Who's that Frankenstein?
Ahem, Frankenstein's *Monster*, of course.

The world is filled with all sorts of different Frankensteins. There are scary ones, friendly ones, animated ones, and live-action Frankensteins, too. For every man, a Frankenstein.
But, here's the thing: They can't all be played by the same guy. Some Frankensteins are taller than others, after all. So! We have prepared for you this quiz. In it, you'll be presented with the title of a movie. You'll then tell us which of the listed actors played Frankenstein's Monster in that particular flick! Good luck! And remember, if you don't get a good score, you'll have a pitchfork-wielding mob to flee from. No big deal!

Frankenstein (1931)
The Ghost of Frankenstein (1942)
Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man (1943)
House of Dracula (1945)
The Curse of Frankenstein (1957)
I Was a Teenage Frankenstein (1957)
The Evil of Frankenstein (1964)
Young Frankenstein (1974)
The Monster Squad (1987)
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1994)

Who's that Frankenstein?
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Even Randy Quaid played Frankenstein's creature in the TNT made-for-cable tv movie "Frankenstein" with Patrick Bergen as Dr. Victor Frankenstein and John Mills as the blind man.
Only 8/10.
Loved Karloff and Peter boyle.
Hated Robert de niro. Horrible horrible horrible.
Glenn Strange was okay as Frankenstein but better as Sam the bartender on Gunsmoke
Loved Karloff and Peter boyle.
Hated Robert de niro. Horrible horrible horrible.
Glenn Strange was okay as Frankenstein but better as Sam the bartender on Gunsmoke
Would love to see again Frankenstein (David Prowse) and the Monster from Hell. Just doesn't play anywhere and hard to find online. Saw it in the theatre in the 70's but haven't seen it since.
9/10 Don't remember anything about The Monster Squad. Unsure if I have ever seen it.
Boris Karloff did play"The Frankenstein Monster"one more time..on an episode of"The Route 66"TV Show..Lon Chaney,Jr. played"The Wolfman" and "The Hunchback Of Notre Dame" on that show..Peter Lorre also appeared on that show..but? he didn't wear any monster make ups or costumes. He only wore a black top hat and cape and a dress suit.
Lon Chaney,Jr. Would played "The Frankenstein Monster"again..in one scene in"A&C Meet Frankenstein"..when..poor Glenn Strange was unable to do the scene in the castle lab..due to an injured ankle. And he played "The Monster"again on an episode of"The Colgate Comedy Hour" on NBC TV With Bud and Lou.
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I think sometimes they put that kind of mistake in on purpose to give us something to talk about in the forums.
#7 is wrong. Boris Karloff only played the monster in Frankenstein, Bride of Frankenstein, and Son of Frankenstein. He refused to play the monster after that.
9 from 11 - My all time favorite Frankenstein is Fred Gwynne!!
When I was kid, back when the Munsters was on CBS in it's first runs, I always thought the original Frankenstein monster was base on Herman. My father was livid about that, because when he was a kid the original Frankenstein monster played by Boris Karloff terrified him. I was never scared of Frankenstein monster because of Herman Munster.