Let's not forget Jackie Gleason built a home that's entirely round
There's not a right angle in sight.

If you're a successful television actor, then you deserve a few big splurges. Maybe it's a fancy car, luxury clothing or a night on the town. But if you reach the success of Jackie Gleason, then you deserve something extravagent.
At the height of his career, Gleason built a round home near Peekskill, New York, up the Hudson River. (It technically sits at 196 Furnace Dock Road in Cortlandt Manor.) And we're not talking just round on the outside. We're talking the entire structure, all the furniture and even the stairs. There's not a right angle in sight on this proprety.
The magazine Popular Mechanics profiled the home, called "Round Rock Hill," in April 1960 — and the photos are stunning.

The home sits on top of a hill in the middle of a forest in upstate New York. Windows cover the entire building and look out onto the wooded nine-acre property.

Everything inside is round, including a round bed with a TV enclosed in the ceiling above it, a round shower room with round rugs, and stairs that curve up in a spiral.

There's a shed on the property, and of course it is also round. The top-shaped structure basically looks like a spaceship, and maybe that's the look he was going for.

Ever the workingman, Gleason built a circular studio so he could work from the comfort of his circular home.
Sixty years after The Honeymooners, we still remember Gleason's contributions to television and film. There's no doubt his legacy (and hopefully this home!) will live on for generations to come.
Here's a look at the entire profile in Popular Mechanics, as well as an aerial view of the unique home from Google Maps.