Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C.

Weeknights at 9:30 PM

eastern (on most MeTV stations)
In this spinoff of 'The Andy Griffith Show,' simpleton Gomer Pyle (Jim Nabors) has left Mayberry for adventure abroad in the U.S. Marine Corps. Unable to adapt to the strictness of military life, Pyle perpetually gets himself into mischief, and never fails to exasperate drill instructor Sgt. Carter (Frank Sutton).


Episode Guide

Episode Guide

Season 1
  • Season 1
  • Season 2
  • Season 3
  • Season 4
  • Season 5

Ep 1: Gomer Overcomes the Obstacle Course

Gomer tries to pass an obstacle course to earn the respect of Sgt. Carter.

Ep 2: Guest in the Barracks

To the dismay of Sgt. Carter, Gomer breaks regulations and sneaks a recruit's girlfriend into the barracks.

Ep 3: Private Ralph Skunk

Gomer befriends a skunk while on a hike and attempts to show Sgt. Carter what an asset a skunk can be to the platoon.

Ep 5: Gomer Learns a Bully

A troublemaker transfers into the platoon and decides to make Pyle his patsy. Gomer handles him with kindness, but soon learns that he needs to stand up to the brute.

Ep 6: Pay Day

Gomer is convinced he has been a goldbrick and stubbornly refuses to accept part of his paycheck. The Pentagon orders him to do so, but Gomer still refuses.

Ep 7: Nobody Loves a Sergeant

Gomer drives Sgt. Carter crazy by liking him, no matter what the sergeant does to make Gomer dislike him.

Ep 8: Gomer and the Dragon Lady

While in town on a pass, Sgt. Carter decides to play a joke on Gomer by setting him on a quest to get a kiss from "The Dragon Lady." But in order for it to work he will need Duke's help.

Ep 9: Survival of the Fattest

It's survival training for the platoon, meaning that for five days partners have to rough it. Thinking Gomer will bring down the rating for the platoon, Sgt. Carter takes Pyle as his own partner.

Ep 10: A Date for the Colonel's Daughter

The colonel's daughter visits from her all-girls school and Gomer is selected to be her escort, at least until her overly protective mother panics.

Ep 11: They Shall Not Pass

Sgt. Carter's platoon takes part in war games, and Gomer's naive ways cause more problems than the sergeant can handle. Will Gomer's actions get his boss the boot?

Ep 12: Sergeant Carter, Marine Baby Sitter

Sgt. Carter gives Gomer a lift in his jeep and finds himself helping Gomer babysit for another marine's baby while he's on guard duty.

Ep 13: The Case of the Marine Bandit

While hitching a ride to town Gomer stops to help a stranded motorist, and she takes him to meet her mother. Little does Gomer realize, but he's in the company of a mother-daughter burglary team.

Ep 14: Sergeant of the Week

A mix-up leads Sgt. Carter to believe that Gomer is dying so he tries to be nice to him.

Ep 15: Grandpa Pyle's Good Luck Charm

Grandpa Pyle gives Gomer a good luck charm to help him gain self-confidence.

Ep 16: Dance, Marine, Dance

Gomer and Sgt. Carter are scammed by a phony dance studio when they both sign lifetime contracts for lessons.

Ep 17: Sergeant Carter's Farewell to His Troops

Gomer and the troops try to change Sgt. Carter's mind when he decides to leave the Marine Corps.

Ep 18: The Feudin' Pyles

Gomer befriends Branch, a country boy from a neighboring hometown. Then he learns that their two families have been feuding for generations.

Ep 19: Love Letters to the Sarge

Sgt. Carter begins receiving love letters, but he has no clue who is sending them.

Ep 21: Daughter of the Sarge

Sgt. Carter's adopted Korean daughter arrives, but she's not the little girl he remembers. What's more, he begins to fear she and Gomer are planning marriage.

Ep 22: Officer Candidate Gomer Pyle

Gomer and Sgt. Carter take the exam for the officer's training program.

Ep 20: Sergeant Carter Gets a "Dear John" Letter

Sgt. Carter is shocked when his girlfriend dumps him—for Gomer!

Ep 23: Old Man Carter

When the platoon celebrates Sgt. Carter's birthday, he begins to worry about getting old.

Ep 24: Gomer Makes the Honor Guard

A reluctant Sgt. Carter may be forced to use Gomer as an honor guard, as he's one of the few who owns a dress-blue uniform.

Ep 25: My Buddy, the War Hero

Gomer tries to prevent Sgt. Carter and his long-time friend from becoming enemies.

Ep 26: Double Date With the Sarge

Gomer decides to find a girl of his own after meeting Sgt. Carter's girlfriend, and they end up on a double date.

Ep 27: The Jet Set

Gomer accidentally takes a wrong turn on his way downtown and winds up on a round-trip jet flight to Rome.

Ep 28: Sergeant of the Guard

Gomer tries to capture a gang of thieves who have been robbing the Marine warehouse.

Ep 29: Gomer Dates a Movie Star

Gomer is asked to escort a movie star and the colonel's daughter to a dance.

Ep 30: Gomer the M.P.

Gomer ends up on MP duty, where one of his first feats is to mistakenly arrest a government inspector.

Ep 4: Captain Ironpants

A straight-laced lady Marine officer reports Gomer for not saluting her. Gomer then attempts to help transform her into an attractive woman.

Ep 1: PFC Gomer Pyle

Sgt. Carter postpones his vacation until all his men pass their Private First Class exams. Gomer, unfortunately, is the only one to fail.

Ep 2: Third Finger, Left Loaf

Gomer is asked to be the best man at his friend's wedding. The night before the ceremony, he loses the ring.

Ep 3: The Blind Date

Sgt. Carter sets Gomer up with a blind date who thinks he is an oil millionaire.

Ep 4: Home on the Range

Gomer helps out a family by finding them shelter in a shack, unaware that the shack is the target of impending war games.

Ep 5: Gomer Untrains a Dog

Gomer is chosen to look after a new sentry dog. Gomer being Gomer, however, he promptly turns the trained guard dog into a pet.

Ep 6: Supply Sergeants Never Die

Carter, who says that Supply Sgt. Singer has the easiest job, wagers that any knucklehead could handle it—even Gomer.

Ep 7: Cat Overboard

When the platoon goes on sea duty, Gomer sneaks a stray cat on board the ship.

Ep 8: Gomer Captures a Submarine

The men are on a simple reconnaissance mission, but Gomer somehow seems destined to ruin it.

Ep 9: The Grudge Fight

Sgt. Carter, perhaps overestimating his skill set, challenges the fleet's retired boxing champion to a fight.

Ep 10: Gomer, Star Witness

Gomer witnesses a car accident involving Sgt. Carter, who is at fault. Rather than have Gomer testify against him, the sergeant schemes for Gomer to be out of town on the court date.

Ep 11: A Visit From Cousin Goober

Goober pays Gomer a surprise visit. Goober says he's through working at the filling station and wants to give the Marines a try for a week to see if he likes it.

Ep 12: A Groom for Sergeant Carter's Sister

Sgt. Carter objects to the man with whom his sister is engaged, and uses Gomer as a means of breaking them up. Little does he know, the brother-in-law-to-be also is a Marine.

Ep 13: Gomer Minds His Sergeant's Car

Sgt. Carter asks Gomer to drive his car straight home from the airport after dropping him off. But sure enough, the car gets stolen, and Gomer has just one day to find it—or suffer the consequences.

Ep 14: Gomer, the Peace Maker

When Bunny gets mad once again at Sgt. Carter, he sends Gomer in to explain what really happened.

Ep 15: Gomer Pyle, POW

On maneuvers, Sgt. Carter gives Gomer false information, hoping he'll be captured by the enemy camp.

Ep 16: Gomer Pyle, Civilian

When Sgt. Carter orders him to take a furlough, Gomer becomes a civilian employee at the base.

Ep 17: Gomer and the Beast

Gomer tries cheering up a depressed waitress, only to discover that she is the girlfriend of a tough Marine sergeant.

Ep 18: Grandma Pyle, Fortune Teller

Gomer's fortune-telling grandma pays a visit. When she predicts trouble for someone close to him, Gomer worries that the someone is Sgt. Carter.

Ep 19: Arrividerci, Gomer

Gomer sings an Italian love song to his friend's sister—and her mother thinks he is proposing to her.

Ep 20: Segeant Carter Dates a Pyle

Sgt. Carter agrees to go on a date with Gomer's visiting cousin after seeing a photo that he believes to be of her. But after learning that the girl is Gomer's date, he attempts to gracefully back out.

Ep 21: Little Girl Blue

Gomer is pleased when asked to be one of three busboys for a visiting colonel. But his attention is turned to the officer's sad little daughter, who is lonely and needs a playmate.

Ep 22: A Star is Not Born

When Sgt. Carter takes a role in a Hollywood movie, he finds acting to be harder than he thought.

Ep 23: Gomer and the Phone Company

Gomer tries to repay the $40 he received at a pay phone to the phone company, but gets arrested instead.

Ep 24: Duke Slater, Night Club Comic

Gomer gets Duke to perform his comedy act at a nightclub's amateur show. His act goes over well, especially his routine about Sgt. Carter.

Ep 25: Vacation in Vegas

Gomer wins a vacation for two to Las Vegas and Sgt. Carter joins him. Gomer doesn't want to gamble as much as he wants to see the sights, but the sergeant is committed to gaming.

Ep 26: Opie Joins the Marines

After hearing Gomer's stories about how nice Sgt. Carter is, Opie Taylor runs away from Mayberry to join Gomer in the Marines. Ron Howard guest stars.

Ep 27: A Date With Miss Camp Henderson

Carter bets Gomer he can't get a date with Ms. Camp Henderson, which of course he does.

Ep 28: Gomer and the Father Figure

Gomer saves a man from jumping off a bridge, and soon befriends him. Before long it's discovered that the man makes a habit out of this, taking advantage of people's kindness along the way.

Ep 29: Desk Job for a Sergeant

Sgt. Carter takes a new job as a training coordinator. But when he finds out the platoon is doing fine under Cpl. Boyle's command, he decides he wants his old job back.

Ep 30: Gomer, the Would-Be Hero

When Sgt. Carter stops a robber in a diner, he makes Gomer the hero so he won't get caught with another woman by Bunny. It's not long before Carter wants the credit he is due, but by then no one will believe that he was the hero.

Ep 1: Lies, Lies, Lies

Gomer tries to convince his friends that a movie star has invited them all to a barbecue at her house.

Ep 2: Crazy Legs Gomer

Sgt. Carter plans to use Gomer to win the inter-squad competition.

Ep 3: Gomer the Carrier

Sgt. Carter is quarantined with the German measles. He enjoys his time away from Gomer, who visits him in the hospital and soon ends up his roommate.

Ep 4: Caution: Low Overhead

Sgt. Carter sets out to expose a fraud by proving to Gomer that the man who sold him a cheap watch is a crook.

Ep 5: Show Me The Way to Go Home

The wife of a drunken man points the finger at Gomer for getting her poor husband drunk. When Sgt. Carter tries to clear up the situation, he gets in trouble with the loud woman, too.

Ep 6: How to Succeed in Farming Without Really Trying

Sgt. Carter tries to teach Gomer a lesson about using all his free time to build a garden on the base. But the lesson backfires when the sergeant puts vodka in a watermelon—which is then sent to a visiting general's home.

Ep 7: Gomer and the Little Men From Outer Space

Sgt. Carter sends Gomer to a psychiatrist when he claims to have seen men from outer space. They're really actors in a sci-fi movie being filmed near the camp.

Ep 8: The Borrowed Car

Gomer borrows Sgt. Carter's car, and is followed by thieves who steal it. When Gomer searches for the missing car, he is spotted taking it back and is arrested.

Ep 9: Gomer Pyle, Super Chef

Sgt. Carter and Sgt. Hacker make a bet that Gomer cannot learn to cook in 24 hours. Hacker works with him but Gomer just can't seem to get it right.

Ep 10: Marry Me, Marry Me

Gomer dates a girl with similar interests, but then discovers that she considers them engaged after the first date.

Ep 11: Cold Nose, Warm Heart

Sgt. Carter gives his girlfriend a puppy, only to find himself competing with it for her affections.

Ep 12: Follow That Car

A smuggler pilfers a radio from the camp, and when Gomer and Sgt. Carter try to retrieve it, they wind up captured.

Ep 13: It Takes Two to Tangle

Gomer spots Bunny with another man at the diner. Feeling sorry for Sgt. Carter, he reveals what he saw, setting off a chain reaction of goof-ups.

Ep 14: Whither the Weather

Gomer uses a strange but reliable method for predicting the weather. When the platoon is left in charge of a VIP's arrival at the camp, Sgt. Carter must decide whether he trusts Pyle's power.

Ep 15: Love's Old Sweet Song

Both Sgt. Carter and Duke try to win the affections of nightclub singer Lou Ann Poovie, but after hearing him sing, Gomer is the one she likes.

Ep 16: Gomer the Recruiter

Gomer replaces Sgt. Carter at the recruiting desk and ends up recruiting a bank robber on the run.

Ep 17: The Secret Life of Gomer Pyle

Sgt. Carter suspects Gomer has been spending his Sundays at the beach. He then tries to meet the beauties Gomer appeared with in a magazine.

Ep 18: Go Blow Your Horn

Sgt. Carter wants Gomer to join the Marine band, who are heading overseas for a month. He practices the tuba, but has a change of heart when he learns that he'll be gone from the sergeant.

Ep 19: You Bet Your Won Ton

Gomer holds a farewell dinner in a Chinese restaurant, not knowing it is a front for a gambling operation.

Ep 20: Sue The Pants Off 'Em

Two shyster lawyers try to get Gomer and Sgt. Carter to file a false damage suit after a near miss from an automobile.

Ep 21: Gomer the Card Shark

Gomer is taken by a Navy man who wants him to believe that he is a lucky card player. But when the stakes become too high, will Gomer be able to keep his focus?

Ep 22: To Re-enlist or Not to Re-enlist

Gomer's current hitch is up and Sgt. Carter couldn't be happier, and he does everything he can to convince Gomer not to re-enlist.

Ep 23: Lou Ann Poovie Sings Again

The Marine's favorite nightclub singer, Lou-Ann Poovie, returns. Sgt. Carter fights for her favors with two rivals: Gomer and Duke.

Ep 24: Gomer, the Welsh Rarebit Fiend

In folk tradition, Welsh rarebit is believed to cause nightmares. But when Pyle and Sgt. Carter eat the dish, they end up sleepwalking, and with changes in their personalities.

Ep 25: Sing a Song of Papa

Sgt. Carter becomes upset when Gomer is asked to sing at a nightclub every night.

Ep 26: Where There's a Will

Gomer has been volunteered by Sgt. Carter to do a parachute jump from an airplane, despite Gomer's deathly fear of heights.

Ep 27: Lost, the Colonel's Daughter

Gomer loses the colonel's daughter at a go-go club, but then tracks her to a beatnik den.

Ep 28: The Crow Ganef

Gomer's new friend, a crow, turns out to be a thief, plundering everyone—and stashing the loot in Gomer's locker.

Ep 29: One of Our Shells is Missing

Sgt. Carter and Gomer hunt for a live mortar shell that the private lost during practice.

Ep 30: Lou Ann Poovie Sings No More

When Lou Ann is about to be fired from her job as a nightclub singer, Gomer finds her a job as a salesgirl.

Ep 1: A Visit from Aunt Bee

Aunt Bee comes for a visit and strongly objects to Sgt. Carter's attitude towards poor Gomer.

Ep 2: The Recruiting Poster

Gomer learns his face will be on a recruiting poster—instead of Sgt. Carter's.

Ep 3: Corporal Carol

A man-hungry woman Marine tries to break up Gomer and Lou Ann.

Ep 4: Leader of Men

When a visiting Congressman suggests a promotion for Gomer, Sgt. Carter nearly loses his stripes training Gomer to take command.

Ep 5: Gomer, the Beautiful Dreamer

For some reason, Gomer's dreams have been happening just as he dreamt them. But what about the one where Sgt. Carter and Bunny get engaged?

Ep 6: The Great Talent Hunt

Gomer represents his platoon in a national talent contest being held in Washington, D.C.

Ep 7: Gomer Says "Hey" to the President

In Washington, Gomer gets separated from his tour group and ends up entering the Oval Office and causes no small amount of grief for the Secret Service.

Ep 8: And A Child Shall Lead Them

Gomer and Sgt. Carter try helping a Japanese boy who claims he's lost.

Ep 9: The Show Must Go On

Gomer has stage fright and loses his voice just before a Washington show.

Ep 10: The Better Man

Lou Ann's father comes to town along with her ex-fiancé, and they both set about trying to persuade her to give up on Gomer.

Ep 11: To Watch a Thief

Sgt. Carter puts a down payment on a watch for Miss Bunny at the PX, but Gomer mistakenly thinks he has stolen it and returns the watch.

Ep 12: The Prize Boat

Gomer wins a boat in a jingle contest, but it's Sgt. Carter navigating—into taxes, license fees and other expenses.

Ep 13: Friendly Freddy Strikes Again

Con artist Freddy sells Gomer a pearl ring for his girlfriend, Lou Ann, and then schemes to get it back.

Ep 14: Change Partners

After a fight, Sgt. Carter and Bunny split up. Gomer and Lou Ann decide that the best way to bring them back together is to go out on a date with them: Lou Ann with Sgt. Carter and Bunny with Gomer.

Ep 15: Wild Bull of the Pampas

A Latin American military man plots the overthrow of Sgt. Carter.

Ep 16: Gomer, the Good Samaritan

Gomer is assigned to pick up a general but gets sidetracked.

Ep 17: Gomer, the Privileged Character

Gomer is excused from regular duties for singing rehearsals when he's chosen to perform at a base variety show.

Ep 18: Gomer Goes Home

Gomer goes home to Mayberry and becomes involved in the search for the robber who held up Goober's gas station.

Ep 19: A Dog is a Dog

Sgt. Carter and Gomer are assigned to watch the colonel's German shepherd, but Gomer loses it.

Ep 20: Luv Finds Gomer Pyle

A teenage girl develops an unshakeable crush on Gomer.

Ep 21: Gomer and the Queen of Burlesque

As a joke, Sgt. Hacker gets a nightclub dancer to go out with Gomer. However, he comes to realizes how much she likes Gomer and his gentle soul.

Ep 22: The Carriage Waits

A department store accidentally sends Gomer a baby carriage.

Ep 23: Sergeant Lago

Gomer tries to make Lou Ann jealous by having Sgt. Carter tell her he is seeing other women.

Ep 24: Goodbye, Dolly

Gomer saves an old horse from the glue factory and tries to hide her at the base.

Ep 25: The Price of Tomatoes

When Gomer finds a farmer on a far-off part of Camp Henderson, everybody tries to throw him off. That is, until they realize he has legal papers that allow him to live there.

Ep 26: Chef For a Day

Gomer's cooking skills might get him assigned to the kitchen permanently.

Ep 27: Gomer and the Night Club Comic

Much to Sgt. Carter's chagrin, Gomer tries to help a night club comedian who is about to be fired.

Ep 28: Love and Goulash

Spending the weekend with a friend, Gomer inadvertently becomes involved in a Hungarian family feud.

Ep 29: And Baby Makes Three

Gomer sneaks a baby onto the base when he babysits for a friend—just as the colonel is due on an inspection tour.

Ep 30: Friendly Freddy, The Gentleman's Tailor

Gomer and Sgt. Carter buy suits from Friendly Freddy's mobile showroom, suits said to be the finest Hong Kong has to offer.

Ep 2: Corporal Duke

Duke is promoted to corporal, but finds his old reputation getting in his way.

Ep 1: Car for Sale

Hacker plans to get even when Sgt. Carter sells his car to Gomer instead of to him.

Ep 3: The Booty Prize

Gomer and Sgt. Carter are victims of the lead boot, the battalion's booty prize.

Ep 4: The Return of Monroe

Gomer gets a visit from the last person on Earth he wants to see—Lou Ann's old boyfriend, Monroe!

Ep 5: Just Move Your Lips, Sergeant

The platoon's chances to sing in a movie are almost spoiled by Sgt. Carter when it's discovered he can't carry a tune.

Ep 6: All You Need is One Good Break

Gomer and Sgt. Carter clash as they vie for an actress' affections.

Ep 7: A Marriage of Convenience

After Gomer refuses her, a movie star tries to get Sgt. Carter to marry her in order to avoid being deported.

Ep 8: A Star is Not Born

When Sgt. Carter takes a role in a Hollywood movie, he finds acting to be harder than he thought.

Ep 9: Come Blow Your Top

Sgt. Hacker bets Carter that he can't go 24 hours without losing his temper, and then enlists Gomer's aid to win his bet.

Ep 10: A Little Chicken Soup Wouldn't Hurt

Lonely widow Molly Gordon feels old and useless until Gomer and his appreciative buddies eat her wonderful home cooking.

Ep 11: Gomer, the Perfect MP

Gomer is assigned to guard duty at a back gate of the base and refuses to let Sgt. Carter pass through.

Ep 12: The Wild Bull Returns

South American General Cortez looks up his old friends, and falls in love with Sgt. Carter's girlfriend, Bunny.

Ep 13: Hit and Write

When Sgt. Carter scratches a parked car and offers to pay for it, the owner shows up with a bill for a completely demolished fender.

Ep 14: Two on the Bench

Sgt. Carter won't believe that Gomer really knows football star Moose Lewis.

Ep 15: A Tattoo For Gomer

Gomer's practical joke backfires when Lou Ann appears to like his fake tattoo.

Ep 16: Win-A-Date

Gomer and Sgt. Carter are contestants on the 'Win-A-Date' television program.

Ep 17: Marriage, Sgt. Carter Style

Sgt. Carter decides that Gomer might not re-enlist if he were married, so he tries to push the private into a quick wedding.

Ep 18: To Save a Life

Sgt. Carter saves Gomer's life and almost comes to regret it as Gomer suffocates him with gratitude.

Ep 19: Dynamite Diner

Gomer and Lou Ann pitch in to help open a new diner, not realizing the owners are planning to rob the bank next door.

Ep 20: Freddy's Friendly Computer

Gomer and Sgt. Carter again fall prey to fast talking conman Friendly Freddy, who's now running a computer dating service.

Ep 21: Gomer Maneuvers

Gomer inadvertently reveals the position of his platoon to the "enemy" during camp maneuvers.

Ep 22: Gomer Tends A Sick Kat

Gomer overhears a conversation about Bunny's sick cat and jumps to the conclusion that it's Sgt. Carter who is critically ill.

Ep 23: I'm Always Chasing Gomers

Sgt. Carter decides he must get away from Gomer to avoid a nervous breakdown, but it's far easier said than done.

Ep 24: The Short Voyage Home

Gomer plans to go home to Mayberry to help Goober out with the purchase of a gas station. Sgt. Carter rides the bus with Gomer to make sure he gets there safely.

Ep 25: Proxy Poppa

A Marine buddy breaks his leg and Gomer and Sgt. Carter have to take his expectant wife to the hospital.

Ep 27: Flower Power

Three hippies help Gomer paint a truck for maneuvers, but the results are not standard military camouflage.

Ep 26: Hare Today, Gone Tomorrow

Sgt. Carter allows a pet rabbit to escape but then learns that it belongs to a general's son.

Ep 28: Show Time With Sgt. Carol

Sgt. Carol wants Gomer to sing in the Marine camp show she is organizing, but Sgt. Carter won't agree to her plans.

Ep 29: My Fair Sister

Gomer must escort Sgt. Carter's sister to a dance.

Ep 30: Goodbye Camp Handerson, Hello Sergeant Carter

Gomer surprises everyone by accepting a transfer to another base. It's a dream come true for Sgt. Carter, but after talking with Duke, they realize Gomer's good points far outweigh the things that annoy the sergeant.