Don Knotts tried to audition for ''The Jackie Gleason Show''

Barney Norton?!

CBS Television Distribution

Missed casting opportunities are always fun to speculate about. Reading some old rumors and pondering, 'What if?' can make for some fascinating imaginary scenes. After all, haven't we all pictured Raiders of the Lost Ark with the first choice, Tom Sellick, donning the iconic fedora? 

Well, here's one to add to your imagination... What if Don Knotts had starred on The Jackie Gleason Show? Would he have Art Carney's role? Would the show have been as successful with Knotts onboard, or would it have been bigger? Would Knotts still have become Barney Fife on The Andy Griffith Show?

While it's interesting to envision, we all know it ultimately never came to fruition. However, that wasn't because Knotts didn't try.

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During the developing days of his budding career, Knotts was successful in landing more dramatic roles. He found himself in productions like Kraft Theatre and Robert Montgomery Presents. While these parts definitely helped pay the bills, Don Knotts knew he was meant for something more. To make a bigger name for himself, he was sure he'd have to find his big break in comedy. So, the future Deputy Fife set his sights on some of the era's funniest shows.

In his 1999 autobiography, Barney Fife, and Other Characters I Have Known, Knotts openly discusses these first few attempts at the comedy limelight.

"I did everything I could think of to break through to the casting people on these shows, to no avail," Knotts wrote.

"One day, in desperation, I called The Jackie Gleason Show. A man who sounded something like a gangster answered the phone. 'Yeah?' he asked. Flustered, I said, 'Well, uh, listen, who would I talk to about casting over there? I'd love to do your show. I'm a comedian.'

"After a long pause, the voice came back, 'We got a comedian,' and he hung up."

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tinkparker 5 months ago
If he was on the show I probably would've watched it more
SDWriter 5 months ago
Tom Selleck, not Sellick. That is pathetic.
cperrynaples SDWriter 5 months ago
IT CERTAINLY IS! When are they going to hire proofreaders...LOL!
JHP 5 months ago
Can you imagine the yelling session don and Jackie could have had? Martians could have heard it or at least ATC controllers
cperrynaples JHP 5 months ago
"Barney. you are a mental case"...LOL!
Runeshaper 5 months ago
Seems like things still went well for Knotts, but that voice that hung up on him may have severely regretted it if he found out who was really on the other end of the phone (-:
cperrynaples Runeshaper 5 months ago
No, I'm certain it was Gleason! He did make a BIG mistake when Col. Parker offered to sell 50% of Elvis Presley's royalties after he appeared on the Dorsey Brothers Stage Show! Gleason was certain Elvis was a flash in the pan!
Runeshaper cperrynaples 5 months ago
Oh wow! That's quite an offer to pass up!
justjeff Runeshaper 5 months ago
Keep in mind, this was for The Jackie Gleason Show (a/k/a Cavalcade of Stars) and *not* The Honeymooners... Knotts might have been cast as a bit player and *not* in any of the roles Carney took on over his long association with Gleason...

Also, remember that Don initially found fame on the Steve Allen 'Tonight' Show as the nervous "man on the street" in many of their comedic interviews...
cperrynaples justjeff 5 months ago
Yep, Knotts would proably have been George Petrie, who i call the "5th Honeymooner"...LOL! And yes I mentioned Steve Allen!
FrankensteinLover 5 months ago
I never heard this, worked out well either way. I love Art Carney so everything worked as it should have.
cperrynaples 5 months ago
My guess is that the voice was Jackie himself! It still worked out for Don when he met Steve Allen!
SDWriter cperrynaples 5 months ago
I seriously doubt Jackie Gleason answered phones.
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