George Lindsey's daughter began referring to him as ''Goober Daddy''

"I wouldn't have done it any other way."

CBS Television Distribution

Has an actor ever played a character a little too well? While we commend dedication to the craft, we often ignore the fact that there are downsides to being a great actor, like your work following you home.

While you may not know George Lindsey, you probably know Gomer Pyle, the dimwitted, cap-wearing character on The Andy Griffith Show.

"There may be more Goober in me than I'm willing to admit," said Lindsey during an interview with the Associated Press. "I may be Goober disguised as George Lindsey. He and I both missed adulthood. I've never worn a snap-brim felt hat."

Lindsey acknowledged that the similarities didn't end on set. He revealed that back at home, his daughter had begun to refer to him as "Goober Daddy."

"I've been on television every week for twenty-one years," he said. "America has grown up with me. Goober is Everyman; everyone finds something to like about ol' Goober."

Still, Lindsey said that being so closely associated with a character "can be an albatross as far as your career growing."

"You get locked into that character," he said. "Producers won't hire you for things. But I wouldn't have done it any other way."

Lindsey commended the work done on The Andy Griffith Show and credited the success of the series to Griffith specifically.

"It was honest and simple," he said. "At that time, we were the best acting ensemble on television. The scripts were terrific. Andy is the best script constructionist I've ever been involved with. And you have to lift your acting level up to his. He's awfully good."

Still, Lindsey's portrayal of Goober Pyle was a credit to the series, and it's not praise that the actor takes lightly. "There's a residual effect of knowing I've made America laugh. I'm not the only one, but I've contributed something."

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Debbie1954 4 months ago
George Lindsey is as also in several westerns and including Gunsmoke.
JERRY6 4 months ago
he was a very good actor , whatever part he played it was believable , be it goober , on MSH OR THE TWILIGHT ZONE . THERE ARE AFEW i MISSED NO DOUBT
Wiseguy70005 4 months ago
The article once refers to George Lindsey as Gomer.
MikefromJersey 4 months ago
George Lindsey was excellent on the Twilight Zone as a red neck sheriff, he was such a good
actor all thoughts of Goober were soon forgotten as the episode unwound.
"Goober" did hurt his career in terms of being taken seriously for parts, I think he must have
resigned himself to it and in this interview tried to put the best face on it and not complain.
Not that it makes a big difference, but George Lindsey played a deputy, Michael Constantine was the sheriff.
FrankensteinLover 4 months ago
I love ol Goob, and have heard many wonderful stories about George Lindsey. Sure do miss him.
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