Dan Blocker didn't like to fight— but he was always willing to help defend someone in need
As if you needed another reason to love Dan Blocker.

When you think of Dan Blocker, the word "cuddly" might not be the first that comes to mind, but perhaps that should change.
Known for his large stature, Blocker became a star while playing Big Hoss Cartwright on the Western series Bonanza. While Hoss was good to have in a fight, he was a sensitive sort of man with a heart of gold. Dan Blocker was the same way.
"I have a baby face and some women have called me cuddly," said Blocker during an interview with the UPI Hollywood Correspondent. "Well, I'm built for comfort, not speed. Maybe that's why I try to build racing cars, to make up for my lack of speed."

Cuddliness aside, Blocker could certainly hold his own in a fight and even participated in amateur boxing for some time as a young man after he quit football.
"I like boxing better because it was a fairer contest," said Blocker. "I had 63 amateur fights and lost only one - the last one by a split decision."
Blocker was a fairly peaceful man, but he was also righteous and wasn't afraid of using his strength to help others in need.
"I hate a bully worse than anything," said Blocker. "I'm a big man. I don't like fights. But if I see a 180-pound guy beating on a 130-pound guy, you can damn betcha I'll take care of the big guy in a surry."
More than physical, Blocker felt that a thing like strength should be understood mentally.
"Some men are bullies because they are insensitive to the power of their strength," said Blocker. "I never forget it. But there are all kinds of strengths. And there is weakness."


dispatching full grown men! I admire that he felt that way about bullies, I was the same way.
David Greenland wrote a good book about Bonanza if anyone wants to know more
about Big Dan, such as playing a monster in a Three Stooges film.
Just as when John Wayne appeared on Wagon Train, hardly anyone ever recognizes
him with the Stooges.