Did you own a Pet Rock in the 1970s?

This neat toy was all the rage - for a few months.

Everyone is so preoccupied over the latest tech gadget, that people may forget that just a few short decades ago, the toy that was all the rage was a rock.

If you were born after the 1970s, you're not reading that sentence wrong. For those who were alive during this time, you definitely remember the Pet Rock: A toy that was wildly popular and was quite literally, just a rock.

Okay, maybe not just a rock. The toy included the rock itself, along with some bedding, all in an easy-to-carry cardboard case, complete with air holes. 

The idea was created by inventor Gary Dahl. "I was freelancing, which is another word for starving to death when I got the Pet Rock idea," said Dahl during an interview with the Salt Lake Tribune. "Those things only happen about every 10 years."

While the toy was wildly successful, it took quite a bit of time to gain traction, by which time Dahl's financial situation was in dire need of assistance.

"The rush lasted about three months," said Dahl during an interview with The Washington Post. "We were up to our ears in debt - about $200,000 - before anything started coming in. But once it did, it was an avalanche."

"I had an advantage over the average backyard inventor," said Dahl.

Although the fad only lasted a few months and the rocks were later discontinued, Dahl's success lingered in the memory of wannabe inventors everywhere.

"People somehow think I owe them something because I made it. I've had thousands of letters and phone calls from people requesting help. Any day I can arrive here at my saloon and find people waiting to talk about their idea."

In fact, while Dahl was grateful for his success, he didn't necessarily love the notoriety that came with it. "And now, if people would just forget I did the Pet Rock, I'd be happy," said Dahl.

Years later, Dahl acknowledged that much of his success regarding the Pet Rock was due to his being in the right place at the right time.

"Today you couldn't give away a Pet Rock," said Dahl during a 1982 interview with The Ottowa Citizen. "An item must have some intrinsic value for it to sell today. You couldn't sell a novelty item like a Pet Rock - what use is it? The rock created and destroyed the novelty gift market all at the same time."

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Bapa1 29 days ago
Three things I would not purchase in the 70's, a pet rock, a mood ring and a leisure suit.
WordsmithWorks 29 days ago
I didn't own a pet rock, but I had a few mood rings.
Bapa1 30 days ago
I had one, but it contacted rabies and I had to put it down. It's name was Old Yeller.
deltadart 30 days ago
Maybe Charlie Brown was behind this fad, with all the rocks he got for Halloween in 1966 it could have been his Revenge.

"All I got was a rock!"

Poor kid...............
Blcakandwhitetvfan 1 month ago
No. But I sold quite a few of them to gullible people at the flea market as a kid that summer. I just put a rock in a paper bag. Only one person was upset about it everyone else laughed.
KawiVulc 1 month ago
No. At that time I was on allowance, maybe mowing the lawn for a couple bucks... if I had four bucks I spent it at the dirt track.
tootsieg 1 month ago
I did not own a Pet Rock but worked in a department store where it was sold. One could find them in the “Notions Dept.” Was a big craze for awhile. I wonder how many people got them for Christmas gifts that year.
Bullitt2019 1 month ago
The Pet Rock company employed many handicapped people to box and ship the rocks. It was a good thing.
JHP 1 month ago
still got my mood ring - I really think some well-heeled deep pocket money-grubber should bring those back on amazon for $100 and they will be bought
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Coldnorth JHP 28 days ago
I had a CB radio in my car in the mid 70’s. My handle was Little Red Fox. My Dad installed it so I would be able to get help if something was wrong with my car, if I was stuck in a snow bank etc
Coldnorth JHP 28 days ago
Did you have a Chia Pet? Have no idea why I would, but I know they were popular at one time
JHP Coldnorth 28 days ago
well the only chia pet is on top of my head and...it's dying:)
Coldnorth JHP 28 days ago
Aw, women’s hair turns grey and guys lose theirs. Life stinks sometimes
vinman63 1 month ago
Can't be any more stupid thinking brine shrimp is sea monkees.
Coldnorth vinman63 28 days ago
I don’t know what either are
ElizabethBoop 1 month ago
Yes, it was a silly idea. Most people who got one did so ironically. But at the time, there was a need for something to take the place of the Mood Ring.
justjeff 1 month ago
When the Pet Rock came out, I'd thought it was one of the *stupidest* ideas to ever come along - and I didn't think much better of those who actually *purchased* one... It was almost as absurd (if not more so) than "canned air" from a souvenir location...

While not as absurd, I also had no liking for Beanie Babies, Cabbage Ptch Kids or Pokemon.

To quote Robert Moses, the city planner of New York who envisioned building miles and miles of super highways... "Nothing exceeds like excess"... and he was right. Manic consumption immediately takes the joy out of anything playful or collectible.

But then again, I never did follow the crowd... and if a celebrity endorses it... I don't want it! I prefer to collect things that satisfy me *personally*, not because it's the "flavor of the moment"... Every time I hear an announcer saying "everybody loves such-and-such" in a commercial it makes me despise the product even more...
ncadams27 1 month ago
I saw a lot of rocks outside on the ground. I suppose the ones surrounded by pebbles were a male and a female.
JHP ncadams27 1 month ago
yup - you go along a any beach in the great lakes and you are looking at a gold mine:)
ElizabethBoop ncadams27 1 month ago
No, those pebbles were a rock group.
Coldnorth ElizabethBoop 28 days ago
No Pebbles is Wilma and Fred’s daughter and later a sugar laden cereal
Coldnorth JHP 28 days ago
Or an iron ore mine
JHP Coldnorth 28 days ago
Yep ; I got one rock from Door County Wis and I swear is loaded with iron (Taconite)
Coldnorth JHP 28 days ago
No doubt it is. There are different kinds of iron ore. Some ore is grey and shimmery in the sun and some are red. The red stains everything. I know a quite a bit of the process and what it takes to go from a rock to a pellet. It’s very interesting. Im sure you are right is it striped or solid color
JHP Coldnorth 27 days ago
it's solid ; pretty much grey - about the size of a plum (purple) and it weighs almost 3lbs
MrsPhilHarris 1 month ago
I have a vague remembrance of seeing them in a store. I remember the little grassy patch the rock was nestled in.
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