Match these Looney Tunes catchphrases to the correct characters!

I say, I say, I say… who said that?


Image: The Everett Collection

The theatrical Looney Tunes cartoons featured some of the most beautiful art ever put into an animation cel. But the Warner Bros. shorts would have been nothing without the voice actors… and the writing.

The colorful catchphrases — and the lively delivery of them — made these characters eternally quotable. Looney Tunes catchphrases are part of our vernacular. 

Let's see if you can match them to the correct characters!

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  1. "Eh, what's up, doc?"
  2. "Th-th-th-that's all, folks!"
  3. "Meep! Meep!"
  4. "You're dethpicable!"
  5. "Why you wascawwy wabbit!"
  6. "Sufferin' succotash!"
  7. "What's the big idea, son?"
  8. "I will name him George"
  9. "Hello! Ma baby! Hello! Ma honey!"
  10. "I tawt I taw a puddy-tat!"
  11. "Great horny toads!"
  12. "Are you comin' quietly, or do I have to muss ya up!?"
  13. Finally, this overly polite duo constantly spouted things like "Oh, no, no, no, no, no!" and "Why, thank kew!"

Match these Looney Tunes catchphrases to the correct characters!

Your Result...

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CrumblyCrunchies 6 months ago
Know my toons. 13 Also...I WANT METV TOONS!
Marilynwheeler 9 months ago
I didn’t just grow up watching these shows but I try to watch them every Saturday morning. I have to admit that I also watched them when my son was growing up, and I used to put them on when my grandkids would come over. Now I will soon be watching them with my great grandchildren, and I am looking forward to watching them grow up watching them. These shows are have been on since before I was old enough to remember them and they are still on because they are really great shows, I hope they will continue to air them for years to come.
WGH 11 months ago

Didn't even have to guess. Grew up watching these over and over and over. Guess I should have spent some time reading books.
CaroleThorpe 19 months ago
You got 13 out of 13
That's all, folks! How did you score?
frances3agape 31 months ago
WooHoo 12 of 13!
Was in the zone on this one, missed No 6 "Sufferin' succotash"
Hats off to all those who went 13/13
PulsarStargrave 32 months ago
13/13 although how ya got "Meep, Meep!" out of "Beep, Beep!" is baffling to me!
I know, I thought the same thing, even the caption read “beep beep!”
Butterflies 33 months ago
Fun quiz Looney Tunes catchphrases 13/13
ClassicTVnut 35 months ago
13 out of 13! Kergooliewyn teamed up with me on that one!
Sachelle 38 months ago
8/13. I should know better, I grew up watching these cartoons.
Fero 38 months ago
11/13 didn't know goofy gophers was a thing
bnichols23 Fero 35 months ago
Why, YAAAAY-ess!!
WGH Fero 11 months ago
They were so polite to each other it was sickening. But funny.
LouiseRoberts 43 months ago
13 / 13 still remember from my childhood!
alexthecartoonkid 48 months ago
10/13 looney tunes has been one of the greatest shows.
lisody 48 months ago
9/13. Not bad. The ones I missed I’ve never heard of.
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