Jim Nabors wanted audiences to know that Gomer Pyle wasn't stupid

"He only saw good in other people, which most people think is stupid," said the actor.

CBS Television Distribution

Those who are kind are often underestimated, with many taking their compassion for stupidity. Those who are truly wise understand that kindness is a virtue, no matter what people say.

Jim Nabors was a man who was as rich in kindness as he was in success. An actor best known as Gomer Pyle in television shows like The Andy Griffith Show and Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C., Nabors kept his good heart, no matter how famous he became.

"I was always very happy with it," said Nabors of the character of Gomer Pyle during an interview with The News. "I loved doing the show...it was a great break for me...and Gomer was a marvelous character."

While many audiences find Gomer a source of entertainment and laughter, Nabors was adamant that Pyle was much more than he initially appears to be.

"He was such a nice person," said Nabors. "Everybody thought he was dumb...he was only naive. He was never dumb. He only saw good in other people, which most people think is stupid."

By contrast, Nabors not only kept the same kindness his character had, but he was also a very humble man. "I've never thought that I was all that special," he said. "I feel that I was very fortunate, very lucky to have been able to do things where other people find enjoyment. But I never took that as making me anything special. It sounds rather Pollyannaish. But I swear it's true. Those (stars) who take themselves very seriously and think they're God's gift to the world somehow or another are missing the whole thing. I really feel for them."

Watch Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C. on MeTV!

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Jacki 2 months ago
The first paragraph in the article says it all. It is true; people who are compassionate and kind are often underestimated by "small-minded" "know-it-all" people, who take advantage and poke fun at them. Jim Nabors' character's personality was one of seeing the good in everyone he met, and that was his personality in real-life. I admire him because in this day and age it is terribly difficult to be that way sometimes because some people can be cruel. However if he was still with us, I think he would still see the good in everyone. Thanks MeTV for putting his show back in your lineup. And I agree, it would be nice to see some Gomer quizzes.
Zip 2 months ago
"He was such a nice person,"
He does think the best of people, which is a tremendously difficult thing to do.

That's just how I see Gomer.

Like the stories, but it would be nice, real nice, to have more Gomer quizzes.*hint hint* Like daily quote quizzes. I could get into that.
ZOMBONAUT 2 months ago
Incredible show incredible cast, and incredibly funny!The keep running it! Thank you!
jvf 2 months ago
Yes, the character was a little naive, but not stupid.
MidwestButFromTheSouth 2 months ago
I am happy to see that you put this show back where it belt and did away with Green Acres. My husband and I tried watching it but it was brutal and nothing even close to a proper replacement for Gomer Pyle USMC. We watched the show last night and laughed nonstop. Thank you again for putting back where it belongs 🎉❤️
I was happy, too, that they replaced "Green Acres". The best thing about "Green Acres" was the theme song. I love how Jim Nabor's talented voice is eventually integrated into Gomer Pyle USMC. Can't wait until they air the episode of Gomer and "Corporal Carol" singing the "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" round.
EdSands ShagbarkH1Ck0ry 1 month ago
I do like both shows. But being a Marine, I’m a little partial to Gomer.
Jacki EdSands 1 month ago
Thank you for your service to our country. 🇺🇲❤️
ghilson 2 months ago
Gomer Pyle represented "McNamara's Morons" Project 100,000. Low IQ Men to file the ranks as "Canon fodder". Gomer Pyle wasn't smart, he was mentally handicapped.
FrankensteinLover 2 months ago
You can tell by all these Stories Jim was such a Good Guy, and gotta love Gomer.
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