10 super '70s items from the 1976 JCPenney Christmas catalog
Did you own or gift any of these super '70s items straight out of JCPenney's 1976 Christmas Catalog?

It's the time of the year where both kids and adults are making a list, checking it twice and spending their days out holiday shopping. As many start to make that holiday shopping list, or maybe already have, it's important to look back and remember the gifts of years past. Wonder where these old pieces are at now?
Today, we are focusing on the year 1976. Here are 10 of the greatest gifts we found in the 1976 JCPenney Christmas catalog. Did you ever want or own any of these items below? Let us know! (You can add these to your current shopping list, but you may have to add a time machine too!)
1. Sueded Leather Jacket

Image credit: wishbookweb.com
Everything suede! This and five more pages of it are featured in the JCPenney Christmas catalog. Did you join the suede craze of '76?
2. Star Trek toys

Image credit: wishbookweb.com
Star Trek has long made its impact on the world. But Star Trek in the '70s just hit different.
3. Sesame Street Styled Everything

Image credit: wishbookweb.com
Sesame Street was everywhere in the '70s. You could even have a collection of your favorite Sesame Street tunes.
4. Coordinate your coordinates!

Image credit: wishbookweb.com
Time to coordinate!
5. All kinds of electronics

Image credit: wishbookweb.com
Today, these pages would be filled with Apple, Samsung and other hot products. These electronics may not look like much today, but in '76? They were top-notch.
6. Hot Wheels, the hottest toys around!

Image credit: wishbookweb.com
Hot Wheels are still one of the hottest gifts of the holiday season. R.I.P. to all the little lost car toys from years past.
7. Go Western!

Image credit: wishbookweb.com
Western fashion items were all the rage in the '70s. Even Lucas McCain would take a second to look at the JCPenney Christmas catalog.
8. Superheroes, bad guys and ... Fonzie?

Image credit: wishbookweb.com
Sure, you could have Shazam or Batman, but Fonzie was the real superhero of '76. Batman might be inspiring kids to reach greatness, but Fonzie's teaching them how to be cool.
9. Adventures with your favorite TV heroes

Image credit: wishbookweb.com
In '76 you could adventure with your favorite TV teams! Did you own any TV toys?
10. Covered head to toe in Sesame Street

Image credit: wishbookweb.com
If it didn't have Ernie or Oscar's face on it, kids didn't want it. Head to toe Sesame Street? Sign us up like it's the mid-'70s!


She bought me a hot pink turtle neck and a bright, lime green skirt and jacket that had hot pink flowers on it, and demanded I wear it to school all the time. I was always much more conservative than she was.....when it came to MY clothing. lol
About thirty years ago, I gave it all to the daughter of a friend.
Oddly, Hot Wheels were more fun than the cheap slot car set I had before that.