Jim Nabors split his pants while dancing during a live performance

You've heard of actors flying by the seat of their pants, but have you heard of an actor tearing them?

CBS Television Distribution

Leave it to a comedian to find the funny side of an embarrassing situation.

Jim Nabors got himself into quite a few hilarious mishaps during his time on Gomer Pyle of Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C.

But according to the actor, playing Gomer Pyle was easy as pie when compared to some of his later performances on The Jim Nabors Hour. On that show, Nabors served as both host and performer on the series, allowing him to show off his excellent singing chops.

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However, according to Nabors, his experience on The Jim Nabors Hour was full of stress.

"On Gomer, the only thing I had to get nervous about was my acting," said Nabors during an interview with the Staten Island Advance. "Now I have to be nervous about my acting, singing, and dancing."

The latter talent was the one that Nabors had the least experience in. "Let's face it, dancing isn't one of my strong points," Nabors said, putting it plainly.

Nabors even shared a particularly funny anecdote in which he split his pants open while dancing during a nightclub performance. "It was bad enough dancing with split pants before an audience of several hundred," said Nabors. "Can you imagine what it would be like before twenty million people?"

To the actor, working on Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C. was miles easier than being on The Jim Nabors Hour, but that doesn't mean that working on the comedy was a simple walk in the park.

"On Gomer, Frank [Sutton] and I had to be on the set every other day by 7 a.m. and we'd work solidly until at least seven in the evening...five days a week," said Nabors. "Then we'd have to go home and memorize fifteen pages of dialogue for the next day."

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