Are these the names of Andy Griffith Show characters or cartoon characters?

Ernest T. Bass is not a fish.

 LOONEY TUNES and all related characters and elements are ™ of & © WBEI/CBS Television Distribution

Mayberry sure had some colorful characters — even in black-and-white. The Looney Tunes cartoons you love, on the other hand, have characters literally full of color, popping off the screen in beautiful, hand-made animation.

It's pretty easy to tell The Andy Griffith Show apart from a cartoon (though, Barney Fife can contort his face like Bugs Bunny) — but can you tell the difference between a character from the Mayberry sitcom and characters from Merrie Melodies and Looney Tunes shorts?

Good luck, doc!

Watch Bugs Bunny and Friends on MeTV!

One Full Hour

Saturdays at 9 AM

*available in most MeTV markets
  1. Goopy Geer
  2. Dud Wash
  3. Hilda Mae
  4. Sam Jones
  5. Miss Prissy
  6. Mr. McBeevee
  7. Chilkoot Sam
  8. Private Snafu
  9. Henery Hawk
  10. Marc Antony
  11. Mr. Frisby
  12. Skippy & Daphne
  13. Willoughby
  14. Dean Darling
  15. Dan McFoo

Are these the names of Andy Griffith Show characters or cartoon characters?

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72doug 8 months ago
14/15! number 15 ruined my perfect score.
WGH 10 months ago

Trivia about Private Snafu.
SNAFU is an acronym used in the US military. It means Situation Normal, All F***ed Up.

It's usually used by enlisted men when talking about officers. It's sarcastic.
Sachelle 36 months ago
11/15. I've never seen the Andy Griffith show.
amosdark 49 months ago
12/15thumb dragged wrong answers...😁anyone remember ‘sky king’ from Saturday mornings..?
WGH amosdark 10 months ago
They did a movie several years back with Jude Law.

Sky King and the World of Tomorrow.

It didn't do too well in the theaters but I really liked it.
ElwooodBlues amosdark 8 months ago
Sky King(Kirby Grant) and Penny(Gloria Winters) his niece.(Had a BIG crush on her)
JewelsChuck 49 months ago
13/15 some I guessed at, so a great score in my opinion.
ETristanBooth 49 months ago
15/15. I know the TAGS characters, so the others must be cartoons.
Jonathan_nyc_ 49 months ago
sam jones? 11/15
SteveO Jonathan_nyc_ 49 months ago
Mayberry RFD
Jonathan_nyc_ SteveO 49 months ago
ohhh i never watched rfd why do the characters look so different in rfd? lol
WGH Jonathan_nyc_ 10 months ago
No one watched Mayberry RFD. Lol.

Ken Barry just wasn't very good.
mhfisher35 49 months ago
Missed #2. Dud Wash?
SteveO mhfisher35 49 months ago
Charlene Darling's fiance.
clschnetz 50 months ago
I must admit Andy Griffith has always been one of my favs! Looney toons as well! Quiz was a cinch! Only negative for weekday cartoons is the stupidity, for lack of better word, of Mr. Bill and the sock puppet. Really? So unnecessary! Play more cartoons!!!
WGH clschnetz 10 months ago
I like Bill but the skits are too long. I do like the sock puppet.
AmyMo28 50 months ago
11/15 🤷 I am enjoying the morning toons during the week and on Saturday mornings. I feel like a kid again. 👧 😁
Peter_Falk_Fan AmyMo28 49 months ago
I was so thrilled to see MeTV do this! I remember getting up Satuday mornings to watch Bugs Bunny/Roadrunner cartoons. I even owned a Plymouth Roadrunner with the "Beep-beep" horn.
AmyMo28 Peter_Falk_Fan 49 months ago
Very cool.👍
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