Which part of the newspaper do you read first?

Print media isn't dead!

 CBS Television Distribution

Who here had a paper route back in the day?

Let's pretend for a second that we're all getting daily newspaper deliveries. If that's too much of a strain on your imagination, we'll just focus on the Sunday edition.

The paper lands by your front door. You leisurely make your way out to pick it up. Here's the hard question: Which section do you flip to first? 

Let's find out! We'll see how everyone's pick stacks up with the rest of our MeTV neighbors. 

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  1. Which section do you read first?

Which part of the newspaper do you read first?

Your Result...

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justjeff 21 minutes ago
20% similar... with some explanation...

Back when the Miami Herald was a *real* newspaper and more than the current slim, truncated version of itself that sells for around $2.95 I used to enjoy the paper. I haven't purchased it in years.

The size changed over time. First from the 'trunk edition' ("wide enough to line a steamer trunk") to a tabloid width, then to a narrower 'broadsheet' width...

There is only *one* section now for the *entire* paper. In its heyday, even a daily edition had a National section, the Local News section, a Sports section, the Classifieds section and on Thursdays a Food section.

Back around 2020 the Herald discontinued their Saturday edition... so, for me I only based my answer to the quiz on "the good old days"...
Big3Fan 28 minutes ago
📰 Sports, although I haven't purchased a paper since I retired in '13. That's 2013, not 1913.
teire 1 hour ago
20 percent. National (packaged with world in my paper) first, comics and advice last, sports and local in the middle.
Steve67 1 hour ago
30% Sports although this year we cancelled our newspaper subscription
Wenatchee7 1 hour ago
30% If print Media isn't dead it's definitely on life support.
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