How Harry Morgan avoided scandal in his acting career

Morgan was proud to have a skeleton-free closet.

Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution

Scandal seems to follow celebrities everywhere they go, to the point where some assume that you can't really be famous if someone hasn't started a few rumors about you.

Of course, these issues expose a darker side to Hollywood. But while many stars struggle with such difficulties throughout their career, it doesn't mean that these issues are unavoidable.

Harry Morgan, for example, enjoyed a relatively uneventful career. Aside from the exciting roles he played, the M*A*S*H actor's home life was fairly normal. He married twice and had four children, and by all accounts, was just a regular guy.

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When pressed about any nefarious circumstances during an interview with the Journal Gazette and Times-Courier, Morgan actually argued that the more sordid affairs of actors were the anomaly in Hollywood.

"I never ran into any of those problems," said Morgan. "I think all that stuff you read about is really uncommon. Many of my good friends had families, and never got into any trouble."

Morgan was no angel, but he was Potter-like in his ability to stand firm and stick to his own convictions.

"I think you have to make a conscious effort to get into that other kind of lifestyle," he said. "That never suited me, so I never got involved in it. It's not that I didn't have a few bouts once in a while - but that was never my style - and I think that's true of many people in this business."

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Wiseguy70005 2 months ago
This isn't the only article MeTV refers to Harry Morgan as "Henry." He certainly wasn't using that as his name by the time of M*A*S*H (or even Dragnet) and it wasn't his real name anyway.
Blcakandwhitetvfan 3 months ago
There was a news story back in the 90s about either him or his wife having a bruise and his answer was "we play kind of rough in the bedroom sometimes" LOL
Horse hockey !
I also remember something like that.
But no specifics.
Must tiptoe around sensitive readers, so...
Let's just say there was some unpleasantness involving milady.
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