Who saved the day: Wonder Woman or the Petticoat Junction girls?

Can you tell a superhero from a Bradley sister?

Image: The Everett Collection

It's easy to think of Petticoat Junction as a sitcom where the three beautiful daughters always needed saving. But that overlooks every episode where Betty Jo, Bobbie Jo, Billie Jo and their mother Kate did everything in their power to put things right in their little community.

So we took a look back at our favorite Petticoat Junction episodes where the girls saved the day to see if you can separate the Bradley sisters most heroic moments from Wonder Woman's everyday bravery.

Think you can tell a superhero from a Bradley sister? Take the quiz and find out!
  1. Who enters a beauty contest to expose a scandal?
  2. When there's a havoc-wreaking chimp making a mess of things, who takes action?
  3. Who must battle a vindictive man to stop a nasty plague from spreading?
  4. Who must battle a hard-headed man to stop a flu outbreak?
  5. Who stops a rock star who literally hypnotizes his fans?
  6. Who discovers an unlikely ally in an alien invader?
  7. Who helps a country singer who kidnapped an orphan?
  8. Who creates unlikely enemies when she enters a beauty contest?
  9. Who must deal with a chimp who can read minds?
  10. Who decides a visiting stranger is actually an alien invader?
  11. Bonus question, so let's flip the logic. Who gets saved by orphan kids after becoming trapped in an abandoned jail?

Who saved the day: Wonder Woman or the Petticoat Junction girls?

Your Result...

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JDnHuntsvilleAL 31 months ago
I say #10 is technically WRONG. It was UNCLE JOE who thought Newton was an alien, not the girls.
nightshade 35 months ago
9 out of 11 and ive never seen petticoat junction
Mike 50 months ago
9/11.. not to bad, memory is fading these days.
Joe 69 months ago
[image=https://weigel-comments.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/e6Sqd-1562792660-Screen Shot 2019-07-10 at 5.03.34 PM.png]
TravisBalling Joe 69 months ago
First, in "The Man Who Could Not Die" the chimp was impervious to injury, he could not read minds. Second, Wonder Woman made several enemies when Diana entered a beauty contest in "Beauty On Parade"
EllisClevenger 69 months ago
You got 9 out of 11
Nice job distinguishing between shades of heroism, whether it comes from Paradise Island or the Shady Rest Hotel.
Missed #7 and #10.
WILD 72 months ago
You got 8 out of 11
Nice job distinguishing between shades of heroism, whether it comes from Paradise Island or the Shady Rest Hotel.
RickyJoeJohnson 72 months ago
Billie, Bobby, and Betty did NOT create enemies when they all entered the kings Kars contest. They had a disagreement over the contest but did not create ENEMIES.
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