The house where Elvis Presley partied with The Beatles is for sale
The $23 million property was also once home to Zsa Zsa Gabor, Barbie's creator and more.

How can one house contain so many stories?
In Bel Air, there's a place that's collected so much history over time, the sum of it is really quite astounding. Built by Hugh Hefner in 1955, the keys to the front door eventually went to Elvis Presley in the 1960s, when he famously held a party there attended by just about everybody hip you can think of, including The Beatles.

Later on in the 1970s, Zsa Zsa Gabor moved in with her then-husband Jack Ryan, who history remembers best for inventing the Barbie Doll and that other adorable doll that The Brady Bunch helped make enduringly famous, Chatty Cathy. There's so much pop culture history lodged at 1001 Bel Air Road in Los Angeles, it's no wonder the gorgeous home is valued at $23.45 million, as for anyone who can afford to fork that amount over, the character of the Hollywood-handmedown goes far beyond standard luxury.
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