Who said it: A Boy Named Charlie Brown edition
You probably know who said 'I recognize your frailties, your weaknesses. You need me to point out your faults Charlie Brown' don't you?

We want to test your knowledge on the first film from the Peanuts gang, A Boy Named Charlie Brown!
How many times have you seen this animated classic? Enough to recall who said these lines from the movie? Take the quiz below and find out!
Tell us in the comments section what your score is!
Good luck!
When the gang is playing baseball, the catcher approaches the mound and says, "Alright Charlie Brown, lets get our signals straight." Who said this line?
Who said, "I don't understand it, I used to be able to dodge those line drives"?
Who said, "I really don't believe in this business of some people being born losers"?
Who said, "I recognize your frailties, your weaknesses. You need me to point out your faults Charlie Brown"?
Who said, "Guess I might as well go to school. I can't waste a good lunch"?
Who said, "Charlie Brown, this victory makes you our representative to the national elimination spelling bee, second grade"?
Who said, "Well, I can see that this blockhead needs help"?
Who said, "Too bad he doesn't have naturally curly hair. Judges can't resist naturally curly hair"?
"Boys call up girls and say, 'would you like to go to a movie.' And then the girls say 'why yes I'd like it very much!'" Which character said this?
Who said, "Charlie Brown, I ought to kick ya"?

Who said it: A Boy Named Charlie Brown edition
Your Result...
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I Love Lucy - Wreath

A Christmas Story - Fudge

I Love Lucy - Wreath

A Christmas Story - Fudge

"You got 8 out of 10. Nice job! That score is reason enough to dance around the room!"
Saw it for the first time on MeTV, it was outstanding! So it took 54 years, it was worth the wait.
I cracked up when Linus said, "It's Sydney or the Bush."
Any Aussies here want to explain that to the Seppos?
Saw it for the first time on MeTV, it was outstanding! So it took 54 years, it was worth the wait.
I cracked up when Linus said, "It's Sydney or the Bush."
Any Aussies here want to explain that to the Seppos?
10/10. Not only do I have it running right now (as of this typing, we're on the part where Lucy, Patty, and Violet are singing "Failure Face" to Charlie Brown), but I've seen this movie about a million times.
Not here to actually knock folks, but I receive the impression "Sparky" Schulz family isn't quite as generous as he was himself. I know Sparky gave away millions to charity from mid 70s on. I've yet to hear any such about his descendants.
Look up Canine companions and see who has donated millions -the Schulz family you might want to get your fact straight before knock folk
Who said " boy Charlie Brown, you're not very good at........ anything are ya, aw come on we can think of something he's good at?