Hot Rods to Herman- It’s “Munster Go Home” Tonight!

Posted on November 28, 2015

One of TV's most enduring - and bizarre- families comes back for a return appearance on the Sven show tonight- in a movie that wends its way from 1313Mockingbird Lane to a creepy castle in jolly olde England- with ratty relatives and revengeful racers- it's the 1966 favorite- "Munster Go Home"!

The Munsters- appearing in full color, I might add- are astonished to learn that Herman has inherited the traditional Munster family estate, located in Shroudshire,Great Britain- not only that, but the inheritance also bequeaths the big guy with the august title of "Lord Munster"! Oh, lord...

They load the Munster coach  onto an ocean liner (NOT Herman's favorite mode of transportation) and the trip is even rougher than the seas- with Grandpa getting into trouble with a werewolf potion, and the family's lovely niece Marilyn (isn't it a shame how she looks?!) encountering a young Englishman who's into foreign cars- who may just also have a yen for a certain American girl- but smooth sailing doesn't appear to be on course for this romance!

Meanwhile, all is NOT well at Munster Hall! It would seem that the British branch of the family is NOT pleased that Herman has inherited the place and title- and the family matriarch, Lady Effigee, along with conniving cousin Freddie and his slimy sister Grace, aided by their butler,Cruikshank, decide to scare off their American cousins so that they may retain the mansion-and Freddy can claim the title of Lord Munster!  They do not, however, take into account who-or what- they are dealing with! Along the way,Marilyn has a close encounter with another local  family - who turn out not only to include the young man from her brief shipboard romance, but also to be longtime rivals and enemies of any members of Munster family. These ill feelings bring about a showdown, in which Herman must enter the area's yearly road race - and win it all to preserve the Munster family honor- while being plotted against by the dishonorable British Munsters !

This movie is well known for giving the world their first big screen look at the TV family- in Technicolor, no less-  and for giving the world the car known as Grandpa's “Drag-u-la”- a  hot rod designed for the movie (and then used on the TV show) by the late George Barris, to whom we dedicate this program. We'll run down the familiar TV cast, introduce you to yet another Marilyn (and try to explain WHY there's this latest model )- along with some  familiar (and maybe unexpected) faces! We also will go on a fact-finding mission- to find where the Munsters may have left their vehicles- in one of the greatest auto museums in the country!

“Munster Go Home” homes in on MeTV tonight at 10 pm eastern/pacific, 9 pm central. If you’re unsure when we're on, check your local listings for the time in your area- or, go to Chicago area viewers can get a second helping of the "Deadly Mantis" (do sweet potatoes go with that?)  at 11 am on our sister station, WCIU, the U!

Even if you were the same color green as Herman after enjoying too much of your Thanksgiving feast- I hope you'll join us for another full course of  Munster madness!

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