Burt Reynolds had this to say about co-star James Arness

Arness kept everyone laughing.

CBS Television Distribution

In sports, we always hear about locker room leaders. They're the veterans who put ego aside to help coach up the newer players. They provide a learning tree for the rest of the team to sit under and frequently lead by example. While younger stars might outscore them, these stalwarts are more than worthwhile because of what they offer as figureheads. They keep the team in check and ensure everyone has what they need to succeed.

Unfortunately, these leaders aren't always a sure thing. While some sports superstars have transitioned into the role of elder statesmen, just as many become embittered that their time has come to pass. This is true in other professions as well. While age-old actors might have plenty to offer, sometimes they are too stifled by selfishness to get out of the way to allow for fresher voices.

Luckily for the cast and crew of Gunsmoke, top-billed actor James Arness had all the qualities necessary to set a great example. 

In his forward to Arness' self-titled autobiography, Burt Reynolds wrote about how the Gunsmoke star helped make life easier for everyone around him on the show.

"The biggest surprise for everyone who had the good fortune to work on a few episodes of Gunsmoke in those days was Jim Arness. He was funny. I mean get-the-giggles, wrap-up-for-the-cast-and-crew "time-out"-and-get-it-together funny. I've known professional funnymen. It's no surprise that Dom DeLuise could practically put me in a coma laughing. Yes, David Niven was the best storyteller I ever worked with. Jonathan Winters and Richard Pryor could always put me away. But for sheer surprise, no one could top Matt Dillon.

"First of all, he was a very large, imposing, strong man. Your first thought always was, 'Damn, he's bigger than I thought he would be.' He had that wonderful ability to surprise you, make you laugh at yourself or the situation that actors often find themselves in."

According to Reynolds, Arness might've been the star of the show, but he did what he could to create an environment where everyone felt equal. Comedy can really level the playing field, and Arness supplemented the laughs with a selfless demeanor.

"Just as surprising, he was totally without ego," Reynolds recalled. "He never imposed his position on anyone. Not once did I or anyone else ever see Jim being rude, overbearing, self-righteous, or selfish to anyone, whether crewmembers, extras, day players or co-stars. I've done over 200 TV shows and over 75 features and I can't think of any actor whose behavior on the set and off was more unpretentious than Jim's. He just didn't or wouldn't play the 'star.' I think the mere thought of it would have made him laugh."

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GOOSEYGOOSE9 19 hours ago
Burt Reynolds TV Series Dan August Closing Credits Had This Picture Made Under The Jurridiction Of IATSE-IA Affilliated With AFL-CIO,ATFP,Westrex Recording System, Westrex Recording System Used On QM Series In The 1971-72 Season Replaced In September 1972 By National Association Of Broadcasters TELEVISION CODE Seal Of Good Practice ATFP Used On QM Series Replaced December 15,1972 By The AMPTP.
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