Kids loved grumpy old Sgt. Carter on Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C.

Children were some of the show's biggest fans.

CBS Television Distribution

Although a character like Sgt. Carter might seem pretty rough around the edges, audiences wasted no time warming up to him. The character, along with the actor, Frank Sutton, enjoyed a great deal of fame for appearing on the series Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C.

Oddly enough, Sutton said that many of his biggest fans were young people. Children seemed to flock toward Sutton when he was out in public, not despite his character's grumpiness, but because of it.

"The kids like to see Sgt. Carter" said Sutton during an interview with the Sunday Patriot-News. "They like to see him yell and get frustrated."

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Furthermore, Sutton provided a good example for kids to look up to. "He's sort of an authority image to them," said Sutton. "But an authority image that always gets its come-up-pence. But they like him."

Sutton added that the appeal of a character like Sutton wasn't even necessarily his anger, but rather his more gentle nature beyond the rough exterior.

"I created the character," said Sutton. "He yells, he screams, he threatens dire consequences...but he never does anything, he never lays a hand on anyone. He's really very gentle."

Notably, Sutton argued that Carter was, above all else, human. This trait helped relate him to the audience.

"All people seem to like Sgt. Carter," said Sutton. He's more human. Gomer is so pure. It's almost unbelievable. In reality, there are no Gomers. At least I've never seen one. But there are a lot of Sgt. Carters."

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KawiVulc 2 months ago
One of the great drill sergeants of entertainment history. Hartman, Stryker, Hulka, Toomey... Carter.
Bapa1 2 months ago
We used to imitate him all the time back when we were kids.
Jacki 2 months ago
I loved Sgt. Carter also. He put on this gruff and tough as nails exterior, but when it came down to it, he really cared. I thought he and Bunny made a good couple; she would go toe-to-toe with him anytime. ☺️
JHP Jacki 2 months ago
spot on point:)
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