Which part of the newspaper do you read first?

Print media isn't dead!

 CBS Television Distribution

Who here had a paper route back in the day?

Let's pretend for a second that we're all getting daily newspaper deliveries. If that's too much of a strain on your imagination, we'll just focus on the Sunday edition.

The paper lands by your front door. You leisurely make your way out to pick it up. Here's the hard question: Which section do you flip to first? 

Let's find out! We'll see how everyone's pick stacks up with the rest of our MeTV neighbors. 

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  1. Which section do you read first?

Which part of the newspaper do you read first?

Your Result...

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Take another quiz: Blur quiz: Vintage fall ads
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ClassicTVRocks 2 months ago
0% SIMILAR... I read the Horoscopes FIRST, I gotta know how My day is going to be!!! Lol 😆🤣 I Really do Read the Horoscopes FIRST!!!
marmetv20 2 months ago
Used to be comics. Now obituaries. Sad
JERRY6 2 months ago
they should call it the Olds paper as it is all old news by the time it is printed , i read comics obits business then world news
deblc 2 months ago
I read the headlines on the front page
jd4862 2 months ago
70% Been years but the comics. Usually the only believable part even though it's fiction.
Buzzyleonard 2 months ago
I always used to check the Obits first.
Runeshaper 2 months ago
0% similar. I don't know how many people really read newspapers anymore, but I always check the weather out of habit.
Bapa1 2 months ago
Sports, I still get two newspapers delivered to me.
KawiVulc 2 months ago
70%. When I told them they could keep their daily pack of lies the only thing left worthwhile was comics & crosswords...
MrsPhilHarris 2 months ago
79% similar. I can remember all the paper boys picking up their papers at a drop off near our house. The paper was huge. I found a whole broadsheet lining a box of stuff that had belonged to my parents. Pages and pages of classified ads, obituaries, recipes, etc. It was fascinating.
JayBurd MrsPhilHarris 2 months ago
Several of my friends had paper routes,I mowed lawns. I haven't seen youngsyers doing either in decades...I guess mommy and daddy give them money. My dad would give me advice on being responsible. 😆😆
Bapa1 JayBurd 2 months ago
I did both.
JayBurd Bapa1 2 months ago
Sounds like you were/are a motivated individual.
Rob 2 months ago
The only time I buy a newspaper anymore is on Thanksgiving. My wife and daughter like to look at the Black Friday ads.
LabLove 2 months ago
Obits 20%
Bapa1 LabLove 2 months ago
.....and then cross out their names in the phone book.
Coldnorth Bapa1 2 months ago
What’s a phone book? 🤭🤭
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