Are these classic TV character actors or 1960s baseball All-Stars?

Can you tell Dabs, Mudcat and Shug from Cookie, Catfish and Boog?

 The Everett Collection

Classic TV character actors had all kinds of kooky names. Some of them were perfectly tailored to their frequent appearances in Westerns while others were simply family names that you don't hear every day.

Another realm of pop culture with a penchant for strange monikers was professional baseball, especially in the 1960s. Players had all kinds of nicknames.

Here are the names of classic TV character actors mixed with some of the memorable MLB ballplayers of the 1960s. Can you tell who is who from the names alone?

  1. Yogi Berra
  2. Slim Pickens
  3. Hank Aaron
  4. Ernie Banks
  5. Dabbs Greer
  6. Cookie Rojas
  7. X Brands
  8. Nellie Fox
  9. Chill Wills
  10. Scatman Crothers
  11. Boog Powell
  12. Cactus Mack
  13. Mudcat Grant
  14. Minnie Minoso
  15. Big Buck Maffei
  16. Catfish Hunter
  17. Shug Fisher
  18. Tristram Coffin
  19. Blue Moon Odom
  20. Guich Koock

Are these classic TV character actors or 1960s baseball All-Stars?

Your Result...

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MikefromJersey 5 months ago
"You got 16 out of 20. Did you get all of them or were the right answers kinda… Slim Pickens?"
Yogi appeared on Bilko in a very funny episode.
Several Dodgers appeared uncredited on The Rifleman. And Mister Ed had a slew of Dodgers appear
when Ed attended batting practice and hit a inside the ballpark home run.
They put a dead horse on a pallet and dragged it to home plate when Mister Ed "slid home".
DK 5 months ago
14/20. I hadn't heard of half of them.
greenhornet66 8 months ago
14 out of 20. i missed 6 of the character actors. 7, 12, 15, 17, 18 and 20. never heard of any of them.
Ajax 8 months ago
20/20 I’m a big baseball fan.
James9 11 months ago
19/20. Missed number 15.
RedSamRackham James9 11 months ago
* 19/20 here! I guessed wrong on #12 ♣
Peter 42 months ago
Got 'em all cause I knew all the ball players.
frances3agape 44 months ago
WOW - 18 of 20
But only KNEW 10 while 8 were LUCKY guesses
FUN survey
texasluva 44 months ago

Snap! Our quiz guesser lynngdance done took this down in a jiffy. Now we can all sit back, relax and view. Thanks again lynngdance. Also Moody was just in the Rear (behind Lynn).

Rear Window 1954 1h 52min
Alfred Hitchcock
James Stewart
Grace Kelly
Raymond Burr
Thelma Ritter
Wendell Corey

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frances3agape texasluva 44 months ago
Just a quick HI to You !
Got on yesterday after over a month. Have been getting lots done at home, but have missed the comraderie on here. However, I have NOT cut out watching MeTV!
Peace, Love and Blessings to You and Yours
texasluva frances3agape 44 months ago
Nice to hear from you. Hope everything is okay 🙂.
texasluva Moody 43 months ago
Your extra bonus during the week movie.

Our movie this week is a Action-Comedy-Crime

Silver Streak (1976) 1 hir 53 min
Director: Arthur Hiller
Gene Wilder
Richard Pryor
Jill Clayburgh
Patrick McGoohan
Ned Beatty
Ray Walston
Scatman Crothers

On a long-distance train trip, a man finds romance but also finds himself in danger of being killed, or at least pushed off the train. Along with a lot of laughs of course.
texasluva LaDolceVita 42 months ago
You are heading for an Odyssey. A 2001: A Space Odyssey as mater of fact. From past to present future.

2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) 2 hr 28 min-Adventure-Sci-Fi
Director: Stanley Kubrick
Keir Dullea
Gary Lockwood
William Sylvester
Daniel Richter
After discovering a mysterious artifact buried beneath the Lunar surface, mankind sets off on a quest to find its origins with help from intelligent supercomputer H.A.L. 9000.
texasluva 44 months ago
Movie Quiz July 16 2021

This movie one of the best by a long time director. You know him very well indeed. The main actor is truly magnificent in all types of movies. Co-actor with a short cinema career taking marriage and house wife as top priority. Other actors not only in movies but TV series and shows that lasted decades. This movie one for the dramatics, suspense and crime. If you have not seen it then you are out of the classic movie loop one would think. If you have then now owning a copy as soon as one of our posters get it.

Ones we all remember. Kick it up some.........

John Fogerty - The Old Man Down The Road.

Canned Heat Let's Work Together.

Status Quo - Whatever You Want.

HEART - Crazy On You.

The Knack - My Sharona.

Show Me The Way - Peter Frampton.

Action Thriller bonus movie
Some of the crew and other terrorists are getting ready to take over a USS Battle Ship. The thing is it has a trove of nuclear missiles in which they intend to steal. If the US government does not follow orders they intend to use two of them against Hawaii. In seconds it will turn the whole island into 10 thousand degrees and kill millions. What will happen and who is to stop them.

Under Siege (1992) 1 hr 42 min
Director: Andrew Davis
Steven Segal
Tommy Lee Jones
Gary Buscy
Erika Eleniak

Comedy, Crime and Mystery Bonus movie

Who Is Killing The Great Chefs Of Europe? (1978) 1 hr 52 min
Director: Ted Kotcheff
George Segal
Jacqueline Bisset
Robert Morley
Jean-Pierre Cassel

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texasluva LoveMETV22 44 months ago
!!Wanted!! but preferred Alive
Those that wish to participate in the Weekly Movie Quiz.
Conversation as to what this movie might be
Winners name in MeTV Lights
Just plain ole fun
Let's Do it at: Monk proved Tony Shalhoub was definitely leading man material (stories)
Friday @ 10:00 P.M CT
The Show Must Go On-Another knock down quizorama and entertainment.
Oh yeah, I remember that movie 👍
Oh yeah. I remember AWL too 🤔. How is she 🤨🤷‍♂️.
😆 I am doin good, thank you for asking. You know that old phrase "if it ain't one thing, it's another"? Well that's been my motto here lately 😜😂 Things just keep popping up (all good of course) so I'm not complaining 😉
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