Are these cult films actually good?
Is it worthy of cult classic status?

What makes a movie a "cult film"? Cinephiles have disagreed over the definition for years, and no resolution has been heard as of yet. Some argue that a cult film is a box office bomb that gains newfound appreciation and adoration after its theatrical run. Some argue that a cult film is any film with a deeply devoted fanbase.
Regardless, films that have been given the coveted cult status have gained newfound love from fans across the globe. But have they earned that love? We're asking that difficult question today and giving you the opportunity to answer. We'll give you a film that has been argued to have reached "cult status" and you tell us if that film is actually good, and thus worthy of that status.
Creature From The Black Lagoon
Plan 9 from Outer Space
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Beyond the Valley of the Dolls
Harold and Maude
The Evil Dead
The Thing
Pink Flamingos
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Night of the Living Dead

Are these cult films actually good?
Your Result...
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I couldn't make heads or tails out of Eraserhead, but I know ppl who love it.
Monty Python's Holy Grail is probably my favorite on this list.
Got 83%>
I also hate the 1982 remake of "The Thing". The original was less gross and more scary.
...not to mention that it'll make your sister-in-law laugh until she pees herself
I watched it again a few years later, well-rested and fully with-it, and didn't find it funny at all. Make of that what you will. :-)
They were screening Night of the Living Dead near halloween.
When the film ended, a guy stood up in the crowd and asked if there were any questions.
Someone said "who the hell are you?".
He said... "I'm the guy that made the film!" (It was George Romero)
Very cool moment. Lots of good questions. Wish I had a cell phone with a camera back in 1990.