Fans often wrote to Raymond Burr asking him for legal advice

The actor got more than just fan mail.

CBS Television Distribution

An actor can be many things; an entertainer, an idol, a hero. But while many fans often look up to actors, some might take that adoration just a smidge too far.

Raymond Burr might have acted as an incredibly convincing defense attorney, but at the end of the day, he was simply a man playing a character. Still, it is perhaps a testament to Burr's talent that of the fan letters he received, many asked the actor for legal advice.

"Of three thousand letters I receive per week, scores ask legal questions," said Burr during an interview with the Deseret News. Of course, Burr wasn't qualified to give legal advice, but did his best to assist his fans. "Usually, I refer the writers to attorneys," he said. "I keep two secretaries busy answering these letters."

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While Burr wasn't necessarily trained to assist those in need with legal matters, he emphasized that there were aspects of Perry Mason that were as authentic as possible. "I believe our district attorney is as accurate a portrayal of a real-life prosecuting attorney. He relies upon the evidence gathered by his investigators, which he presents in a matter-of-fact manner."

However, one of the more unbelievable elements of the series was Perry Mason's track record. The defense attorney won a majority of his cases, and any failures were typically considered a rarity.

"We've had some law groups ask us to let Mason lose once in a while," said Burr "Why? If we did, the next thing they'd ask is that we allow a proper ratio of convictions to acquittals, and then we'd be doing a series called District Attorney Convicts."

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Wiseguy70005 4 months ago
Erle Stanley Gardner wrote a series of novels based on a D.A. character convicting the guilty rather than saving the innocent. It only lasted nine novels as opposed to the 85 Mason novels and short stories.
Avie 4 months ago
"An actor can be many things; an entertainer, an idol, a hero. But while many fans often look up to actors, some might take that adoration just a smidge too far."

No, actors aren't heroes unless they happen to do something actually heroic entirely separate from their work as actors. They can PLAY heroes, and the can be the representation of one, but that's a very different thing from BEING a hero. Firefighters are heroes. Soldiers on the battlefield can be heroes. Actors, no.

As for

"One of the more unbelievable elements of the series was Perry Mason's track record. The defense attorney won a majority of his cases, and any failures were typically considered a rarity."

Burr's Mason didn't just "win a majority of his cases," he won ALL of them, but ONE: "The Case of the Deadly Verdict." He came close to losing a couple of others, but one of those involved his being framed for witness-tampering.
cinamac Avie 4 months ago
Actually, he did, eventually, win The Case of the Deadly Verdict…he discovered the real killer just hours before his client’s scheduled execution in the gas chamber!
struki 4 months ago
Roma Downey said something similar about Touched By An Angel. She was in a hospital visiting children(?) and parents came out of their child's room. The mother saw Roma and ran to her as if she were the angel Monica and asked for prayers/help. Roma said those were difficult moments.
Wiseguy70005 struki 4 months ago
Supposedly after Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated a youngster asked Elizabeth Montgomery to use her powers to bring him back.
Rhard 4 months ago
METV needs to change is schedule. How many time are they going to run the Perry Mason shows through? Put Matlock on at night for those of us who can't watch it during the day. Get rid of the Twilight Zone and Run Mary Tyler Moor. Put Lou Grant on at night too.
Wiseguy70005 Rhard 4 months ago
Mary Tyler Moore has been on Decades/Catchy for years. Unlikely to change soon.
cinamac Rhard 4 months ago
Although you may tire of Perry Mason, there are viewers, such as myself, who have just discovered this wonderful show! You can either record Matlock episodes or, better yet, subscribe to the Frndly TV app, where you can could probably watch Matlock 24/7.
Rhard 4 months ago
Much of the way Mason conducted himself and the tricks he pulled to to defend his clients are illegal today and probably were when the series was made. He would have never got away with some of the things he pulled off in court. Mason would have been disbarred. Writers took a lot of writers liberty when creating the scripts for the show.
Robersot Rhard 4 months ago
What about Columbo? It's usually just him and the accused when they confess. He never reads them their rughts
cubman 4 months ago
I love MASH, especially in HD with wide-screen aspect. Adding another hour is ok with me. ✌️
Wiseguy70005 cubman 4 months ago
Why do you want to watch a phony wide-screen picture? Either the picture is stretched or zoomed in with a loss of picture on the top and bottom of the screen.
Robersot 4 months ago
MeTV it's time to change the schedule. Two hours of MASH is too much. From 6 to 8 you could show Perry Mason, Dick Van Dyke Show, bring back Columbo. Try to get Barney Miller. I don't have access to the channels that the last two.
Moverfan Robersot 2 months ago
The last time I looked, Barney Miller was on Antenna TV.
George58 4 months ago
I love the Perry Mason show. In my opinion, it's the BEST show on MeTV's schedule. I watch it every day & also On the Justice channel where it is on 5 times a day during the week & a Perry Mason Marathon on Saturdays. The show never gets old to me. And the fact that the show ran for 9 seasons gives me plenty of episodes to watch.
Wiseguy70005 George58 4 months ago
Why don't you buy the DVDs and watch unedited episodes on your own schedule in the original aspect ratio?
George58 Wiseguy70005 4 months ago
For your information I DO have the entire series on DVD. I just like to watch the show on tv when I don't feel like getting out the DVD set. I agree the show is heavily edited (especially on the Justice Central channel). Sometimes it's just easier to watch it on TV, I already know the scenes they cut out.
cinamac George58 4 months ago
Me too! I usually watch it on Justice Central, fetv and, gulp, Great American Family(a really conservative channel that touts faith-based entertainment and although Perry, Della, Paul, Hamilton Burger and Lt. Tragg are decent, dedicated people, they are often dealing with adultery, blackmail, embezzlement, substance abuse and murder…things decidedly not wholesome). I can’t get enough!
thediamond 4 months ago
I loved Perry Mason and am so glad I can see those shows again! Raymond Burr was excellent as well as the rest of the cast.
cinamac thediamond 4 months ago
Raymond Burr was hot!!!😍
AgingDisgracefully 4 months ago
A nation of many dolts?
So stipulated.
When it first aired, many viewers labored under the misapprehension that Raymond Burr and Barbara Hale were actually married!
JHP 4 months ago
Just love the show - pardon the pun but case closed
Bapa1 4 months ago
His answer would always be 'bring in a surprise witness at the end of the episode.'
JHP Bapa1 4 months ago
and the cops ; Tragg and or Lt Andersen and even Burger would accuse him as being a skunk (HA!)

that friction really drove the show - one of the rare times on TV I enjoyed
cinamac JHP 4 months ago
One of my favorite exchanges between Perry and Lt. Tragg:
Perry: Hello, Lt. Tragg, I’m always happy to see you!
Lt. Tragg: well, sit down, Perry and let me make you unhappy!
JHP cinamac 4 months ago
You hit the nail on the head for sure:)

And 90% of the time those two (plus more characters usually) meet is the same kind of interaction
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