9 things from the Wonder Woman tv show we want to see in the movie
The lasso and bracelets are a must, but don't forget the blue wetsuit, robot, and invisible plane.

Wonder Woman is returning to the big screen. First, we'll see Gal Godot suit up as the superhero in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice this spring. But that looks to be a side role in showdown between two pop culture mammoths. Thankfully, Wonder Woman will finally get her own solo film in 2017, forty-two years after she appeared on a hit television series starring Lynda Carter. There are sacred elements of the comic book character that must be included in her live-action iteration — the bullet-deflecting bracelets, the Lasso of Truth, the traditional costume. From what we've seen in trailers, Warner Bros. has delivered.
Rumor has it that the upcoming Wonder Woman film takes place in the past, perhaps during World War I. We like that idea. After all, the 1970s TV show initially took place during World War II. That's not the only good idea that can be mined from from the classic action hour. Here are nine more things from the television show we'd love to see in the movie.
1. 1. Her blue diving suit

2. 2. Her invisible plane

3. 3. Paradise Island

4. 4. Her disguise

5. 5. Her motorcycle

6. 6. Her tiara used as a boomerang

7. 7. Rover

8. 8. Disco

9. 9. Lynda Carter, of course

Wonder Woman - Faded Logo

Wonder Woman - Plays Rough

Wonder Woman - Logo

Wonder Woman - Plays Rough

Wonder Woman - Wonder Mom

Wonder Woman - Flying

Wonder Woman - Faded Logo

Wonder Woman - Faded Logo

Wonder Woman - Plays Rough

Wonder Woman - Logo

Wonder Woman - Plays Rough

Wonder Woman - Wonder Mom

Wonder Woman - Flying

Wonder Woman - Golden Logo

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