These are the most hard-working animals on MeTV, ranked in order!

Who knew you could make a career out of being so darn cute?

The only thing viewers love more than characters like Barney Fife or Robert Petrie are their dogs. There's something inherently delightful about seeing a pet on screen, and people love to invest a little extra care in furry actors. Fame, however, isn't all pats on the head and words of adoration.


These animal actors have to put in a hard day's work alongside their human counterparts, and it's time to give them the credit where it's due. After scouring their careers, we've put together the ultimate list of the most hard-working animals on MeTV. 

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1. Pluto the Dog


What show hasn't this dog been on? Pluto has been on many shows that MeTV airs or has aired. With appearances on The Andy Griffith Show ("Barney's Bloodhound"), The Beverly Hillbillies, The Dick Van Dyke Show ("The Ugliest Dog in the World") and more, Pluto became a household face. His handler was legendary Hollywood trainer Frank Inn, who worked with many of the talents that we'll mention in a moment. With the right representation, Pluto became the regular go-to animal. Need a dog with movie-star quality? Look no further, Breakfast at Tiffany's. Need man's best friend? He's on it, Petticoat Junction! This pup worked so often, we had to given him the top spot. He is, indeed, the "goodest boy."

2. Buck, Cochise, Chub and Sport


Riding all over the countryside is hard work, and these four horses couldn't know that better. Between the herding, chasing down trespassers, and the daily transportation needs of the Cartwrights, these horses were certainly some of the hardest working animals on television. This kind of constant movement is no problem for a healthy animal; the average well-attended horse can run up to 24 hours before it becomes exhausted. Pair this with a show that ran for 14 seasons, and you're looking at the highest-endurance animals Hollywood could offer.

3. Arnold the Pig


The infamous Arnold Ziffel, pig of the stars. Famous for his role on Green Acres and Petticoat Junction, Arnold fit right in with his human costars, delighting audiences nightly. He can write his own name and change the channel all on his own (well, with some Hollywood magic). All of this work paid off when he won not one, but three PATSY (Picture Animal Top Star of the Year) Awards. With this acclaim under his belt, Arnold was the most highly-awarded actor on Green Acres

4. Orangey the Cat


Orangey Minerva, as he is formally known, is one of the most well-known cats in Hollywood history. A marmalade tabby cat with a uniquely pure orange coat, Orangey boats films like Breakfast at Tiffany's and Rhubarb early in his career. He's no stranger to the sets of MeTV television shows, with appearances on Alfred Hitchcock Presents, The Beverly Hillbillies and The Dick Van Dyke Show. It's no surprise that this cat claimed two PATSY Awards while living the life of luxury. What a purr-fect addition to the animal actor hall of fame.  

Image: Jurow-Shepard

5. Higgins the Dog


This pup has been adored as a canine hero for decades, but he got his start working right alongside the sisters on Petticoat Junction. With sweet brown eyes and a lovable disposition, the original Benji actor had a whopping 14-year career in the eyes of the public. With a cover feature for TV Guide magazine and one PATSY Award to his name, audiences loved to see what Higgins was up to. He stayed busy constantly, making guest appearances on multiple shows that play on MeTV. 

6. Lucky the Cat & Lucky II


It takes a lot of patience to work with a character like ALF, and Lucky the Cat had exactly the right amount of patience. While we certainly appreciate his work, Lucky spends most of the show being spoken about by a hungry ALF, who looks for any reason to take a bite out of the Tanner family feline. With the passing of the original Lucky during season four of the show, a new cat had to be cast as the family pet. This addition to the cast had some major pawprints to fill, and he met those expectations easily. When called to action, Lucky stays remarkably calm and collected as ALF gets up close and personal. This chilled-out demeanor earns him a spot on our list because while it's an easier job than most, there's something to be said for staying calm in a high-stakes situation. 

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CarolKelley 59 months ago
Ia Pluto the same dog that played Tramp on My Three Sons? And are Tramp and Smiley on Hazel the same dog? Whatever, it's no wonder that I love scruffy dogs!

Orangey lived to be about 20 which is pretty darn old for a cat, even one that is well-taken care of. He's a beautiful cat, but his beautiful coat is not unique, just unusual. Most pure orange cats are male while most calicos and tortoioseshells are female because orange coat is sex-linked. Cat coat color genetics is so interesting.
EmBee 68 months ago
Arnold the pig was portrayed by several pigs over the course of Green Acres. And I agree. They could only come up with SIX? So many were left out why did they bother?
Mark 68 months ago
What about Tiger from The Brady Bunch?
JDnHuntsvilleAL Mark 46 months ago
What makes him so hard working?
Philip 68 months ago
What about "Cat"? Data's cat on Star Trek The Next Generation.
Mark Philip 68 months ago
His name is Spot.
JDnHuntsvilleAL Philip 46 months ago
What makes "cat" so hard working?
stephaniestavropoulos 68 months ago
WHAT!?!? NO mention of Bamboo Harvester {aka Mr. Ed.}?!?! He accomplished a feat Sport, Chub, Buck and Cochese never did: He was the star of his own show.
What about Susie? {aka Flipper,} she also had her own show.
Two Ben {one also had his own show: Gentle Ben.} Ben from The LIfe And Times Of Grizzly Adams.
Orangey, the cat: I want to say I saw him/her on Mission Impossible. There was for sure, one episode w/feline, possibly a 2nd.
Speaking of cats: Kitty Kat {from Addams Family,} was popular. {He was also on a certain "3 hour tour," show.}
"Scruffy" the Ghost And Mrs. Muir, Elvis the alligator, from Miami Vice, Dreyfus, from Golden Girls/ Empty Nest. Myron the mouse and Mathilda[?] the cat, from The Brady Bunch. This list can {but won't} keep going and going and going, just like the Energizer Bunny!
BB: I'm talking about the cat Bobby rescued from that abandoned house, when he was Safety Monitor.
FYI the cat Bobby rescued, was named Pandora, not Mathilda.
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