'70s cars: Who made these models?

Get behind the wheel of this awesome quiz!

 The Everett Collection

"Vroom, vroom," "beep, beep" and "skkkkkkkkkkkkkrt!"

Do you speak car? Are you a total motorhead? Do friends and families turn to you with their car-related questions? Then this is the quiz for you!

Even if you're not a total car person, you might have some luck. Maybe you lived through the '70s! Then this will probably be a breeze to you!

We want to see how well you remember these names, and who produced them. Good luck, and be sure to share your score in the comments section below!

  1. The Gremlin... Who made it?
  2. Country Squire... Who made it?
  3. Civic CVCC... Who made it?
  4. Caprice... Who made it?
  5. Horizon... Who made it?
  6. Granada... Who made it?
  7. Fleetwood Brougham... Who made it?
  8. Polara... Who made it?
  9. LeSabre... Who made it?
  10. Cortina... Who made it?

'70s cars: Who made these models?

Your Result...

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LH 2 days ago
I did GREAT! I let my husband answer the questions 🤣
ww245 8 days ago
10/10 This girl knows the cars around her growing up! The Ford Cortina was a curve ball - not a very common car sold here in the states, but was sold overseas like in Europe and Austrailia.
8176Morgan ww245 8 days ago
All I can saw is Wow! Make that ten wows. Well done Miss ww245.
ww245 8176Morgan 5 days ago
Thanx Morgan! I used to be into cars so it was pretty easy for me.
Crisco 9 days ago
8/10...missed#2 and 10.would have gotten them all if they were Muscle cars.i miss my 1970 Plymouth Roadrunner and 74 Dodge Charger! The coke bottle!
gockionni 10 days ago
You had to be a contortionist to clean the inside of the back window in any of those ‘70’s fast back models like the one pictured lol
Payneiam 11 days ago
6/10 but they were all pretty crappy cars.
DZee 12 days ago
10/10. Was probably the easiest quiz I ever took here.
ww245 DZee 8 days ago
Was definitely one of my easiest quizzes lol
CortneyNicole 13 days ago
9/10 The last one got me on Cortina.
Gunsmoked CortneyNicole 11 days ago
Me too I've never seen a Cortina or heard of one in my life 🤔Google search . . . .
It was the United Kingdom's best-selling car of the 1970s , Hmmm no wonder 🫤
SteveAcra 14 days ago
9/10. Never heard of a Ford Cortina!
ArchieB SteveAcra 13 days ago
Same here.
LarryMMM SteveAcra 13 days ago
Ditto! Never heard of that model, I believe it was just sold in Europe, well I guess Google will tell me....lol, other than that, 9/10....
CortneyNicole SteveAcra 13 days ago
Maybe I was confused on the last one didn't know it was made by Ford.
Crisco SteveAcra 9 days ago
Me either.
ww245 SteveAcra 8 days ago
I think they threw that in there for a trick question - that wasn't a commonly American sold car and was sold more overseas like in Austrailia.
bukhrn 14 days ago
10/10, I'll have to admit #10 was a guess. as I've never heard of it.
Do remember the Dodge Polara had a "square" steering wheel.
JHP 14 days ago
my 2 cents about this quiz....1st of all

The pic of that car isn't in the quiz and it may be a 'cuda?
dimestore JHP 14 days ago
Dodge charger
JHP dimestore 14 days ago
ok - thanks:) twin sons from different mothers

My Love was always a '68 Shelby Cobra ....maybe sometime
Coldnorth JHP 12 days ago
I’ve always wanted a Rag Stang. Never got one. Rear wheel drive not good for my part of the country. No traction
Rob Coldnorth 10 days ago
It would be fun in the summer, though.
Coldnorth Rob 10 days ago
It sure would
John111911Smith 15 days ago
Guessed at #10 and missed. Was almost certain it was Chrysler, but…
Oh well!
Brad 15 days ago
10 of 10, because they finally fixed the "Country Squire" question. Last time, they actually expected people to say it was a Chrysler product,,,
ThomasPotter Brad 15 days ago
maybe they were confusing it with the Town and Country
That could be. Our neighbors down the street owned a '64 and '68 Ford Country Squire station wagon. So I knew that one. Got 8/10.
ElizabethBoop 15 days ago
I'll never forget the time I rented a car and they handed me the keys and pointed down a long row and said "it's just beyond the blue Horizon".

(Not-true story: one Chrysler model got its name when the designer spelled his daughter Norabel's name backwards.)
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