The fancy French waiter from The Andy Griffith Show also served Gomer, Laverne and more

Roger Til played a maître d' on shows from the Sixties through Nineties!

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Talk about typecasting! Roger Til turned up as a maître d' or waiter so often on television, we wonder if strangers gave him entree orders on the street. Don't feel bad for not knowing his name. Heck, we had to look it up. You might not have even paid close attention to him as he waited tables in sitcoms for decades. But you probably remember his first big scene as a restaurant worker.

In "Andy and Barney in the Big City," the sheriff and deputy head to the sprawling metropolis (well, compared to Mayberry) of Raleigh. The two dine in a fancy French restaurant. Andy orders a steak, baked potato and green beans. Trying to seem sophisticated, Barney points to two fancy words on his menu — and ends up with snails and brains.

The waiter in that scene is Roger Til. His accent is not fake. The actor was born in Paris and earned his earliest screen credits in French productions like Le tampon du capiston and Les mémoires de la vache Yolande. In the mid-'50s, he made the hop to Hollywood. You can find him on The Donna Reed Show and Dragnet. As an interesting side note, Til also provided the French voice for Jimmy Stewart in some movie overdubs for overseas.

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But The Andy Griffith Show established him as a fancy restaurant man, typically in a white or black coat. The Andy spin-off Gomer Pyle U.S.M.C. used him several times as a maître d' and waiter. Here he is in "A Little Chicken Soup Wouldn't Hurt."

Til continued to act into the 1990s. His final TV role came on Parker Lewis Can't Lose. He played — you guessed it — a "Head Waiter."

In between, the silver-haired sophisticate waited tables on everyone from Laverne & Shirley to Jaime Sommers, the Bionic Woman. Take a look:

Til on Laverne & Shirley, Parker Lewis and The Bionic Woman (clockwise from lower left)

That's not all! He also played essentially the same role a few times on Hart to Hart (he was even a sommelier in that Eighties staple), Trapper John, M.D. and Silver Spoons.

By that point, he probably provided his own bowtie.

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LynCarceo 33 months ago
Who was the waiter in Home Improvement? He was snooty and quick with a quip or insult.
HoosierKid 53 months ago
Interesting story! I remember him in an episode of Mission Impossible in which he played the card dealer at a casino.
cperrynaples 53 months ago
My favorite waiter is the one who "pops" his mouth! Anyone know him? I'll look him up!
cperrynaples cperrynaples 53 months ago
Found him! His name is Fritz Feld and among his credits are Kolchak [just a few weeks ago!], Land Of The Giants, Wild Wild West, Batman, Beverly Hillbillies, Lost In Space, Peter Gunn and I Love Lucy! Fun fact: His wife was Virginia Christine, best known for coffee commercials!
MichaelSkaggs cperrynaples 53 months ago
He was also in the movie, "Pocketful Of Miracles" (1961). Peter Falk stole the show from everyone, including from Ann Margaret in her film debut. It was director Frank Capra's last movie.
Corey cperrynaples 53 months ago
Don't forget The Odd Couple.
Moriyah 53 months ago
Do you think this ties more to GP or TAGS? (Let me know)
Pacificsun Moriyah 53 months ago
Roger Til's acting credits are spread out all over. But MeTV favors TAGS (as one of its anchor shows). GP is a spin-off and just hasn't been run as long as TAGS which I can never remember the Network being without.

The nice thing is, Roger Til simply played a waiter no matter the Show. And it's fun that he was spotted and mentioned on GP among so many other in which he appeared! Meaning, a very good shout-out!!
Moriyah 53 months ago
Interesting! I like the fact about brains and snails!
cperrynaples Moriyah 53 months ago
Anyone remember The Jerk when Steve Martin ate at the French cafe and got angry when his girlfriend was served snails...LOL!
randalllong100 53 months ago
It was obvious the waiter saw right through Barney.
JHP randalllong100 53 months ago
great scene - good ol know it all BARN
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