The cast of Star Trek once pranked Leonard Nimoy by dressing his son up as a mini-Spock

It was the cutest prank of all time.

Everett Collection

When costars begin pranking each other on set, you know that they've crossed the line from coworkers to friends.

The cast of Star Trek had formed a close relationship in the three years they had spent filming the show. While the series covered some hefty topics, according to Nichelle Nichols, the show was not without its hijinks behind the scenes.

According to Nichols' memoir, Beyond Uhura, the cast members enjoyed playing pranks on each other. Leonard Nimoy, known for his serious demeanor, was a frequent target as his costars attempted to get the actor to laugh during filming.

"Perhaps the most elaborate hoax involved his son, Adam, who was about eight years old while we were filming the original series," she wrote. "A great deal of planning went into this prank because it required that Adam be fitted in a child-size Starfleet uniform and be made up - ears and all - to look just like his daddy."

That's right; they dressed Adam Nimoy up in a tiny Vulcan costume, then sent him into a scene to act opposite his father, who had no idea that his son was arriving on set. Frustratingly, Nimoy was still able to keep a straight face.

"Leonard turned to him and answered without breaking a smile or missing a beat. We couldn't get so much as a Spockian arched eyebrow out of Leonard. The real kicker came when Adam 'stepped out of character,' so to speak, to say, 'But Daddy, I love you.'

'Thank you, Adam,' Leonard said evenly. As the whole cast and crew stood around in breathless anticipation of Leonard's big crack-up-which never came, by the way- the joke was on us."

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Snickers 8 hours ago
I remember Shatner once hung Nimoy's bike from the studio rafters. Seems like Leonard was a easy target.
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