a kid and I always envied the kids who got the store costumes and plastic, sweaty masks.
IndianaRockz AnnieM 17 months ago
Haha you totally made me laugh!!!! 🎃😄
BenSobeleone 17 months ago
When Conan O'Brien was a kid, his mother bought him an Uncle Sam costume to wear for Trick or Treat.
trogg888 17 months ago
Who the hell would we ar a chefs costume unless he was carrying a bloody meat cleaver.
CouchPotato987 17 months ago
What’s up with the final question? Who would wear a Millard Fillmore costume? Lol
KellyO CouchPotato987 17 months ago
Millard looked scary enough to be a Halloween costume!
texasluva 17 months ago
This was easy. Just like a twilight zone. I'm just like everyone else.
100% similar to the most popular responses. Finished in less then a minute. Kind of fun. Maybe the police officer would have been a better choice back in the day but not today. Today you would get more black lash. Many decades ago people were more cool to certain ideas. Now lumped into "He's a cop", give him nothing? Or A "burglar" how cute. Not what I think but just the way it is. Halloween is supposed to be fun. I know it was when I was a child or teen. You couldn't wait to trick or treat, go to the local Halloween fest. Get back home and go through your candy loot and separate into a must eat now and others later. Halloween week was the Monster horror shows with Dracula, Frankenstein, Wolfman and the lot of evil characters. Vincent Price a must. Those were the days. You deal with the scary stuff and none the worse afterwards. Yeah like "Mom! Can you leave the hall light on and close my closet". They're there and you just knew it while you drift off to sleep. Next day you remember how much fun it was and a few "Whew's" but overall worth every minute of it. Now where is my Halloween Extended Edition at? Or Abbot and Costello Meets Frankenstein? All in a safe place for watching next years Halloween round up 🙄📽🎃👻👹😈☠🥴🤪😬😄
KellyO texasluva 17 months ago
Did you mean “back” lash not “black”lash? It makes a difference.
texasluva KellyO 17 months ago
Backlash--as in complaints against social, political ideas etc. My bad .Sometimes typing to fast to notice or no spell check came up. I do it all the time.

Ratt1959 17 months ago
86% Liked the classic monster and homemade stuff the best. I was The Fly one year, and The Crawling Eye another. Had great times as a kid.
LoveMETV22 17 months ago
Glad to see #7. Ghost has a favorable percentage. It was a popular choice with the Peanuts characters....Even if you got a rock.:

Runeshaper 17 months ago
73% similar

Some of these costumes I have worn! LOL
itsGretchen 17 months ago
I dressed as Casper a long, long time ago
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