When a Beatle visited Happy Days
He brought his son to see the show taping — and was incredibly shy.

Today, nostalgia is all about the Eighties. Familiar '80s favorites like Ghostbusters and Karate Kid are being reinvented for a new generation and movies like Guardians of the Galaxy and Ready Player One are so full of radical Eighties references that it's practically a supporting character.
However, as the saying goes, there is nothing new under the sun — not even nostalgia. Just like how the 2010s were marked by Eighties nostalgia, in the Seventies and Eighties they longed for their own nostalgic youth of the Fifties.
Happy Days was a trip through the rose-tinted memories of the Fifties, and both adults and kids alike loved it. In fact, one of the biggest names of the Sixties was a fan — John Lennon.

Lennon watched the show with his son, Julian. They both loved the show so much that Lennon arranged for them to visit the set during the show's first year on the air.
“Julian was a fan of the ’50s and Happy Days," explained Anson Williams, known for his role as Potsie on the show, "and they spent the entire day on the set."
Williams remembers the former Beatle as a "humble guy." He described Lennon as "genuine and kind, and truly shy."
"Henry Winkler was there, Ron Howard, myself and Donny Most. I go to get a cup of coffee, and I see this guy with a ten-year-old kid. I think he looks familiar. It was John Lennon," Williams said.
By that time, Lennon had already released mega-hit "Imagine", but Henry Winkler said that he didn't act like the superstar he was. "All of a sudden, John Lennon just came to visit. And he brought with him, Julian. He was so, um, he was so shy," Winkler said.
Reportedly, Lennon and his son watched some of the show taping, signed autographs, and chatted with cast members. "I didn’t know how to get into a conversation with John Lennon. Then I just started talking about his Imagine album that he made, the solo album," Winkler said. “There was a cut on it called 'Mother,' which was like a primal scream. So I started talking to him about that. He opened like a flower. It was amazing."
The meeting apparently made an impression on young Julian. Years later, when he was a music artist in his own right, he appeared on the music variety show Solid Gold. They were filming on the Paramount lot, where Winkler had his office. "I got a knock on the door," Winkler said, "and he asked, ‘I don’t know if you remember me?’ to which I replied, ‘yeah, I do.’"


On HAPPY Days and Wally Plumstead on The Adventures of Ozzie And Harriet were great
Characters and excellent practical jokers on Happy Days
And The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet.
Was also a great character on HAPPY Days.
Ted McGinley did a fantastic job playing Roger
Phillips and Randolph Roberts did an excellent
Job playing Chuck Cunningham on HAPPY Days. Moose(Barry Greenberg) and Eugene Belvin (Denis Mandel) and
Melvin Belvin (Scott Bernstein) were also
Wonderful Characters on
Happy Days.
Rest In Peace
Dawn Wells
Mary Ann Summers
Gilligan's Island
Roy Stuart
Cpl. Boyle
Gomer Pyle USMC
Russell Johnson
Professor Roy Hinckley
Gilligan's Island
Tommy Leonetti
Cpl. Nick Cuccinelli
Gomer Pyle USMC
Eddie Cantor(1892-1964)
Joe Penner (1903-1941).
As of 2021 the acting style
Of Pee Wee Herman has
Been Compared To
Joe Penner and
Eddie Cantor.
It look like Howard Cunningham
Had amnesia because the writers of the Last Episode of Happy Days wrote that episode
To make it look like a certain
Character was never on HAPPY Days and most Happy Days
Viewers can figure out what
Happy Days character That I
Am talking about.
The last episode of Happy Days
Called Passages where Joanie
And Chachi got married was an
Insult to the person who played
The role that the writers forgot
On the last episode of Happy Days did not make any sense
And the writers of the last
Episode of Happy Days did
Have AMNESIA and a bad case
Of amnesia at that.
Jeers to the writers of the last episode of Happy Days who
Made it look like Howard Cunningham (Tom Bosley)
Had Amnesia.
Merry Christmas RR!!!!!
Gomer Pyle USMC and
Tommy Leonetti quit playing Corporal Nick Cuccinelli on.GP USMC
Why didn't the writers of
Gomer Pyle USMC explain
What happened to Bpyle
and Cuccinelli instead of
Having Boyle and Cuccinelli
Disappear with no explanation and all of a
Sudden Ronnie Schell
Shows up as Cpl Duke Slater with no explanation
Of what happened to Cpl.
Boyle(Roy Stuart).
When Newt Kiley (Kay Kuter) vanished from
Green Acres after the episode The Great Hooterville Refund Fraud on season five there was no explanation why.Newt Kiley vanished into thin air
On season 6 of Green Acres. When Peggy MacMillan (Joanna Moore )
Disappeared from The Andy Griffith Show and
Ellie Walker (Elinor Donahue) and Hilda Mae
(Florence MacMichael)
And ED SAWYER (William
Lanteau ) vanished from
The Andy Griffith Show
Along with Lucy Mathews
(Marlene Willis) there was
No explanation on what
Happened to Peggy Ellie
Etc.Also there was no explanation why Bag Zombroski (Neil J Schwartz)/Who played the
Drums in Richie's band was
Replaced by Sticks Downey Jr (John Anthony Bailey)
As the new drummer in Richie's band.
I wonder why Spike(Danny
Butch)/ was replaced by
Chachi Arcola Scott Baio
Because as.soon as Spike
Vanished from Happy Days
Chachi shows up right
Away.Junior Hocker(Russ
Horton) and Herbie Bates
(Don Washbrook)
Junior Hocker and Herbie Bates. When Junior Hocker (Russ Horton) and Herbie
Bates (Don Washbrook)
Vanished from Petticoat
Junction with no explanation it didn't make
any sense. Judy Hensler Jeri Weil and Larry Mondello Rusty Stevens
And Chester Anderson Buddy Hart and Tooey Brown Tiger Fafara and
Bill Scott David Kent and
Bengie Bellamy Joey Scott
Vanished from Leave It To
Beaver the writers did not
Explain what happened to those characters but Judy
Hensler (Jeri Weil) was
Replaced by Penny Woods
Played by Karen Sue Trent.
Please Write ARTICLES On
These Actors:
Bag Zombroski (Neil J. Schwartz) on HAPPY Days
Wally Plumstead (Skip Young)
On The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet)
Moose(Barry Greenberg) on
Happy Days
Chuck Cunningham (Randolph Roberts) on HAPPY Days
Eugene Belvin (Denis Mandel)
Melvin Belvin (Scott Bernstein)
On HAPPY Days)
Spike (Danny Butch) on HAPPY Days)
DAPHNE Hillary Horan on
Happy Days
Marsha Simms) Beatrice Colen)
Wendy Misty Rowe on HAPPY Days
Bobby)Harris Kal) on HAPPY Days
Trudy Tita Bell on HAPPY Days
Jill Higgins Charlene Tilton on
Happy Days
Gomer Pyle USMC
Corporal Boyle Roy Stuart on
Gomer Pyle USMC
Corporal Nick Cuccinelli Tommy Leonetti on Gomer Pyle USMC
Gilligan's Island
Mary Ann Summers Dawn Wells on Gilligan's Island
Professor Roy Hinckley (Russell
Johnson)on Gilligan's
Petticoat Junction
Junior Hocker (Russ Horton)
Herbie Bates (Don Washbrook)
Steve Elliott (Mike Minor)
Green Acres
Newt Kiley Kay Kuter on
Green Acres
Leave It Yo Beaver
Bill Scott David Kent
Chester Anderson Buddy Hart
Tooey Brown Tiger Fafara
Penny Woods Karen Sue Trent
Doug Douglas Robinson
Andy(Pat Cranshaw)
The Adventures of Superman
Professor Pepperwinkle
(Phillips Read)
Eddie Cantor
Pee Wee Herman
Joe Penner
Where Joanie Cunningham and
Chachi Arcola got married called
Passages would have been 100%
Better if Chuck Cunningham(Randolph Roberts)
Bag Zombroski (Neil J. Schwartz ) Moose(Barry Greenberg )
Eugene Belvin (Denis Mandel)
Melvin Belvin (Scott Bernstein)
And Spike Fonzarelli (Danny Butch) had been invited to the
Wedding. Garry Marshall thought
that it was funny when he decided that Chuck Cunningham
Was going to disappear from Happy Days with no explanation
But it wasn't funny.
A lot of Metv Comment Line
Persons have said that they
wished that Chuck Cunningham (Gavan O Herlihy or Randolph Roberts ) had stayed on HAPPY Days and that Chuck Cunningham should NOT have
Vanished from Happy Days with no explanation .
Have been called either
Where's Chuck ? OR
Whatever Happened To Chuck Cunningham ? INSTEAD of Passages.
Chuck Cunningham should
Have been at the wedding
And Bag Zombroski should
Have been at the wedding.
Randolph Roberts and
Gavan O Herlihy played
Chuck Cunningham and
Neil J Schwartz played
Bag Zombroski.
are on METV on Saturdays from
6pm,-8pm . I like the Pie
Throwing and Cream Puff Throwing by MOE HOWARD
Larry Fine Curly Howard
Shemp Howard and Joe Besser .
Watching the Three Stooges
Getting in bunk beds (Curly
On Top Larry in the middle bunk
And Moe in the first bunk and
then Curly falling through the
Bunk beds to where Moe was
resting was hilarious.
From The 3 Stooges Short
Men In.Black:
"Calling Dr. Howard Dr. Fine
Dr. Howard.
Please bring Laurel and Hardy Shorts and Little Rascals-
Our Gang Shorts to METV.
Tried to have Fonzie thrown
Out of town by Sundown
Had Akan Oppenheimer play
Mickey Malph Ralph's father..
I noticed that Alan Oppenheimer
And actor Bernie West Resemble each other.
Bernie West played a crooked
Lawyer named Wayne Hinshaw
On Gomer Pyle USMC episode
Sue The Pants Off Them.
In actuality, its commonplace for celebs to visit the sets or sights of other productions they weren't involved in.
But it also shows Lennon's interest and knowledge of American TV shows in general. In the 60s THE MONKEES had gone to England for an event and met the BEATLES at a party. Lennon, in conversation with MICKEY DOLENZ, told him that their show reminded him of the MARX BROTHERS.
In the early 70s, Lennon (with YOKO ONO) appeared on the obscure but popular talk show, THE MIKE DOUGLAS SHOW. I think he was on there several times and brought many other friends who would be considered "radicals" in that era.
From my personal opinion, HAPPY DAYS was best during the first several years of the show when it was filmed. At this time the show centered around the life of Richie Cunningham and the various characters around his orbit - including Fonzie. This idea was similar to RON HOWARD cause it was pretty much the same as the world of "Mayberry" where the numerous characters on THE ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW interacted with Griffith.
HOWEVER, UNLIKE the ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW, where they didn't make the super popular Barney Fife character the main focal point, HAPPY DAYS switched gears and made Fonzie the main character and everything swirled around HIM instead.
Although popular, this is where the show started to go downhill in my humble opinion. It began filming in front of an audience/ the storylines and situations became sillier (Mork From Ork)/ the hairstyles morphed from the 50s to the 70s seemingly overnight/ ridiculous characters were brought in and out (Chachi amongst them)/ the jokes became lamer and more juvenile.
While THE ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW maintained a high quality throughout its run, although entertaining at times, HAPPY DAYS turned into total garbage.
Been 10 Times Better If
The Following Happy Days
Characters Had Not Been
Victims of Chuck Cunningham Syndrome:
Chuck Cunningham 1
Gavan O Herlihy
Chuck Cunningham 2
Randolph Roberts
Bag Zombroski:
Neil J. Schwartz
Moose:Barry Greenberg
Eugene Belvin: Denis Mandel
Meivin Belvin:
Scott Bernstein
Marsha Simms:
Beatrice Colen
Wendy:Misty Rowe
Trudy:Tita Bell
Spike:Danny Butch
Leather Suzi Quatro
Flip Phillips Billy Warlock
KC Cunningham Crystal Bernard
Jenny Piccalo Cathy Silvers
Daphne Hillary Horan
Bruiser Paul Linke
Rebel Reb Brown
Kitty :Audrey Landers
Jill Higgins Charlene Tilton
Sticks:John Anthony Bailey
Olivia:Amy Irving
Gloria Linda Purl
Cindy Shellenberger Mary Cross
MARILEE :Carol Williams
Moose's Girl Carey Williams
The biggest victim of
Chuck Cunningham Syndrome was of course
Chuck Cunningham himself.
Chachi Arcola was okay but
Spike should have stayed
On HAPPY Days longer than
4 Episodes.
Kathy O Dare was excellent
As Richie's First Girlfriend
Mary Lou Mulligan in Episode
One of Happy Days. All The
Went to Twilight Zone College
After he vanished from Milwaukee . Twilight Zone
College is where college students check in but they
Don't check out and Rod Serling
Was the owner of that college.
On HAPPY Days are still actors
Or did some of these Happy Days Actors/Actresses Retire
From Acting and went into a
Different Profession:
Neil J Schwartz (Bag Zombroski)
Randolph Roberts (Chuck Cunningham 2)
Barry Greenberg (Moose)
Misty Rowe (Wendy)
Tita Bell (Trudy)
Charlene Tilton (Jill Higgins)
Crystal Bernard (KC Cunningham)
Billy Warlock (Flip Phillips)
Harris Kal (Bobby Melner)
Danny Butch (Spike)
Denis Mandel (Eugene Belvin)
Scott Bernstein (Melvin Belvin)
Marla Pennington (Cynthia Brannigan)
Carol Williams (MARALEE)
Carey Williams (Moose's Girlfriend)
Paul Linke(Bruiser)
Reb Brown(Rebel)
Audrey Landers (Kitty)
Amy Irving(Olivia)
Lynda Goodfriend (Lori Beth Allen)
Happy Days
Tom Bosley (Howard
Erin Moran (Joanie
Pat Morita (Arnold)
Al Molinaro (Al Delvecchio)
ED Peck(Officer Kirk)
Beatrice Colen (Marsha Simms)
Cpl. Nick Cuccinelli Tommy Leonetti
Cpl. Boyle Roy Stuart
Cpl. Slater Ronnie Shell
On Gilligan's Island if Mary Ann Summers and Ginger Grant
Were Real Persons in the 1960s
Who would you rather go on a
Date with Mary Ann or Ginger?
Also which castaway on Gilligan's Island do you like the
Mary Ann Summers Dawn Wells
Ginger Grant Tina Louise
Also if TV characters were real
Persons would you rather go on a date with Mary Ann Summers
(Gilligan's Island ) or Lou Ann Poovie (Gomer Pyle USMC)
Of these 3 characters who was
The Worst Singer on a Sitcom:
Barney FIFE Don Knotts
Sgt. Vince Carter Frank Sutton
Lou Ann Poovie Elizabeth MacRae
On Gomer Pyle USMC who was
The Best Practical Joker'
Sgt. Whipple Buck Young
Sgt. Hacker:Allan Melvin
Duke Slater Ronnie Shell
Sgt Carter Frank Sutton
Which Basketball Character did
You like the best and why on
Gavan O Herlihy
Randolph Roberts
Roger Phillips
Ted McGinley
Richie Cunningham
Ron Howard
Who was the best PRACTICAL
JOKER Character on HAPPY Days:
Ralph Malph Donny Most
Bag Zombroski Neil J Schwartz
Bobby Melner Harris Kal
Jenny Piccalo Cathy Silvers
Who was your favorite Minor
Character on HAPPY Days:
Eugene Belvin Denis Mandel
Melvin Belvin Scott Bernstein
Moose Barry Greenberg
Bag Zombroski Neil J Schwartz
Trudy Tita Bell
Wendy Misty Rowe
Marsha Simms Beatrice Colen
Gloria Linda Purl
Spike Danny Butch
Sticks Downey Jr John Anthony
Daphne Hillary Horan
Bobby Melner Harris Kal
Tommy Kevin Sullivan
The Happy Days Companion by Edward Gross published by Pioneer
Books in 1991.
What is Your Favorite TVTheme
Song and Favorite Movie Song?
I like Swinging Safari which was
Used for The NBC Version of
The Match Game with Gene
Rayburn and The Theme Song
From The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour by two artists:
Nelson Riddle and Mason Williams and I like The Little
Rascals Theme Song(The Good
Old Days) and Petticoat Junction
Theme Song and Green Acres
Theme Song. Ellie's Theme from
The Andy Griffith Show is a
Beautiful instrumental.
Amy's Theme by Nelson Riddle
Is another beautiful Instrumental.
Favorite movie theme songs: Rocky 3, Police Academy, Robocop, too many to name 😊
I Only Want To Be With You
By Dusty Springfield Are excellent songs.
Popular Sitcoms:
1 Wally Plumstead Skip Young
Of The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
2 Bag Zombroski Neil J Schwartz of Happy Days
3 Eddie Haskell Ken Osmond
Of Leave It To Beaver
4 Lumpy Rutherford Frank Bank
Of Leave It To Beaver
5 Uncle Arthur Paul Lynde of
6 Hawkeye Alan Alda of MASH
7 Ralph Malph Donny Most
Of Happy Days
8 Bobby Melner Harris Kal of
Happy Days
9 Sgt.Hacker Allan Melvin of
Gomer Pyle USMC
10 Sgt. Whipple Buck Young
Of Gomer Pyle USMC
METV Viewers:
Who are Your Favorite
Practical Jokers on Popular
198O and Bag Zombroski Neil J Schwartz left Happy
Days in 1977 That's the Day
That The Two Practical Jokers Went Out The Happy Days EXIT DOOR
Right after and before
Basketball Guy Chuck Cunningham Randolph Roberts went out the Happy Days EXIT DOOR and
Then Those 3 Characters
Were Residents of THE
SITCOM ZONE forever.
Starting in 1980 Bobby Melner Harris Kal played
Practical Jokes but it
Wasn't quite the same
Without Ralph's and Bag's
Practical Jokes
Roger Phillips Ted McGinley
Was a good basketball guy
But with Roger Phillips on
Happy Days it wasn't Quite
The same without basketball guy Chuck Cunningham (Gavan
O Herlihy and Randolph Roberts).
Aaaaayyy(Fonzie's Lingo)