Who's your favorite Muppet?

The hardest decision you'll make today!

 The Walt Disney Company

It's time to play the music! It's time to light the lights! It's time to pick a Muppet for this Muppet poll, alright?

Everybody's got a favorite Muppet. So, we want to know which one is yours! Do you see yourself in Gonzo? Or is Fozzy the one that tickles your funny bone the most? Maybe you've got a crush on Miss Piggy. We're not here to judge!

We've done our best to be as extensive and inclusive as possible, but ultimately, we're going to miss a Muppet or two, here. That's just the nature of the felt beast. 

Just pick your favorite Muppet, and tell us why in the comments section below!

  1. Go ahead, pick your favorite Muppet!

Who's your favorite Muppet?

Your Result...

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zathras 5 days ago
Rolf - simply because I'm old school
SalIanni 5 days ago
My favorite Muppet has always been the Cookie Monster!
hootrs23 5 days ago
rowlf was the very first muppet i ever saw when he was on the jimmy dean show in the early 1960s. he was so funny on that show. he even cracked jimmy up with some of the jokes he told. and he (jim henson) could sing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hosD_QHOnc4
justjeff 5 days ago
Kermit was the obvious favorite, but I went for Rowlf the Dog - I used to enjoy him on the Jimmy Dean Show...
dmirarh 6 days ago
0% similar
0% similar to the most popular responses. Yeah baby....
ElizabethBoop 6 days ago
I got 0% for choosing Zoot, and had my mind made up before I ever even saw the list. He never tried to take over or get in the way, just played his sax when he was supposed to and kept his eyes hidden behind his shades. The closest he ever came to drawing attention to himself was when he ditched the fedora for a while.
BenSobeleone 6 days ago
My favorite Muppets are King Ploobis, Scred and The Mighty Favog from "The Land of Gorch" sketch from Saturday Night Live from the 1970s. That first season, the show was called NBC's Saturday Night.
BenSobeleone 6 days ago
They forgot Yoda. Was he not a Muppet?
Not that I am aware of.
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