Nick Cage wants to play this Batman 1966 baddie

"I think I could make him absolutely terrifying."

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Nobody loves a good egg pun as much as Egghead himself!
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One of the most beloved aspects about Batman as a franchise is the colorful rogues gallery. From the sinister to the silly, even the same character has varied wildly during Bruce Wayne's long, long career. Look at the fun, campy Joker played by César Romero in the 1966 Batman series in contrast with Joaquin Phoenix's gritty, brutal interpretation in 2019's Joker.

The 1966 series with Adam West as the titular caped crusader was firmly on the goofy side of the villains. Characters like the Bookworm who committed literary-themed crimes or Louie the Lilac, a purple-colored gangster who loved floral arrangements, kept things light while Batman and Robin defeated them with a BAM! and a POW!

One of the villains created for the series was Egghead, played by horror legend Vincent Price. As the name implies, Egghead is meant to be the smartest villain in the world. He is also obsessed with eggs and makes many awful "yolks" that egg-spress that part of his identity. And of course, as only Vincent Price can do, he chews the scenery with glorious relish (or maybe hollandaise.)

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However, if anyone could rival Vincent Price in zany over-the-top scenery chewing, it might just be Nick Cage. The actor has a long and award-winning career, but there's no denying that a certain amount of fan love comes from his more absurd roles. No matter if he's wearing a bear suit and punching a woman in The Wicker Man or wearing fake fangs in Vampire's Kiss, audiences love some unhinged Nick Cage.

Recently the actor spoke about a role he would love to play: Egghead. 

“I’ve been thinking about this, because we have this new, Robert Pattinson as the Batman... The villain that Vincent Price played on the ’60s show, Egghead. I think I want to have a go at Egghead,” Cage said.

"You know what I mean it’s like, Egghead is Vincent Price right? He’s one of our other great American superstar actors that I revere and had so much fun watching growing up," the actor said. "So I was watching the Batman show because I really wanted to see what Vincent Price was going to do. And the character’s hilarious. I mean, everything starts with 'Egg-cellent.' And it’s, 'Egg-static.'"

It sounds like Cage's Egghead would follow the Joker trend of favoring edge over camp. “I think I could make him absolutely terrifying," Cage said.

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JoeGuenther 20 months ago
Somebody should explain to Cage that Egghead wasn't even a comic book based villain. They created new villains after burning out the four best ones. Vincent Price was better than the material that was written for him.
HAROLD 21 months ago
It would be the perfect HAM AND EGGS combo.
Charlotte 21 months ago
Cage is a decent actor...he can pull it off. Love to see him bald too!
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musicman37 21 months ago
But can you identify who played False Face?
BrittReid 21 months ago
Malachi Throne
Gunsmoked 21 months ago
Great Trivia Question , I couldn't answer it . . . until i googled it .
teethclenched 21 months ago
Word on the street :) was that Frank Sinatra was False Face and as I had read that he wanted (as a lot of Hollywood stars) to be a villain on BATMAN I wondered if it was true. This is my fave '66 BATMAN episode!

LoveMETV22 21 months ago
So if this concept develops would we be looking at a "Cage" egg as opposed to Vincent Price's version which was probably more free range? 🥚🥚🥚🥚
Stoney 21 months ago
Who better to take on a Vincent Price role than Cage? I'd like to see this happen.
texasluva 21 months ago
Cage just got through staring in Renfield (2023) as Dracula. Another he is playing in an uncredited Superman in The Flash (2023). Nick does have a flair in playing some odd characters over his career. Some of his best in his past movies are:
Lord Of War
The Rock
Leaving Las Vegas
Face Off
8 MM
Many others more then worth watching.
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Gunsmoked texasluva 21 months ago
Cage does indeed play quirky characters like the baker 'Ronny Cammareri ' Cher's wooden hand lover in Moonstruck .
Guy texasluva 21 months ago
I think he's an overrated actor. But he's ok. He was perfect for his role in "Raising Arizona" - another rather quirky character. And don't get me wrong, I'm not bagging on him. I just think he's naturally campy and silly - so he's fine for such roles. An Egghead-type role would suit him fine.
texasluva Guy 21 months ago
Sure he's done some bad movies but these below are better then average: (He's never going to be Tom Hanks).
PIG (2021
FACE/OFF (1997)
MANDY (2018)
JOE (2013)
KICK-ASS (2010)
THE ROCK (1996)
LORD OF WAR (2005)
CON AIR (1997)
Moon Struck (1987)
Snake Eyes (1998)
Next (2007)
Renfield (2023)
Average would be a 6.0 on IMDb
FloridaTopCat texasluva 21 months ago
I already know I'm In a minority on this one, but I loved Nick, Dana Carvey and Jon Lovitz in "Trapped in Paradise" - 1994! Red Rock West is another favorite!
Cougar90 21 months ago
Is it just me or were the tv villains more interesting than the regular cast?
texasluva Cougar90 21 months ago
The villains along with the regular cast for me. Can't wait to see whom they are up against on the next episodes (120)
Runeshaper 21 months ago
That would be interesting to see! Vincent Price = AWESOME!
Bapa1 21 months ago
So basically, he throws eggs at Batman.
Gunsmoked Bapa1 21 months ago
You would have to update it Egghead would use a rocket launcher type weapon that
could shoot Eggs that had different functions like a knockout egg or a egg that could stop time ( Egg Timer ) and there would always have to be a pink dust cloud . . . Always, it was always a pink dust cloud that hypnotized or knocked Robin out .
JeffPaul76 21 months ago
That's a lot of stuff I didn't know before. Thanks MeTV. Nick Cage would be a TERRIBLE EGGHEAD! Stick to playing good guys, Nick.
JeffPaul76 21 months ago
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Soapy JeffPaul76 21 months ago
? Lord of War, Bad Lieutenant, Leaving Las Vegas (technically), Pig, Vampire's Kiss..
In Adaptation he isn't a bad guy, but he does do an incredible job.
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Mike 21 months ago
That's Tim DONNELLY, later of Emergency.
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justjeff 21 months ago
Weird science... The images of Nick Cage as a wannabe Superman and my mashup of Fran Drescher/Wonder Woman disappeared... Here they are again...
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Mblack 21 months ago
His uncle is Francis Ford Coppola. So he has clout.
Soapy 21 months ago
His uncle doesn't like him and used him exactly once, in Peggy Sue Got Married. Coppola refused to ever work with him again - turning him down for Godfather III.
Andybandit 21 months ago
That would be different and cool.
justjeff 21 months ago
Let's re-cast and re-make every single movie, character or TV show until we've diluted them all into a swirling mass of generic ooze... then tell the current generation(s) that these are the *best* versions Hollywood could come up with...
Gunsmoked justjeff 21 months ago
Hollywood has drained the comic hero world dry they're down to Blue Beetle , even Krypto Superdog has had movies . I'm waiting for the " Bigfoot and Wildboy " remake.
cperrynaples 21 months ago
Bonus Question: What superhero was Cage considered for in the '90's?
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JeffPaul76 daDoctah 21 months ago
Melissa Benoist was too skinny to be Supergirl, they should have used somebody with a better figure, nice curvy hourglass figure.
Bapa1 cperrynaples 21 months ago
....and he does a brief cameo as Superman in the current Flash movie.
KJExpress justjeff 21 months ago
Yikes! What a pair! 😯
JeffPaul76 21 months ago
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