Who said it: Festus Haggen or Yosemite Sam?
This here quiz ain’t for no muttonheads or galoots.

Well, hiya pardner! How’s about you mosey on over to this quick quotations quiz. No need to be afeard, it can’t hurtcha. Might leave a right smart sting on yer pride, though!
See if you can reckon who said these lines – Yosemite Sam from the Looney Tunes or Festus Haggen from Gunsmoke. Here’s hopin’ you know all you know and no not knowin’ always never comes to nothing. Got it? Us neither.

"Start walkin' ya doggone, long-eared galoot."
"Doc, I ain't never gonna try to talk you into nothing again."
"Now, be there any livin' varmint as aims to try to tame me?"
"Crookeder than a dog's hind leg."
"He's a fellow you need to walk up wind of, even if there ain't no breeze a-blowin'."
"Danged old fin flappin' flounder."
"Hotter than a jug full of red ants."
"Ima gonna blow ya to smithereenies."
"All a' you skunks clear outta here!"
"Alright you ornery old skutter, just never you mind a-callin' me a muttonhead."
"I've gotcha outnumbered one to one."
"I'll get after you like thunder after lightning."

Who said it: Festus Haggen or Yosemite Sam?
Your Result...
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You got 11 out of 12
Lookie that, pardner! You're the roughest, toughest, quote-knowin'-est buckeroo in these parts
Lookie that, pardner! You're the roughest, toughest, quote-knowin'-est buckeroo in these parts
You got 12 out of 12
Lookie that, pardner! You're the roughest, toughest, quote-knowin'-est buckeroo in these parts.
Easy 😁
Lookie that, pardner! You're the roughest, toughest, quote-knowin'-est buckeroo in these parts.
Easy 😁
100%! I remember the one about having to walk upwind of someone: from “The Sisters”. Said about Pack Landers (played by Jack Elam).
That was harder than I thought it would be! I missed 6 & 7.
Strangely enough when I read the opening description I heard Festus's voice in my head. 🤣
Strangely enough when I read the opening description I heard Festus's voice in my head. 🤣