Barney Fife once tried to set up Andy with the voice of Judy Jetson
Did you know the voice of the futuristic teenager appeared in Mayberry?

A season three episode of The Andy Griffith Show sees Deputy Barney Fife ask Sheriff Andy Taylor why he hasn't remarried. Fife believes Andy should have a wife for a better overall life outside of the Mayberry police station. He thinks it would be good for Opie, Andy's son, who is being raised by a single dad (with the help of Aunt Bee of course).
Andy doesn't necessarily disagree with Barney. If you can recall the episode, "A Wife for Andy," it's clear that the sheriff is annoyed by the third degree.
Andy tells Barney he misses being married but it's about finding the right gal. He says, regarding a potential wife, "She might very well be here, I just ain't found her yet. But till I do, the subject is closed."
Of course, for Barney Fife, those words mean the subject is wide open and that he should take immediate action. Without Andy knowing, Barney sends messages to several women in Mayberry, asking them to go to Andy's house to meet with Thelma Lou (who isn't there). It's all a plot to help Andy meet the next Mrs. Taylor.
As a result, when Andy is enjoying storytime with Opie, the doorbull buzzes. It's the first of many women to arrive, all potential love interests of Andy. At least, that is what Barney is hoping for.
The first of those women to show up is Judy Jetson, from The Jetsons! Well, the voice of Judy Jetson that is.
Janet Waldo, who voiced the futuristic teenager for several years, beginning with the original cartoon in 1962, plays the role of Amanda in Mayberry!
As expected, Amanda has a little hint of a southern accent, much different than the always-excited and high-pitched tone of Judy Jetson.
Waldo could be seen in several live-action movies in the Thirties and Forties, but it was the voice of the cartoon teenager, born sometime in the 2040s, that gave her career a big boost. Less than a full year after The Jetsons premiered, Waldo was a potential love interest in Mayberry.
Of course, we know Waldo portrayed different characters in The Andy Griffith Show and The Jetsons, but in a way, Judy Jetson visited Mayberry in the year 1963!
Did you know Janet Waldo, who played Amanda in "A Wife for Andy" on The Andy Griffith Show was the voice of Judy Jetson?

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From 1964, I remember a short-lived sitcom called Valentine's Day.
Tony Franciosa was Valentine, a top editor at a book publisher, a bachelor who got into comic adventures with his sidekick Rocky, played by the great Jack Soo.
Janet Waldo was Val's secretary Libby, a very smart married lady who often got Val and Rocky out of their jams.
Very funny show, that deserved a longer run; somebody ought to find and restore the episodes.
By the way:
Did you know that Janet Waldo's husband, Robert Lee, was co-author of the play Inherit The Wind?