R.I.P. Patricia Hitchcock, daughter of Alfred Hitchcock who appeared in ‘Alfred Hitchcock Presents’ and many of his films

She also acted on TV alongside William Shatner and Andy Griffith.

The Everett Collection

Patricia Hitchcock, who often went by Pat, was born in London in 1928. As a child, she witnessed her father become one of the most famous film directors in the world. The elder Hitchcock made classics like The Man Who Knew Too Much and The 39 Steps in Europe before signing a contract with American producer David O. Selznick and moving the family to southern California in 1940.

Patricia’s mother, Alma Reville Hitchcock, began in the film industry as a film editor and was a trusted confidant and uncredited collaborator on every film he made. After visiting sets throughout her childhood and pursuing acting in school, Patricia decided to go into the family business.

She appeared on Broadway before going back to England to study at the Royal Academy of Dramatic art in London. Just shy of graduation, her father offered her a part in his next movie, Strangers on a Train. The film starred Farley Granger and Robert Walker as two strangers who, at least according Walker’s character, agreed to kill each other’s wives. Naturally, complications ensue. Patricia played the plucky younger sister of Granger’s love interest in one of her best remembered roles.

She continued to act, next appearing in the live anthology series Suspense. Her episode, “A Time of Innocence,” costarred Thomas Mitchell from It’s a Wonderful Life and a young actress named Doris Roberts, who would play Ray Romano’s mom 50 years later in Everybody Loves Raymond.

Patricia Hitchcock also acted in no less than ten episodes of Alfred Hitchcock Presents, appearing in the episode “A Glass Eye” with William Shatner in one of his first screen roles.

Pat Hitchcock also had an uncredited part in Cecil B. Demille’s epic The Ten Commandments and played Janet Leigh’s coworker in Psycho. After a break from the industry, Hitchcock returned to act in the 1970s TV movies Ladies of the Corridor with Mike Farrell and Six Characters in Search of an Author with Andy Griffith.

The only child of Alfred and Alma, Patricia helped continue the legacy of both her parents. She co-wrote the book Alma Hitchcock: The Woman Behind the Man published in 2003.

According to the Associated Press, Patricia Hitchcock’s own daughter, Tere Carrubba, said of her mother, “She was always really good at protecting the legacy of my grandparents and making sure they were always remembered. It’s sort of an end of an era now that they’re all gone.”

Patricia Hitchcock passed away this week at the age of 93.

Watch Alfred Hitchcock Presents on MeTV!

Weeknights at 1 AM & 1:30 AM

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Jack 40 months ago
GOD Rest the Soul of Patricia Hitchcock, ... Amen - Alleluia!
ironman2000 42 months ago
I was watching the classic film Psycho, and when she appeared I was wondering how she was doing and I knew she was the same age as my father. I didn't hear of her passing until now, but I sense something while watching her scene in "Psycho". I loved her acting as well as her father's directing and short scenes in his films. R.I.P. Ms. Hitchcock.
CarolKelley 43 months ago
The elder Hitchcocks had Sealyham terriers; Hitch is seen walking two of their own Sealyhams out of the pet shop in The Birds. Pat shared her parents' love of the breed and had a few herself.
Lizk555 43 months ago
R.I.P. Pat, Really enjoyed the characters you portrayed, you were a wonderful actress.
jacko3 43 months ago
GOD Rest the Life & Souls of actress - Patricia Hitchcock, Amen - Alleluia!
Mike 43 months ago
To the memory of PAT HITCHCOCK.
Which is what everybody who knew her - friends and family - called her.
Which is how she was billed in ALL of her film and TV appearances.
Which was her credit line on the masthead of Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine.
Which was her by-line on the book she wrote about her mother - specifically, Pat Hitchcock O'Connell (with Laurent Bouzereau).
Where "Patricia" came from (other than a baptismal certificate), who knows?
(Although I suppose we could make an educated guess as to why ...)
justjeff 43 months ago
Oddly enough, I'd recently purchased a pre-owned replacement set of DVDs for "Alfred Hitchcok Presents, Season 1"... and it was autographed by Pat Hitchcock on the slipcase! It seems she was at an even where the seller had gone to see another celebrity. I presume he either bought it directly from her or knew she was going to be there and brought it along to get autographed...
CarolKelley justjeff 43 months ago
That is completely awesome!
justjeff CarolKelley 43 months ago
Another bit of trivia, Carol... I had a good friend (now deceased) named Bob Kelley who was a commercial photographer here in South Florida. Are you a distant relation of his by chance?
Andybandit 43 months ago
How sad about Patricia Hitchcock. Even though I have know clue who she is.
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Martanrick1975 Andybandit 42 months ago
You have compassion, don’t apologize 😊
Lizk555 42 months ago
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Mac2Nite Andybandit 38 months ago
Did you even read the article? 🙄
Mac2Nite justjeff 38 months ago
I thought it was kind of snide, since he would have read the article & known who she was from that, even if he'd never heard of her before.
MrsPhilHarris 43 months ago
I haven’t seen Alfred Hitchcock Presents for years. That would be a great show Sunday night at 8.

I like the character she played in Strangers On A Train.
Pacificsun MrsPhilHarris 43 months ago
Your network may be pre-empting it, or if you live out of county things might be different but here it runs every night after PM, TZ and before Mannix. It's a terrific line-up for night owls. They've just started over with the AH series and there are some REALLY episodes. The fashions and set dressings are fascinatingly old!
LoveMETV22 MrsPhilHarris 43 months ago
RIP to Pat Hitchcock 1st. Sunday night at 8- sheesh you don't like........I hear what you're saying
MrsPhilHarris Pacificsun 43 months ago
I get up pretty early for work so I don’t stay up late anymore. I would love to see it on at a decent hour.
Pacificsun 43 months ago
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LoveMETV22 MrsPhilHarris 43 months ago
The Roku Channel has all seasons, all episodes. You don't have to sign in or create an account, I just X out that window. I just watched an episode yesterday. Just go there and put Alfred Hithcock Presents in the search box. I know they have Roku devices for tv's and such, I just watch it on-line. Here's the link:
LoveMETV22 MrsPhilHarris 43 months ago
Your welcome, if you do go there they have some other free shows and free movies, some classic some more modern, a mixture.
ETristanBooth 43 months ago
"agreed to kill each other’s wives"

I looked to see if anyone else had corrected this, so I guess I'll do it. Walker's character proposes killing Granger's wife if Granger will kill Walker's father. Walker never does agree to this proposal, but Walker goes ahead with his part of it anyway.
cperrynaples ETristanBooth 43 months ago
Yes, and are you aware that 77 Sunset Strip ripped it off? Walker's character was played by Richard Long, who ironically became a partner years later!
ETristanBooth cperrynaples 43 months ago
No, my brother used to watch 77 Sunset Strip, but I never have.
My post above should say, "Granger never does agree."
Adamtwelvia ETristanBooth 15 months ago
And in the 80's, they remade it as 'Throw Mama From The Train', starring Billy Crystal and Danny DeVito.
Mannixishot 43 months ago
The Alfred Hitchcock shows are two of the shows I enjoy on MeTV so I'm familiar with Pat's appearances. She did a good job in the episodes she appeared it. RIP Pat.
Lizk555 Mannixishot 43 months ago
texasluva 43 months ago
Oh no! I am so sorry to hear this. I remember in many of her father's classic movies. Psycho at the start in the office with Janet Leigh. Again in Strangers On A Train where she had a much bigger part. I usually check on her most every month to see that she was still living. R.I.P. Patricia Hitchcock.
Pacificsun texasluva 43 months ago
I think you've just given us a clue about this week's quiz.

See, I've been paying attention!!
texasluva Pacificsun 43 months ago
Wow. My cryptic post gives you visions of Classic movies . Was just giving Pat her due. Strangers on a train I did months past (though I will probably do it as a bonus in the future for those who were not there that night). Psycho may come at a later date this year. Who knows
Runeshaper 43 months ago
R.I.P. Patricia. Must have been such an interesting and wonderful life having her parents and the experiences that followed in her career.
Pacificsun Runeshaper 43 months ago
I'm not sure, AH was said to be pretty quirky.

Has anyone read his biography? Please share if so!
Pacificsun 43 months ago
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Peter_Falk_Fan 43 months ago
'Silent Witness' is the "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" episode with her that comes to my mind first. RIP Patricia Hitchcock.
For me, it's "Into Thin Air", where her male companion disappears! Allthough murder doesn't occur, it's still a tragic ending for Pat! There were 10 episodes over 5 seasons and they can all be seen on Peacock!
ETristanBooth cperrynaples 43 months ago
This is my favorite of her appearances on AHP, although it's her mother who disappears from a hotel room, and the hotel staff insist that they've never seen her or her mother before.
cperrynaples ETristanBooth 43 months ago
i knew I was wrong about something, but I know it involved a plague!
justjeff ETristanBooth 43 months ago
That was Hitch's TV retelling of his own early film "The Lady Vanishes"...
ETristanBooth justjeff 43 months ago
Yes, although there are pretty radical differences. What they have in common is that one lady vanishes and another lady is trying to find her.
cperrynaples ETristanBooth 43 months ago
Yes, in the movie there was a criminal conspiracy, which is more typical of Hitchcock!
ETristanBooth 42 months ago
Me, too!
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