A new Dark Shadows sequel series is coming to television

The new show is being compared to Star Trek: The Next Generation.

The Everett Collection

You can't keep a good vampire down. Having already established itself as the preeminent vampire network for with series such as Supernatural and The Vampire Diaries (not to mention Buffy the Vampire Slayer on its predecessor, The WB), The CW is now staking its claim to another beloved bloodsucker property. 

Variety has confirmed that the CW is currently developing a Dark Shadows reboot, titled Dark Shadows: Reincarnation. The series is intended to be a sequel to the original supernatural soap opera that ran from 1966–71. Mark B. Perry, who has worked on everything from The Wonder Years to One Tree Hill, is set to write and executive produce.

If we had to make a bet, Jennifer Love Hewitt will show up on the show somehow. Why? Perry previously worked on three of her series — Party of Five, Time of Your Life and The Ghost Whisperer.

This is hardly the first revival of the Dark Shadows property. NBC briefly aired a remake in 1991. The WB itself attempted a reboot with a 2004 TV pilot. In 2012, Tim Burton directed a movie starring Johnny Depp. Barnabas Collins is one beloved bloodsucker.

Perry is a big fan of the original. He told Deadline how he would race home to watch the gothic melodrama after school. He also compared his revival to Star Trek: The Next Generation.

"As a first-generation fan, it’s been a dream of mine to give Dark Shadows the Star Trek treatment since way back in the ’80s when Next Generation was announced, so I’m beyond thrilled and humbled to be entrusted with this resurrection. And while I could never hope to fill Dan Curtis’ very large shoes, I do aspire to carry them a little farther into the future. I also want to reassure the fans of the original that this version will treat the show’s mythology with the same reverence given to Star Trek," Perry said.

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Max1958 58 months ago
If you have Amazon Prime Video Dark Shadows is on Prime Video. The Reboot in 1991 Dark Shadows Revival was great the problem was the Golf War being on TV the head of NBC quit and the new head of NBC did not care about Dark Shadows and it was canceled there were more cards and letters sent to NBC to bring it back then any other TV show at the time but in did not happen. I was at the 25TH Anniversary Celebration June 28, 29, 30, 1991 there were actors form the original Dark Shadows and the remake from 1991 we all signed a petition to bring it back but that did not help. I remember Lysette Anthony saying we want our jobs back NBC did a big mistake not bringing it back.
peacefrog77 58 months ago
Didn't they already do a reboot but called it True Blood?
Deb52carter 63 months ago
Yes,I wish they would show the original show,but I'm watchng it on Hulu,for now.I hope i can LIKE the new one!
myfairlady 65 months ago
I wish MeTV would show the original Dark Shadows!
Buck myfairlady 61 months ago
Maybe not the whole series though. It was boring and a ratings disaster and was about to be cancelled. The producer figured he had nothing to lose and so he made one last desperate attempt for ratings - he added a vampire.
Remember, this was an afternoon soap opera with shows like General Hospital and Days of Our Lives as competition. A vampire in a soap was a shock to every woman in town. All of a sudden the other soaps seemed dull. As a kid you couldn't drag me away from vampires either. It was a hit with mothers AND their kids.
MovieFan 65 months ago
Dark Shadows was popular with all the kids in my neighborhood, especially at Halloween. Everybody wanted to be either Barnabas or Angelique. If the new version stays true to the atmosphere of the original, it won't matter if the show is set in the past or in modern times. It was a dark, spooky drama, with plots of unrequited love, mysterious strangers, family secrets -- where some of the characters were mortals, others were monsters. They played it straight, no winks or nods or campy fluff. It was a formula that worked very well.
Brownthunder 65 months ago
Yay! I was a fan back then hope it comes back
WinstonNephron 65 months ago
Let's hope they don't screw it up... again.

MrBill 65 months ago
I find this to be a waste of time. All previous attempts have failed. The original series ended with Barnabas being cured from his vampirism and going off into the future with Dr. Hoffman who was now his lover. How in the world do you do a sequel when the series was given an ending (series finale).
Wiseguy MrBill 65 months ago
Yes, Barnabas was cured of his vampirism and returned to the present but Dr. Hoffman was not his lover. This sounds like the TV Guide article written by one of the writers who wrote what he think happened after the series ended. Technically the series ended with a parallel time 1841 storyline which featured Barnabas' son Bramwell Collins.
SteveHarris 65 months ago
It sure would be great if MeTV could broadcast the original Dark Shadows soap opera / series in the future. I realize that the Decades channel airs the show now. But, Decades is on a very low power TV station in my area. As a result, there is no way to receive / watch that channel where I am located at.
SteveThames 65 months ago
I watch DS on decades week nights 9pst; watched when it was on originally; would luv to see Lara Parker in a cameo one last time; she’s 81; key is casting Angelique not Barnabas
MrsPhilHarris 65 months ago
I am usually disappointed in reboots. Hopefully this one works.
Michael 65 months ago
It would be awesome if they cast Kate Jackson in a role but they won't.
Heith 65 months ago
I'm a bag fan of Darkshadows and I'm looking forward to the new show
What's a "bag fan?" Does this mean you sit and watch DS w/ a bag of electric/paper fans by your side?
stephaniestavropoulos 65 months ago
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That's a good one harlow1313! Wish I had thought of it. But as you know, we all can't think of everything. If we did, there wouldn't left for anyone to talk with.
Pacificsun 65 months ago
That's very cool! I know how many Dark Shadow fans there are out there! Glad to see a favorite returning to TV!
stephaniestavropoulos 65 months ago
Yes, I am looking forward to a return trip to Collinsport, Maine, anytime I want. All I have to do is get out one of the dvds plop it into my player, press play sit back, relax, and enjoy! This should answer the question as to whether or not I am looking forward to the reboot. After the debacle in the '90's, they never moved the plotlines along, and brought them up to date, like they said they would. Now this guy...what's his name?...oh yeah, Mark B. {don't tell me the "B" stands for Barnabas!} Perry, is making the same claims that folks involved w/'90's version made. He promises to be faithful to the original, promises to keep the plotlines moving, blah, blah, blah! Yadi, yadi, yadi! we fans of the original have been bitten once before. Once Bitten, Twice Shy, {I think this is a song by Poison.} In the meantime, until we can judge and compare, {and we fans I'm assuming-I know I will be-, will be critical [highly?]} the original to what MBP has to offer. Until such time, I have the original to watch.
stephaniestavropoulos 65 months ago
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TVJunkie 65 months ago
Yeah baby ! I sure hope this is true. Barnabas Collins is awesome.
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