10 things you never knew about the Fun Girls of The Andy Griffith Show

Joyce Jameson and Jean Carson were nothing like their (many) Mayberry characters.

Some of the most memorable Mayberry characters hardly appeared on The Andy Griffith Show. Ernest T. Bass (Howard Morris) pops up in a mere five episodes. The same goes for Leon (Clint Howard), the tiny, silent sandwich-chomping cowboy. Brisco Darling (Denver Pyle) managed to one-up them — literally — with six episodes. The Fun Girls whirled into the lives of Andy and Barney just three times.

Was there a more aptly named duo in classic television? With the names Skippy and Daphne, these two bouncy Mount Pilot blondes were ready for a party. In "Barney Mends a Broken Heart," the Fun Girls' first appearance, Daphne even suggests to Andy that they visit a "gigolo club in Yancey." Gasp! Picture Aunt Bee clutching her pearls!

As Daphne, Jean Carson coined one of the sitcom's many catchphrases with her raspy come-on, "Hi, Doll!" As Skippy, Joyce Jameson beamed a 150-watt smile.

Despite the few appearances of the Fun Girls, the show producers must have loved the actresses — they returned as different characters. Did you ever notice that? Here are some more things you might not have known about Carson and Jameson!

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1. Jean Carson played a different Mayberry character a month later.


The Fun Girls first appeared in the season-three tale "Barney Mends a Broken Heart." It originally aired in November 1962. A month later, just five episodes later, Carson turned up in Mayberry again — as an entirely different character. The Andy Griffith Show was never concerned with continuity. In "Convicts at Large," Carson plays the tough escaped convict Jalene Naomi Connors, who runs alongside "Big Maude."

2. They both played even more characters on Gomer Pyle.


That thing we just said about continuity? Well, here's more proof. In the spin-off Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C., which regularly featured crossover characters from The Andy Griffith Show, Jameson and Carson portrayed even more women of the Mayberry universe. Jameson was Sgt. Carter's casino companion in "Vacation in Las Vegas" — and makes a rare brunette appearance in "The Return of Monroe" as Natalie. Carson, meanwhile, as interacted with Sgt. Carter as the diner waitress Shirley in "Love Letters to the Sarge."

3. Jean Carson auditioned for the voice of Betty Rubble.


Carson's lusty, raspy voice proved to be her career trademark. No wonder she was considered for one of the most iconic animation gigs in history. Carson read for the role of Betty Rubble on The Flintstones, losing out to Bea Benaderet.

4. Joyce Jameson did voice Hanna-Barbera characters.


While never working on The Flintstones, Jameson did indeed rack up several credits for the Hanna-Barbera studio. The skilled comedian, once a foil for the likes of Steve Allen, brought Scooby-Doo characters to life in The New Scooby and Scrappy-Doo Show and The Ri¢hie Ri¢h/Scooby-Doo Show.

Image: The Everett Collection

5. Joyce Jameson was nothing like her characters.


Throughout her career, Jameson was typecast as a ditzy blonde. In truth, the UCLA graduate was sharp as a tack and well-read.  "In effect, there are two Joyce Jamesons — the real one and the character whom my agent and I call The Dummy," the actress once lamented. In a 1958 interview with The Pittsburgh Press in 1958, she explained, "Everyone expects to cast me as the dumb or victimized blonde. After they interview me, I can just hear them say, 'Hey! She's intelligent, but what do you do with it?'"

Image: The Everett Collection

6. Jean Carson and Jack Dodson studied at the same university.


Carson was far more intelligent than her on-screen characters, as well. Like Don Knotts, she was born and raised in West Virginia. Later, studied drama at Carnegie Tech (now Carnegie Mellon) in Pittsburgh — the same alma mater of Jack Dodson, a.k.a. Howard Sprague of Mayberry. The Carnegie Drama program also fed talents such as Ted Danson, René Auberjonois, Steven Bochco, Barbara Feldon, Frank Gorshin, Jack Klugman and many more to television.

7. Rod Serling wrote a Twilight Zone episode for Jean Carson.


According to The Definitive Andy Griffith Show Reference by Dale Robinson and David Fernandes, a classic episode of The Twilight Zone was "written specifically for Carson by Rod Serling." The twisty "A Most Unusually Camera" cast Carson again as a bad girl, one of a pair of thieves. 

8. Joyce Jameson made horror films with Vincent Price, too.


One place fans can find Jameson in a somewhat different context is Tales of Terror, the 1962 Edgar Allen Poe adaptation from the mind of Roger Corman. She reteamed with the director — as well as costars Vincent Price and Peter Lorre — a year later for The Comedy of Terrors.

Image: The Everett Collection

9. Jean Carson's son was a double for the Fonz.


In her autobiography More Than Just a Fun Girl From Mt. Pilot: The Jean Carson Story, the actress mentions that one of her sons, Tracy Parlan, worked as Henry Winkler's double on Happy Days.

10. Jameson was married to Billy Barnes — and worked with another Mayberry regular.


Composer-actor Billy Barnes is best known for his Billy Barnes Revues, a showcase of song and dance and mirth that tickled fans in L.A. and on Broadway throughout the Fifties and Sixties. The 1959 iteration of The Billy Barnes Revue is of particular interest to Mayberry fanatics.  The cabaret —captured on an album with a 1959 cast recording released by Decca — showcased the talents of both Ken Berry and Joyce Jameson. Barnes was married to Jameson. Berry's wife, Jackie Joseph, who danced with Ernest T. Bass in Mayberry, was also part of the revue. Jameson, Berry and Joseph would continue to work together in The Billy Barnes People, which premiered in 1961. Berry, of course, would land his own Andy Griffith spin-off, Mayberry R.F.D. Oddly, Jameson never appeared on that show.

SEE MORE: Ken Berry's wife showed up in Mayberry long before he did


Jackie Joseph made a memorable dance partner for Ernest T. Bass. READ MORE

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Kenner 34 months ago
Joyce was also on Hogans Hero’s. Read Wikipedia about her. Very very sad ending.😞
DethBiz 44 months ago
Loved Joyce Jameson in Death Wish 2000 and the Comedy of Terrors. Loved Jean Carson in I Married A Monster from Outer Space with another MeTV alum Gloria Talbott.
RedSamRackham 53 months ago
* Joyce Jameson hilarious as Blanche the flirt married to Hy the drunk on Dick Van Dyke Show! ☺
54 months ago
I loved both ladies. They were a delight on TAGS.
Pacificsun 54 months ago
As (one of) RV's girl friends during the time, JJ guest starred in the MFU's Dippy Blond Affair. An episode written with her in mind. Given Ms. Jameson's talent for visual expression, some of the scenes being most memorable. Even then it was said how intelligent she was. Didn't know about her sad ending until reading Wiki.
MrsPhilHarris Pacificsun 54 months ago
Yes very sad.
sharon4654 54 months ago
Hi, I like this Metv and it's stories.
JHP 54 months ago
Jack Dodson - thee perfect name for how he was on screen - a cold bowl of day old oatmeal
BillBaud 54 months ago
Joyce Jameson also appeared on another CBS program: the Dick Van Dyke Show where her jealous husband punches Alan Brady(Carl Reiner) in the stomach!
JHP BillBaud 54 months ago
The DVD show was 5 levels above TAGS - yes Laura was still a self-centered low confidence B-Tich but Buddy and Sally really made that soup tasty
Fuming JHP 54 months ago
5 levels...no. You got Buddy the wise cracking short guy in a miserable marrige, Sally the single girl who csnt find a man, Mel the put upon brother in law to the big boss and Laura the stay at home mom who gets into crazy predicaments ala Lucy Ricardo. Plus the most annoying child actor of the '60s in richie. With Rob trying to hold it all together week in and week out.
JHP Fuming 54 months ago
at least Lucy was funnier - but WAY more scheming
JHP Fuming 54 months ago
Tell ya what - up here in the Midwest one of the shows on tonight is.....(HOORAY!)

"the darlings are coming" - YUK - about as funny as a PGA telecast
Pacificsun Fuming 29 months ago
There were some interesting plots. My hunch is, they came up with the character ("personalities") just so they'd have something to showcase their wild and crazy plots. They were never meant to be relatable, but simply excuses for a range of characters to fill in the slots. Meaning it was never a character-driven Show, but was instead, plot driven. Fraiser made its point through conversation and DVD made its point through visuals, that's the difference.

Recently watched an episode where they switched up Buddy's miserable marriage for how much his missed Pickles. Which was the excuse (though poorly excused) for Buddy spending a week at the Petrie home. And ALL the ways he was annoying. Again, to showcase "that" character and not to try and explain their marriage. Mel was simply a place-mark, obvious and quirky enough to be the right type of "yes" man that Alan Brady needed. But for the excuse of TWO characters making Rob's life miserable. And to emphasize the horror of their boss. Sally was so sadly stereotyped is was the opposite of clingy-Laura, who just didn't have a brain. It is amazing that viewers overlooked such shortcomings, but found DVD humorous enough to make it work. The Show would never survive in today's culture.
Brave10 JHP 18 months ago
Which show is repeatedly shown nearly everyday across several cable channels. I’ll give you a hint: it’s NOT DVD.
JHP Brave10 18 months ago
well there are a few for sure...it's a multiple answer ?
54 months ago
Loved both Joyce Jameson & Jean Carson. RIP, Sweet Ladies!
Fishsticks 54 months ago
The Fun Girls episodes are the funniest ones. I love Jean Carson's character. Every time she says"Hey doll." I still crack up. It must have been fun making those episodes.
MadMadMadWorld Fishsticks 44 months ago
Joyce Jameson was incredibly both sexy and funny! Jean was also very good, but Skippy (Joyce) is just marvelous, and a funny recurring bit is when she keeps calling Barney as "Bernie!"
Brave10 MadMadMadWorld 18 months ago
Wasn’t a fan of the Fun Girls or Ernest T. Too silly. Liked Ernest T best as the tv repairman.
TomBurkhart 54 months ago
related to jenna jameson.......lol
MaryAnn TomBurkhart 54 months ago
Bad boy! 😜
Krn TomBurkhart 54 months ago
How cool!
deano1 54 months ago
I don't think using an actor or actress for two different roles during a series' run has anything to do with continuity. If that is the case than almost every TV show in history (especially the ones in the 50's, 60's and even most of the 70's) is guilty. Continuity issues are things like Barney's middle name changing or Clara having a different last name from one episode to the next. Of course, we need to keep in mind that they made over 30 shows a year back then and that means some weren't even shown in reruns during the Summer. These shows were basically just 24 minute plays, meant to be watched once and then forgotten. In the case of many sitcoms, forgetting would be the best thing to do, but TAGS was something special. The writers, directors and producers had no idea that people would be watching the shows 60 years later and debating whether Andy and Barney were cousins!...BTW, while gigolo today is used for a male escort, back in the day it could also mean a male dance partner.
JHP deano1 54 months ago
still think the writers were visiting the Morrison sisters too many times during their writing stints..ALMOST every Ep had a faux-paux in it...in the same dang year
Pacificsun deano1 54 months ago
Well said. I too tire of the erroneous misapplication of "continuity" examples.

In some productions, there's a position devoted to managing script continuity. But the expectation to meet sitcom (incl. TAGS) weekly deadlines and budget was formidable.
Pacificsun deano1 29 months ago
The problem doesn't excuse the incident, it just explains it. Meaning that if the mistake wasn't caught in real-time, there was often no time to go back and fix it. Viewers don't realize what a challenge it was to produce a weekly sitcom, because comedy doesn't seem to be as big a deal as hourly drama. But the same approach is taken like an assembly line. With various stages of production being juggled among multiple episodes (except for shooting the episode itself. Because the other parts of the production were in different stages of progress. Like costuming and set design. Soliciting stories/editing, signing talent/scheduling availability, assigning tasks (props and set builds). studio lot reservations/scheduling. While competing with other Shows doing the very same thing, per studio. One minor slipup added a costly delay, and the possible reuse of an actor's time instead of designating them to the next area of a script. Meaning it didn't function in the way ordinary jobs did for average people. Time management equaled budget management.
DarioWiter 54 months ago
Actually, for actress Jean Carson, her catchphrase was "Hello, Doll!" 😁
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