Can you guess what decade these Vincent Price movies came out?
He started his career in the 1930s and acted for the next six decades!

Vincent Price did not become an icon because he only ever starred in Oscar-winners or because he’s known for a few cult hits. He became an icon because of the ludicrous number of movies he appeared in over his decades-long career.
The tremendously talented actor first introduced himself to audiences in period dramas and noir films then quickly found his place in horror and science fiction. But he also appeared in comedies, Westerns and many classic TV shows.
How well do you know the many films of Vincent Price? See if you can place each of these titles in the right decade!
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Can you guess what decade these Vincent Price movies came out?
Your Result...
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12/15 Aghasted at this!!! One of my favorite actors, scary, dramatic, and funny. He was also good on a Columbo episode.
7/15 (sorry Vincent😔 I really do love you.) I considered not even posting this shameful score, but hey, we're all being honest here. Right?🤨
7/15? Yikes! I love Vincent Price, but apparently I don't know diddley squat about when his movies came out!
We can't forget his most memorable role as egghead on the batman tV show Ha Ha. He was corney funny though.
I got all 15 right...yea...I'm a big Vincent Price fan of his horror movies...I have 2 autographed stills from Dr. Phibes & The Fly...I also have a autographed self sketch he did for fans
12/15!! Fun quiz! 😄 btw, here’s a drawing I did of Vincent Price a while back, it’s not a masterpiece or anything, but I was bored so I drew it. 😄
My opinion, It's Smithsonian worthy, nice job, what does awhile back mean( how old were you, if that's not to personal?
10 out of 15 and virtually all were guesses! I think I'd only even heard of two or three of these titles. I'm not a horror movie fan. LOL
You left out the mother of all noir films, "Laura".