Henry Winkler shared how he felt about the phrase ''jumping the shark''

"To them, the Fonz water skiing was just like the last straw," Winkler said.

CBS Television Distribution

Viewers are quick to latch onto phrases used in television and add them to their daily vocabulary, and a show like Happy Days was no different. How frequently have you yelled "Ayyy!" or threatened someone with a "Sit on it!"? Although the show was set in the fifties and premiered in the seventies, there's no shortage of relevant lingo derived from the series.

One phrase from Happy Days, though not necessarily uttered by a character, is "jump the shark" The phrase was popularized by an episode of Happy Days when Fonzie literally jumps over a shark on waterskis (while still wearing his leather jacket, mind you).

"Jumping the shark" has come to define a "turning point" of sorts for many pieces of media and is arguably the moment when something incredibly popular begins a decline in quality.

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While many catchphrases from Happy Days incite joy and excitement, to have such a dismal phrase coined after an event on your show feels like an insult.

But according to an interview with NPR, The Fonz actually didn't mind as much as you might think. In the interview, Winkler revealed that, while he was incredibly skilled as a water skier, he didn't do the actual jump itself during the scene.

"When I hit the beach at the end when I've jumped the shark, I land on the beach, and I step out of my skis," said Winkler "And I'm smiling. I'm thinking, 'Hey, this is great.' Half the smile is Henry going, 'Oh, my God, I can't believe you just did that.' And the other half is the Fonz going, 'All right, here I am. I did it. I'm very cool.'"

However, Winkler said that the phrase "jump the shark" took on a negative connotation, he wasn't phased by the opinions of a few critics, especially considering the long-term success of the series.

"To them, the Fonz water skiing was just like the last straw," he said. "The only thing is it wasn't to the audience because we were number one for years after that. So it didn't much matter to anybody."

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Wiseguy70005 5 months ago
The article seems to connect popularity and quality. Actually a series can have one (or the other), both or neither. There is really no connection between the two.
BradBeall 5 months ago
By the time of the actual shark jump, the show Happy Days was a vague shadow of it's original concept. It had become a spoof of itself. Some of the same characters remained, but they were just there to populate an otherwise talentless stage. The whole concept of "a show about what life was like a generation ago" had been dead & buried years before. How the show remained on the air, and even kinda-sorta popular is still a mystery to me.
Beatseeker 5 months ago
fonz jumped the shark in season 1 or 2... dressing up as a cop...(?)
DocForbin 5 months ago
A lot of fans think that "Happy Days" jumped the shark after Ron Howard left the show--long after the actual "jumping the shark" incident.
Runeshaper 5 months ago
I would think the term "jump the shark" meant that you did something cool.
Adamsfather45 5 months ago
Happy Days was very good in its first two seasons. It was more authentic to the fifties. It focused more on the Cunningham family and less on Fonzie. Season two was good because they used Fonzie a little bit more but he didn't take over the show as in later years. Also Laverne and Shirley was good until they moved to California.
Same as The Lucy Show when Lucy moved to California (and Vivian Vance left).
sagafrat69 5 months ago
Whether you believe the show was good or bad after the show went to a studio audience the fact of the matter is the show was not the same after the change. That "shark" episode was the last straw for me and I stopped watching. If "The Andy Griffith Show" suddenly went to a studio audience we'd have two different shows. The latter probably not being as good as the former. Winkler is saying all that matters for a show's survival is RATINGS. Unfortunately he's correct. Show ran for many years but in my opinion was just another mindless comedy that television has produced over the years. Nothing really special there. I really love those first two seasons of the show and watch them when I can. Those two seasons were really the heart of "Happy Days" and worth watching.
Blcakandwhitetvfan 5 months ago
I actually liked the show when it first came on. But watching it in reruns, as an adult, I see it was simply Hollywood mocking that era. You could not pay me to watch a single episode now.
Bapa1 Blcakandwhitetvfan 5 months ago
I agree, almost unwatchable.
Badge714 5 months ago
Actually, The Fonz literally jumping a shark was the last straw
bradyguy Badge714 2 months ago
LOL...yeah. That's literally what they said...

Dang. Thought your name was "Bag" for a minute....the boys' frenemie from Happy Days...
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