This was Susan Olsen's proudest moment in her acting career

No, it wasn't on the set of The Brady Bunch.

CBS Television Distribution

When you're a child actor, you've got a lot to be proud of. Child stars often get a bad rep, but they've reached a level of fame at such a young age that some adults spend their entire lives searching for.

Susan Olsen, best known for playing Cindy Brady of The Brady Bunch, was one of the most famous children in the world. Along with her on-screen siblings, Olsen's level of fame during the height of The Brady Bunch was astronomical. However, Olsen explained that her family kept her very grounded, and she had a relatively normal life growing up.

"Twenty-five percent of my money went into a trust fund," Olsen said during an interview with The Age. "I used to think 'How many Barbie outfits could that buy?' But I could never get to it. At the peak of my fame as Cindy, my allowance was five dollars a week."

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Olsen credited her parents for keeping her sensible. "I had an extremely happy childhood," she said.

While many child stars often gain a reputation for being a "one-hit-wonder," Olsen enjoyed acting opportunities beyond The Brady Bunch as well. In fact, she even considered one acting job her proudest moment, even if it wasn't her largest role.

"I was in an Elvis movie in a cameo," she said. "I was going to have a bigger role, but at the last moment, they thought I was too young...But I got to meet the King. It beat being in The Brady Bunch."

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Runeshaper 4 months ago
Being on screen with Elvis in any way is a win! I could see that being a very proud moment for her (-:
cperrynaples Runeshaper 4 months ago
If i had to guess it would proably be The Trouble With Girls! I believe Vincent Price was in it!
cperrynaples cperrynaples 4 months ago
I WAS RIGHT! It also had Anissa Jones AKA Buffy from Family Affair! It's on Catchy Comedy!
cperrynaples cperrynaples 4 months ago
PS hopefully Elvis didn't go after Anissa or Susan! But then again Priscilla was only 14 when she met him...LOL!
Runeshaper cperrynaples 4 months ago
Thanks for looking into that!
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