Are these real episode titles for Mama's Family or did we make them up?

Is "Cat's Meow" a real episode or did we just make that up?

 The Everett Collection

Mama's Family had many iconic episodes in its six seasons. The show that once started as a Carol Burnett sketch called "The Family" developed into its own and attracted a large fan base.

Many Mama's Family fans may already know every episode title, but for those who don't, this quiz may be a little hard.

Can you tell if these are real episode titles of Mama's Family? Test your knowledge of Mama's Family episodes below! Good luck!

Watch Mama's Family on MeTV!

Sundays at 4 & 4:30 PM

*available in most MeTV markets
  1. "Tri-State's Most Wanted"
  2. "Baby Talk"
  3. "The Really Proud Family"
  4. "Family Feud"
  5. "Mama's Big Day"
  6. "All About the Kids"
  7. "Mama Gets a Job"
  8. "Mama Needs Help"
  9. "Cat's Meow"
  10. "April Fools"
  11. "Grandma USA"
  12. "Dancing Dirty"

Are these real episode titles for Mama's Family or did we make them up?

Your Result...

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Snickers 28 months ago
What's up with all The Mama's Family quizzes? It's not even a funny show.
RichLorn 28 months ago
I wonder how many know that Mama's trademark pearl necklace was real and valued at $185,000. I know because the guy who sold them to me for $400 said so. I always was a shrewd negotiator.
SteveMcnary 28 months ago
I sure hope they're not going to bring this show back on. Its NOT funny!
Snickers SteveMcnary 28 months ago
Totally agree, not funny at all.
tmac1951 28 months ago
You can always tell how popular a show is by the number of comments written.
AllisonWunderland 28 months ago
7/12…How would I know if they made em up 🤣
CaptainDunsel 28 months ago
This time I just went through and alternated, Real / Not Real.
BrianMoore 28 months ago
12 out of 12. I know my Mama's Family.
Jeremy BrianMoore 28 months ago
Me too!
CaptainDunsel Jeremy 28 months ago
How do you know his Mama's Family?
Wendy57 CaptainDunsel 28 months ago
Funny and quite clever. 😄
Jeremy CaptainDunsel 28 months ago
Just lucky, I guess!
Zip 28 months ago
I know I must really love Mama's Family because I normally don't do very well on these "title" quizzes.
tmac1951 Zip 28 months ago
That’s because they don’t show the episode titles on the credits
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