The Tina Louise workout plan

Here's how the former Ginger Grant stayed "limber, slim, and firm."

Warner Brothers

Finally, a article that you can apply to your daily life.

Usually, here, you can read about maybe backstage goings-on. Or, maybe you'll take a fun quiz. But, today is your lucky day, dear reader. Because you've just happened upon the key to living vivaciously.

By 1978, Tina Louise had been famous for decades. Twenty years into her life as a public figure, the former Gilligan's Island star was showing no sign of slowing down. Luckily for her fans, her career wasn't slowing down either. By the late seventies, Tina Louise was regularly starring in TV movies and made numerous guest appearances on popular shows. She was never more than a channel switch away from viewers' television sets. 

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So, how did she stay in shape to meet the demands of her robust onscreen career? On March 26, 1978, The Los Angeles Times published an interview in which Tina Louise unveiled all she did to keep up appearances.

"I have never had a higher energy level than right now. But I have never stopped trying to learn all I could about vitality," she said.

What was her secret?

"I recommend yoga for control of body and emotions. It gave me a sense of self and of relaxation. But I did not go too deeply into the philosophy, for I feel it does not fit into a Western lifestyle.

"I've had a dance class this morning and I'm hungry. Exercise has to have variety or I lose interest. Now I'm into isometrics, jogging, and orobics."

For those unfamiliar with "orobics," Louise explained that the workout was a combination of acrobatics and gymnastics.

"The advantage of variety is that not all exercise serves the same purpose. You can stay limber, slim, and firm with a daily workout but you do not necessarily gain stamina with it. You also need a routine that makes your heart beat faster. When I started jogging, I was tired in a fraction of the time I am now."

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tootsieg 13 months ago
Whatever works. TL is almost in her 90’s. God bless her.
Heathertebbutt 13 months ago
I loved Gilligan’s Island growing up and I still enjoy it now as an adult!
StanP 13 months ago
I wonder if there's a special club for people with two first names, like Tina Louise. For example, Little Richard. Tommy John. Boy George. Gracie Allen. Dean Martin. John Dean. Debbie Harry. George Michael. I could go on forever ... it feels so good.
StanP StanP 13 months ago
Wait a minute ... Little does not fit with that group. My bad.
StanP StanP 13 months ago
Nor does Boy.
StanP StanP 13 months ago
Substitute ... Ray Charles. Anne Frank. There, I feel better again.
Tresix StanP 13 months ago
Maybe Ann Francis would be a better choice.
tomtriox StanP 13 months ago
Tell that to Tarzan and Jane.
tomtriox StanP 13 months ago
Tell that to Tarzan and Jane
JHP 13 months ago
hey now
milk is bad for you
next week (according to the dumb arse media and stupid society that follows this poppy-cock)
milk is good for you
next week (according to the dumb arse media and stupid society that follows this poppy-cock)
milk is bad for you
next week (according to the dumb arse media and stupid society that follows this poppy-cock)

blah blah blah

"studies show..."
Runeshaper 13 months ago
Variety is the spice of life! In all sincerity, exercising and taking care of one's self is so important.
JHP 13 months ago
wish I could comment on this one...Laugh Out Loud
Bapa1 13 months ago
Must of worked, she's the only one left alive.
frances3agape Bapa1 13 months ago
Tomorrow is her 90th birthday!
according to Internet Movie Data Base
I didn't realize she was so prolific on tv shows
Have always remembered her 1979 tv movie "Friendships, Secrets and Lies". GREAT chick-flick with a mystery plot which is still relevant today. Also had Shelley Fabares, Paula Prentiss, Stella Stevens and Loretta Swit.
Andybandit 13 months ago
Good for TL for keeping in shape.
McGillahooala 13 months ago
Well, I guess I now know more than most about Tina Louise’s workout.
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