Bob Denver on his feelings towards Dawn Wells

Gilligan and Mary Ann... Were they pals?

Warner Brothers

Isn't it a shame that not everybody is as they appear onscreen? When two people have a natural rapport in a TV show, we expect that chemistry to extend to their lives off-screen as well. Too often, though, we're tricked by good acting. When the cameras cut, we're shocked to find out that some co-stars detest one another. It's a fascinating phenomenon, and we're all interested in finding out what these stars are like out of their character's shadow.

While it may be the case that some actors don't get along, it turns out that Gilligan and Mary Ann were actually closer off-screen than they were on Gilligan's Island. Especially compared to the way they discuss Gilligan's Tina Louise, it seems like Bob Denver and Dawn Wells were pretty tight.

The real Gilligan and Mary Ann spent loads of time together after Gilligan's Island wrapped. Bob Denver reveals the details in his forward to Wells' book, Mary Ann's Gilligan's Island Cookbook, released in 1993.

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"Dawn and I have been friends for almost thirty years now," Denver wrote.

"We do a couple of personal appearances a year. We've been 'rescued' all over this country.'"

Apparently, Bob Denver got a real kick out of seeing the reception his co-star got at different conventions and appearances. While there were definitely crowds of people excited to meet Gilligan, the people who lined up for Mary Ann were a bit... different.

"To watch her fans come up and ask for autographs is not only education but sometimes hilarious. I've seen grown men shaking in their boots with nerves all a-jangle, stuttering, and blushing. Once I saw a man lean over and whisper to her, and later I asked her what he had said. 'Thank you for getting me through puberty in the nicest ways' had been his message.

"It's not only the guys who are awestruck. Girls and women thank her for being a role model."

What a relief, then, to learn the two didn't have any bad blood. There didn't seem to be any jealousy, as these friends reveled in each other's success.

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Classictv61 5 months ago
I loved Ginger and Mary Ann, one would be the fantasy date, the other was the one you'd marry.
Dawn Wells was both! Not only an actress, but a BEAUTY PAGEANT winner, as Miss Nevada in 1959, leading to her in the Miss America (1960) pageant. Tina Louise can't boast about that on herself!
Pic of Dawn and Barbara Eden (below)
"Off the island, but forever in our hearts." --Barbara Eden ('Jeannie' on "I Dream of Jeannie", 1965-70) on Twitter (now "X") after Dawn's shocking death on Dec. 30, 2020, at 82.
You've got to be kidding! Why did Ginger (Tina Louise) have any real attraction for the average boy? Unless it was because she had bigger bazangas. So what? Not every guy is a boob lover! Some were leg men, intelligence/personality men, or even face/hair men; I was all of the latter three types! GInger was an artificial construct for the movies, Mary Ann was the real doll! Miss you, Dawn, you should have lived more than your 82 years.
R.I.P. Dawn Elberta Wells, 82
(Oct. 18, 1938 Reno, NV - Dec. 30, 2020 Los Angeles, CA)
CaptainDunsel 5 months ago
Bob Denver proved in a very real way how he valued his coworkers when he threatened to pull his own name from the credits of GI, if Wells and Russel Johnson didn't get up-front credits after the first season. When most actors would be fighting for better placement, he was willing to go the other direction.
I always thought that was one of the classiest, most unselfish things I've ever heard from a movie/tv star to do for his co-stars! Top notch, and nobody will ever forget the lovable Maynard G. Krebs ("Dobie Gillis" tv series) for him, 1959-63, and then his memorable spot as the boyfriend "Dud Walsh"/engaged to Charlene Darling (Maggie Peterson on "The Andy Griffith Show", aired: Mar. 30, 1964), as publicity for his iconic Gilligan role. Those people who make fun of some clownish roles fail to remember, the whole idea of being in the public eye is to always be remembered forever after. Gilligan (Bob Denver) succeeded beyond his wildest dreams to always be remembered in tv history; first as the wild beatnik, 'Maynard G. Krebs' (who hated to work, and screamed "Work!?" when confronted with that idea), and then as Gilligan.

Robert Osbourne Denver, 70 (Jan. 9, 1935 New Rochelle, NY - Sep. 2, 2005 Winston-Salem, NC)
jmworacle 5 months ago
That's why people preferred Mary Ann over Ginger because Mary Ann was real.
MadMadMadWorld jmworacle 5 months ago
Sexier, prettier: a REAL beauty pageant winner ("Miss Nevada 1959") and more likely to find a REAL Mary Ann Summers in life than a plastic Hollywood actress (Tina Louise, as 'Ginger Grant')!
MrsPhilHarris 5 months ago
I think everyone liked Dawn Wells.
Except maybe those who preferred Ginger, although ONE wonderful episode when Dawn was dressed-up (for once) when she got "amnesia" and thought she was 'Ginger'! She was a knockout looker, when she was dressed to kill in that episode--as the saying goes!
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